John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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available lights in the 1890's and early 1900's were dimincandescent lights, and they would not have produced theblinding glare so often described in these reports. The fewautomobiles of that time used kerosine or gasoline lanternsas headlights. It was not until the middle 1960's thatairliners and military planes began regularly to employpowerful strobe lights and new, more brilliant landinglights. The landing lights are, of course, used only duringtakeoffs and descents. The strobe lights are now oftenmounted on the tops and bottoms of the fuselage and flashoff and on with a brilliant white glare. They are easilyrecognizable and seldom mistaken for the prismatic UFOlights. There has also been some recent experimentationwith searchlights mounted on helicopters. Let's compare asearchlight story of 1875 with a more recent one.Harold I. Velt's The Sacred Book of Ancient Americaquotes from a contemporary account by J. J. Cornish:On accountof working at daily labor this baptism wasperformed on Wednesday, late in the evening of December 29,1875, an intensely dark night. After our prayer meeting Mrs.<strong>John</strong> Taylor and Miss Sarah Lively were baptized by me in theRiver Thames [in London. Ontario, Canada*] when suddenlythere came a very beautiful light from heaven, which rested onall—both members and nonmembers—brighter than the sun atnoondayIt came down with a sound like a mighty rushingwind. We could hear it far above in the distance, and as itreached the place where we stood we were enveloped in thebrightest and most beautiful light I ever saw—the glory of theLord. The light was round, straight up and down, like a shaftfrom heaven to earth, and just as bright on the inside edge as itwas in the center, and so far as we could see it was just as darkon the outer edge as it was a mile away.... After baptism anddismissal the light did not go out, but gradually went up until itvanished from our sightHere we seem to have had a directed and controlledbeam of electromagnetic energy (which is what light is)which did not reflect on the area outside of the immediatebeam. This is commonly described by UFO witnesses. Thewitnesses to the Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, landing in1966 reported that the angular object which settled onto abeach was projecting several beams of concentrated light in*London, Ontario, has been the site of many interesting UFO eventsin the past twenty years.

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