John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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I have tried to apply the standard rules of scholarshipwherever possible, going directly to the original sources inmost cases instead of relying upon the distilled and oftendistorted versions of these events which were laterpublished in various media. This involved tracking downand interviewing, either by phone or in person, the peoplewho had the experiences or, at least, conferring with theinvestigators who personally checked into some cases andwere able to supply taped interviews with the witnesses andother documentation. In the earlier, historical cases I havetried to accumulate at least three independent publishedcitations for each event. Many possibly important eventswere rejected simply because it proved impossible touncover satisfactory documentation.My files include thousands of letters, affidavits, andother materials encompassing many unpublished caseswhich correlated with and confirmed the events andconclusions discussed in this book. Numerous otherresearchers around the world have confirmed my findingsthrough events in their own areas.The real problems hidden behind the UFO phenomenonare staggering and so complex that they will seemalmost incomprehensible at first. The popular beliefs andspeculations are largely founded upon biased reporting,gross misinterpretations, and the inability to see beyondthe limits of any one of many frames of reference. Cunningtechniques of deception and psychological warfare havebeen employed by the UFO source to keep us confused andskeptical. Man's tendency to create a deep and inflexiblebelief on the basis of little or no evidence has beenexploited. These beliefs have created tunnel vision andblinded many to the real nature of the phenomenon,making it necessary for me to examine and analyze manyof these beliefs in this text.Some readers will be offended and enraged by what Ihave to say and how I have chosen to say it. It is not myintention to attack any belief or frame of reference. Rather,I have tried to demonstrate how all of these things blendtogether into a larger whole.JOHN A. KEEL

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