John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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have seen it This clear-shaped disk suddenly beganturning. It rotated with increasing speed Suddenly, thecrowd began crying with anguish. The 'sun,' revolving allthe time, began falling toward the earth, [now] reddish andbloody, threatening to crush everybody under its fieryweight...."A wave of heat swept over the crowd, drying their rainsoakedclothes instantly. We might speculate that this samewave of heat may have affected the miraculous healingsthat reportedly took place among some of the sick peoplein the crowd, just as the heat from that purple glob in Texasseemed to heal Officer Goode's infected finger.Here we had an event of major importance with 70,000witnesses, many of them priests, scientists, and journalists.It came at a time when Europe was shuddering with theviolence of the First World War and religious faith wasbeing strained by the inanity of sudden death. It wouldbecome one of the most thoroughly investigated UFO-typeincidents of the period. Innumerable books were writtenabout it, yet none of these books contained photos of theactual object. There were plenty of pictures of the crowds,many of whom were pointing cameras skyward. But whathappened to all of the pictures they must have taken? Whathappened to all of the movie footage? I have tried to locatesome of these photographs without success. I can onlyassume that they were collected by somebody and lockedaway in some secret archive. Since there was no U.S. AirForce and no CIA to blame this on, who did confiscatethose pictures?In the initial reports of the phenomenon, all thewitnesses agreed that the object was white and seeminglymetallic, and that it changed color as the speed of rotationincreased. Later, myth and mysticism replaced fact. Thedisk became "the sun," even though observatories aroundthe world assured the press that the sun remained in itsusual place during the miracle. As the years passed, themiracle of "the sun" was gradually played down, andemphasis was shifted to the saintliness of the threechildren. The silvery angel hair is now described as "rosepetals" in most current literature.Analysis of the MiracleFatima was not an accidental contact; it was obviously a

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