Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

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Farmers’ health, safety and welfareThe health, safety and welfare offarmers and consumers are vitalassets <strong>for</strong> the sustainable developmentof the potato subsector andagriculture throughout the world. Particularattention must be paid to reducing risksassociated with the use of pesticides, toolsand machinery, and to ensuring thatpotatoes are produced and handled in amanner that does not harm theenvironment and the health, and safety offarmers and consumers.Good practicesCreating awareness of food safety andenvironmental issues should be part ofcommunity education programmes inrural areas.Train farmers in the efficient and safe useof pesticides, fertilizers, tools andmachineryEncourage them to invest in potatofarming, and in improving their livingstandards.Use decision support tools to reduce theamounts of biocides used in potatoproduction and thus reduce the risks ofdangerous levels of residues in harvestedor stored produce.Ensure that medical doctors and hospitalsin rural areas are able to recognizesymptoms of agrochemical poisoning andtreat it.Potential areas of improvementFarmers groups should considerdeveloping partnerships with public sectorand development <strong>org</strong>anizations to addresshealth and safety issues.Create services that collect pesticidepacking material and unused redundantstocks <strong>for</strong> centrally <strong>org</strong>anized destruction.In<strong>for</strong>m farmers and households aboutproper pesticide labelling and thedesignation of containers used to mixpesticides, and the use of properlyfunctioning protective equipment andclothing.Establish a list of chemicals that aregenerally safe <strong>for</strong> various crops and a“black list” of chemicals that aredangerous and are <strong>for</strong>bidden.Set maximum residue levels <strong>for</strong>agrochemicals that are permitted <strong>for</strong> usein the country.Organize farmers groups in cooperativesto promote their interests and call <strong>for</strong>positive marketing regulations, lowerduties and taxes on imported tools andequipment, and better access to credit toimprove their self-reliance and welfare.65KEY INDICATORSOFSUSTAINABILITY

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