John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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The UFO sighting data confirm this theory, but we lackthe necessary technology to prove it conclusively.Energy and IllusionAny high school student of physics can tell you that ourreality is an illusion. The occultists have been saying thissame thing for centuries. All matter is composed ofconfined energy. Tiny moving electrons and energyparticles form atoms of varying weights and densities.These atoms are joined together to form molecules ofspecific substances. They are so tiny that the atomremained only a theory for many years. We cannotperceive the atom but now can prove scientifically that itexists and that it is made up of energy.Atoms and molecules form larger structures, eventhough they do not touch. If we could reduce ourselves tothe size of an electron in an atom, the next nearest atomwould seem like a distant star. We are so much larger thanthe atom that a collection of atoms seems to form solidmatter to us. This page seems solid to you, but it is made upof billions of atoms. So are you. If you try to poke yourfinger through this page, you will tear it. But you can easilypoke your finger into a cloud of cigarette smoke because itsmolecules are farther apart.We learned to reshape molecules long ago throughchemical and physical manipulation. We can melt a bar ofsteel and mold it into a sword or a plowshare. We can cutdown a tree and build a chair out of it—or a piece of paper.Such manipulations are primitive processes. But ourindustries and sciences have been built around them.Now we are beginning to learn how to manipulateenergy itself. We started by finding ways to peel electronsoff atoms and release the basic energy hidden in the atom.We naturally applied this important discovery to meltingcities and disintegrating human beings.The chair you sit in is composed of billions and billionsof molecules made up of atoms. Each cell of your body isalso composed of millions of atoms. If the energy patternsor frequencies of the atoms of your body were radicallydifferent from the atoms of your chair, it is conceivablethat they would intermix and you would sink right throughthe chair somewhat in the same way that your finger passesthrough a cloud of cigarette smoke.

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