John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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suppressed in the same way the Hills were made to forgettheir experiences. Then, at a time chosen by the entities, aray of some sort was directed at Smallridge(the blue light),and his memory was triggered. He was made to rememberthe earlier conversation as if it had just happened.There is another type of experience which I call timecompression. Here the witness undergoes a sequence ofevents which seem to consume a specific period of time.Later he or she discovers that only a few minutes hadactually passed, even though the whole sequence seemed toconsume hours. Time compression is common amongcontactees who think they have been taken on visits toother planets.I do not believe that any of these people are sufferingdirectly from clinical insanity. Rather, the evidence seemsto indicate that their minds are manipulated by an exteriorinfluence and that sometimes their intellects are unable todigest the information they are given, and their emotionalstructure is unable to retain its stability in the face of theseexperiences. So some of these people crack up under thestrain, or at best, they greatly misinterpret these events.Induced confabulation produces memories of experienceswhich are convincingly real, and a chain reaction ofemotional responses creates irrational fanaticism. Thesepeople abandon their jobs and devote all of their time andthought to spreading the gospel of the space people. Theirfamily relationships disintegrate because all of theirenergies are channeled into one direction. They becomemartyrs to their cause, be it the eminent arrival of the BigBrothers or the Second Coming of Christ; or, as in the caseof the run-of-the-mill hard-core UFO enthusiasts, trying toconvince the world that flying saucers are real and areextraterrestrial.What all this really means is that SOMEONE or somethingactually has the power to completely possess and controlthe human mind. Human beings can be manipulatedthrough this power and used for both good and evilpurposes.We have no way of knowing how many human beingsthroughout the world may have been processed in thismanner, since they would have absolutely no memory ofundergoing the experience, and so we have no way ofdetermining who among us has strange and sinister"programs" lying dormant in the dark corners of his mind.Suppose the plan is to process millions of people and

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