John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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quite happy to make. We found no such evidence, and sostate in our report We concluded that it is notworthwhile to carry on a continuing study of UFOs in themanner which has been done so far: that of going out intothe field to interview persons who say they have seensomething peculiar. The difficulty about using objectivemeans of study lies in the rarity of the apparitions, theirshort duration, and the tendency of observers not to reporttheir experience until long after it has ended Thesedifficulties led us to conclude that it is quite unproductiveof results of scientific value to study UFOs in thetraditional manner. But, contrary to popular belief, we donot rule out all future study."Perhaps we need a National Magic Agency (pronounced'enema') to make a large and expensive study ofall these matters, including the future scientific study ofUFOs, if any," he concluded.The real UFO story must encompass all of the manymanifestations being observed. It is a story of ghosts andphantoms and strange mental aberrations; of an invisibleworld which surrounds us and occasionally engulfs us; ofprophets and prophecies, and gods and demons. It is aworld of illusion and hallucination where the unreal seemsvery real, and where reality itself is distorted by strangeforces which can seemingly manipulate space, time, andphysical matter—forces which are almost entirely beyondour powers of comprehension.Nearly all of those who have finally come to anunderstanding of the true nature of the phenomenon havequietly abandoned the subject because they found itimpossible to articulate their findings and make theincredible credible. They were not silenced by the AirForce or the CIA, as the cultists believe. They wererendered mute by the awesome and overwhelmingrealization that man is not alone; that the human race ismerely a trifling part of something much bigger.That something is at the core of all human beliefs,ranging from the ancient myths of Greece, India, andChina to the modern myths of the friendly Venusians.Whatever "it" is, it is often inimical to the human race,and the manifestations range from childish mischief to actsof horrifying destruction. The phenomenon has drivenmany people mad; but it has also produced miraculouscures. A cosmic system of checks and balances seems to bean actual fact. There are now well-documented cases of

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