John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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Iria on October 13, 1917, in anticipation of the promisedmiracle. Many of them carried cameras, and primitivehand-cranked movie cameras had been set up by newsreelmen. The weather was sour, with dark, sullen skies and aheavy rain. The meadows and fields were a sea of mud, andthe faithful huddled under umbrellas. The three childrengathered with their parents in front of the little tree andwaited. Shortly after noon, Lucia gasped, and her upraisedface flushed as she entered a rapturous trance. The Ladyhad arrived, even though the crowd saw nothing. Thechildren declared that she held an infant in her arms, andfor the first time she identified herself, saying that she was"the Lady of the Rosary." The war was going to end soon,she told them, and all of the soldiers would be returninghome. (The war continued for another year.)Suddenly the crowd screamed, and all the people fell totheir knees. Something was coming through the clouds: ahuge silver disk which rotated rapidly as it descendedtoward the mob. Fragile strands of silvery "angel hair"showered from the sky, melting away before any of it couldbe collected.The object bobbed up and down, waltzing under thecloud layer, and as it whirled faster, it seemed to changecolor, going through the whole spectrum. It swooped downand passed low over the terrified people; then it bobbedupward again. These gyrations were continued for a fullten minutes.Miles from Fatima, others were watching the sameobject. A well-known poet named Affonso Lopes Vieiraclaimed that he saw it from his home at San Pedro de Moel,forty kilometers from Fatima. Eighteen kilometers away inAlburita, Dona Delfina Pereira Lopes, a teacher, and all ofher students reportedly witnessed the spectacle. FatherInacio Lourenco described it as looking "like a globe ofsnow revolving on itself."Professor Almeida Garrett, a distinguished scientistfrom Coimbra University, was in the crowd at Fatima andreported: "It was raining hard ... suddenly the sun shonethrough the dense cloud which covered it; everybodylooked in its direction It looked like a disk, of verydefinite contour; it was not dazzling. I don't think it couldbe compared to a dull silver disk, as someone said later atFatima. No. It rather possessed a clear, changingbrightness, which one could compare to a pearl Itlooked like a polished wheel.... This is not poetry; my eyes

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