John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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Ashtar Command and the United Planets Organization."When Noonan was interviewed by Lloyd Mallan forTime magazine, he revealed, "I believe that I am theCosmic Master as well as the New Messiah. 1 believe that amillion years ago when this planet was young I was chosento come to the earth and bring with me a Space Command."The Space Command flies in and out of the earth. Theearth is hollow and the Higher Command, the GalacticCommand, already has bases inside the earth. There aregreat openings at each pole of the earth, and what we callthe northern lights is only the Great Central Sun shiningout of these openings. Many people coming from the polarregions have reported seeing flying saucers there whichdisappeared into the ocean."The hollow-earth theory is a very old one. In fact, it isone of the oldest and most widely believed UFOexplanations around. A great many books were publishedabout it in the nineteenth century, including a strange littlenovel called The Smoky God which was supposed to be thetrue experiences of two Scandinavian fishermen whoaccidentally sailed through the hole at the North Pole andspent a year living among the gentle giants who inhabitedthe beautiful inside of our planet.During his interview with Mallan, Mr. Noonandemonstrated his abilities by causing two peculiar UFOshaped"clouds" to materialize outside his window. Mallanphotographed the phenomenon and was hard pressed toexplain it. We might point out that many other contacteeclaimants were able to provide equally convincingdemonstrations. Brilliantly glowing UFOs frequentlyappeared and maneuvered directly over the auditoriumswhere they were lecturing, waltzing around the skies infront of dozens and even hundreds of fascinated witnesses.Allen Noonan is not the only Space Age messiahappointed by the Ashtar command. Dozens of humble,ordinary people suddenly turn into UFO evangelists after aflying saucer enters their lives. Dino Kraspedon did a lot ofpreaching and wrote a "new Bible" before he finally turnedterrorist. Lifelong atheists have become religious fanaticsalmost overnight after their UFO encounters. Such peopleare now becoming regulars on radio and TV talk shows allacross the country.One night in November, 1958, an Arkansas truck driverwas unexpectedly introduced into the shadowy half worldof the ultraterrestrials. R. D. Smallridge was making a

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