John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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Angels and SpacemenIn his book A Guest from the Universe, AlexanderKazentsev theorized that the angels mentioned in the Biblemight actually have been extraterrestrials. British ufologistBrinsley Le Poer Trench, author of The Sky People,supports this notion, as does Paul Misraki in LesExtraterrestres. They all cite the Biblical stories in Genesisin which Lot meets two angels and takes them into hishome, where they feasted like ordinary men (Genesis 19:3).The Bible never describes angels as being winged creatures,although artists usually depict them that way. Indeed, theangels seem to have been manlike, though gifted withextraordinary powers. When they appeared beforeAbraham (Genesis 18:2), they were described as "threemen" who ate and drank with him. Again and again "threemen" play important roles in Biblical events. "Three men"repeatedly turn up in modern UFO events, too, andprovide still one more puzzling aspect of the problem.Misraki notes that the Church did not accept thespiritual nature of angels until the sixth century A.D. Beforethat, theologists considered angels to be physical beings. Afew years ago the Reverend H. Wipprecht of Cobalt,Canada, stated that "the Bible's description of angels fits'intelligent beings' from other planets." More aptly, thedescriptions fit intelligent beings from this planet: beingsthat look like us but possess the peculiar special qualities ofultraterrestrials who share our world yet are a species apartfrom us.We must also note that these "angels" were, accordingto the Bible, frequently concerned with the propagation ofthe human race. Abraham's elderly wife, well pastchildbearing age, is said to have given birth to Isaac after avisit from the three men (Genesis, Chapter 21). So we aretold that these "men" possess the power of life and death.They are credited with the destruction of Sodom andGomorrah, yet they restored Abraham's Sarah to fertility.The Book of Revelation, the last section of the NewTestament, is especially important to this study. At firstreading it may seem to be filled with vague poetry and maydefy interpretation, but if you take many of the passagesliterally, and avoid a symbolic or religious interpretation,new meanings will open up to you. For example, inChapter 4 we are told that "a door was opened in heaven,"and there is a description of the interior of a place occupied

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