John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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when their eyes were still swollen and reddish fromconjunctivitis. I suffered this ailment myself after a closesighting in 1967.Visible light is sandwiched in between—5 and —6 onour scale. This is the only portion of the spectrum which wecan see and utilize. These visible rays are divided into thebasic frequencies of blue, yellow, and red. Whencombined, they form white.Beyond red there is infrared, the visible rays radiated byheat. Many UFO witnesses have complained of feelingoppressive waves of heat, even when the objects seemed tobe many yards away. Concentrated infrared can also hurtthe eyes. Infrared rays are shorter than microwave radiosignals and longer than the waves of visible light.Man-made radio signals are last on the scale. Theserange from microwaves to UHF(ultrahigh frequencies) onone end, to VLF (very low frequencies) on the other.The Van Allen belt, a belt of radiation circling the earth,and the atmosphere strain out most of the cosmic rayswhich are constantly bombarding us. The ultraviolet andinfrared rays of the sun penetrate this barrier, fortunately,and plant and animal life have adjusted to absorb andutilize these energies.

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