Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

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14SUSTAINABLEPOTATOPRODUCTIONExport markets open in USA and EuropeThe US government’s AfricanGrowth and Opportunity Act(AGOA) provides preferentialaccess <strong>for</strong> more than 1,800 tariffLOCAL TRANSPORTATIONOF POTATOES TO MARKETIN MYANMAR.(PHOTO: ZIN MIN)lines, including agriculturalcommodities, from designatedsub-Saharan African countries.The Everything But Arms (EBA)initiative of the European Union(EU) eliminates import tariffsand restrictions on numerousgoods, including agriculturalproducts, from least developedcountries provided that planthealth regulations are met. EBAgrants duty-free access <strong>for</strong>imports from most LessDeveloped Countries, except <strong>for</strong>a few sensitive commodities(e.g. bananas, sugar and rice)that will be liberalized gradually.Most of the commoditiesincluded in EBA previouslyreceived duty-free access to theEU under preferentialprogrammes such as theLomé/Cotonou Agreement.

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