John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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It identified itself as the Virgin of Guadalupe and askedthat flowers and candles be placed at the foot of the tree.After the apparition vanished, an airplane mechanicnamed Homero Martinez came upon the frightened littlegirl on his way home."She was very nervous," he said. "She told me what hadhappened and what the vision had said to her. Frankly, Ididn't believe her, and I went on my way. A few steps later Iheard a rare kind of music—very beautiful—and I turnedaround and couldn't see anything. I learned later the girlwas very sick for a day or two and couldn't talk."All of the miracles we have discussed here have centeredaround trees or bushes: a trifling but perhaps significantdetail. All have involved children in isolated areas.Information on the Mexican incident is still scanty at thiswriting, but if the girl really did become sick and voicelessafter her encounter, we have another interesting factor toconsider. A Wanaque, New Jersey, police officer, SergeantBenjamin Thompson, was not only temporarily blinded bya UFO in 1966, but he said, "It took away my voice, and Iwas hoarse for two weeks after that."Contactees complain that they suffer from nausea,headaches, and general illnesses after their initial meetingswith the entities. But after a series of such meetings theirbodies seem to adjust, and they are no longer adverselyaffected. Normal emotional reactions of nervousness andfear can account for some of these sudden ailments, but notall can be dismissed as mere psychosomatic reponses.Some contactee illnesses are suggestive of radiationpoisoning, while others seem to be induced by the odorswhich frequently surround the entities.Usually the entities connected with these miracles arereluctant to identify themselves. After several contacts theyoffer vague labels for themselves which can be interpretedin many ways. The Lady at Lourdes finally toldBernadette. "I am the Immaculate Conception," a phrasethat had no meaning to the young girl but which greatlyexcited the theologists. The Lady at Fatima finallydeclared herself to be the Lady of the Rosary.By the same token, the UFO entities seem to adoptnames such as Xeno (Greek for "stranger") or usevariations on ancient Greek and Indian names frommythology. The long-haired Venusians and the longhairedangels are unquestionably part of the same package,coming from the same source but utilizing different frames

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