John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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experienced unquestioned miracles. Between March 5 andMarch 25, 1858, a series of miraculous cures took place atthe grotto near Lourdes. Paralytics threw aside theircrutches after drinking the water from that spring.The following year, 1859, the UFOs were busy again.And the year after that there was another outbreak ofpoltergeist cases in France and Switzerland.Forgetting the worldwide situation for the moment, wecan draw some interesting conclusions from these Frenchcases. Two "miracles" occurred in France within twelveyears of each other. The incident at La Salette in 1846 wasdefinitely ufological in nature. The events at Lourdes weremore subtle and fit more into the "possessed" type ofphenomenon. The simultaneous outbreak of poltergeistmanifestations in France throughout that period, togetherwith all kinds of aerial and meteorological phenomena (seeFort's Book of the Damned for listings of these reports),tends to confirm the thesis that all of these things areinterrelated. When and if French investigators burrow intothe newspapers and journals of this period, they willundoubtedly uncover many other lost reports which willadd to this evidence.The Curative Powers of UFOOn September 1, 1965, hundreds of citizens in theKosice district of Czechoslovakia complained to theircommissars about the glowing red and black spheres thatwere buzzing their towns and villages. A Reuters dispatchfrom Prague added that this was "the most recent of aseries of artifacts of unknown origin which have been seenin the Czechoslovakian skies in recent months...." TheIron Curtain had sprung a leak, and U-2's from anotherworld were pouring through.Two days later, on September 3,1965, four metallic blue"plates" swooped out of the sky over the town of Cuzco, insouthwest Peru. Hundreds of people, alerted by radionewscasts, went into the streets to stare at the strangeformation. The objects entertained them for two hours,performing intricate maneuvers above the town. Theymade right-angle turns, hovered, and skittered about in amanner impossible for any known type of aircraft. Whenthey finally got bored with their audience, they sped awayat incredible speed.

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