John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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true and correct." (Yates Center, Kansas, The Farmer'sAdvocate, April 23, 1897.)This case is significant not only because of the detaileddescription of the transparency of the object, but because itwas the first of a long line of cattle-rustling reportsconcerning UFOs. The theft and mutilation of dogs, cattle,and horses have become unpleasantly commonplace inflap areas.Texas had more than its share of sightings during 1897,and many of them were concentrated in the region where<strong>John</strong> Martin had reported seeing a flying saucer in 1878.On April 22, 1897, Mr. <strong>John</strong> M. Barclay conversed,allegedly, with a man from an oblong machine with wingsand brilliant lights "which appeared much brighter thanelectric lights." He had been awakened about 11 P.M. byhis furiously barking dog, and when he looked outside, hesaw the object hovering stationary about 15 feet abovethe ground. It circled a few times and landed in a nearbypasture. Barclay grabbed his rifle and went to investigate.When he was about 30 yards from the ship, he was met "byan ordinary mortal" who asked him to put his gun aside."Who are you?" Mr. Barclay asked."Never mind about my name; call it Smith," the manreplied. "I want some lubricating oil and a couple of coldchisels if you can get them, and some bluestone. 1 supposethe saw mill hard by has the two former articles, and thetelegraph operator has the bluestone. Here's a ten-dollarbill; take it and get us those articles and keep the change foryour trouble."Mr. Barclay reportedly asked him, "What have you gotdown there? Let me go and see it.""No," the man said quickly. "We cannot permit you toapproach any nearer, but do as we request you and yourkindness will be appreciated, and we will call you somefuture day and reciprocate your kindness by taking you ona trip."Barclay located some oil and the chisels but he couldn'tget the bluestone. He returned and tried to give the manback the ten-dollar bill, but it was refused. "Smith" shookhands with the Texan, thanked him, and asked him not tofollow him to the object. Barclay asked him where he wasfrom and where he was going."From anywhere," Smith answered. "But we will be inGreece day after tomorrow."He climbed aboard the object, there was a whirring

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