John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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There have been many modern miracles of the Fatimatype, but they rarely gain much attention outside ofreligious circles. The flying saucers get much morepublicity than the miracles.Other Miracles, Other CorrelationsBetween the years 1937 and 1945, an entity whoidentified herself as the Queen of the Universe appearedmore than 100 times to four young girls in the tiny hamletof Heede, Germany. The girls, aged twelve throughfourteen, were Anna Schulte, Greta and Maria Ganseforth,and Susanna Bruns. These visions began in November,1937 and continued throughout the war. withthe Lady urging the world to "pray, pray much, especiallyfor the conversion of sinners." Hitler was probably nonetoo happy about all of this, especially since he openlyconsidered himself to be Antichrist.(There are all kinds of stories and rumors that Hitlerwas a trance medium himself and was in contact with evilentities who advised him and directed many of hisgenocidal policies.)Lesser miracles have included weeping statues andpictures which seem to fit into the poltergeist category. Aplaster Virgin began crying real tears in Syracuse, Sicily,on August 29, 1953, and continued to "weep" untilSeptember 1. Investigators could find no rational cause ofthe phenomenon. In other cases, pictures and statues haveshed human blood.On Sunday, June 18, 1961, four young girls wereplaying marbles outside of the little village of Garabandal,Spain, when they suddenly saw an "angel." The girls, MaryCruz Gonzalez, eleven ,Conchita Gonzalez, twelve, JacintaGonzalez, twelve, and Mary Loly Mazon, twelve (none ofthe Gonzalez girls were directly related), said that heappeared to be about nine years old, was dressed in a long,seamless blue robe, had a small face with black eyes, and"fine hands and short fingernails." For some reason, hegave the impression of being very strong. This figure wassurrounded by a dazzling glow and faded into thin airwithout saying a word.The excited youngsters ran into the village and toldeveryone that they had seen an angel. Fatima was about tobe repeated all over again. Most of the adults scoffed, but

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