John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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Except for those who might be specially constructed forincubus-succubus activities (invisible entities who reportedlyfornicate with human females and males), it doesappear that our angels and spacemen come from a worldwithout sex—and, very probably, a world without anorganized society; a world in which each individual ismerely a unit in the whole and is totally controlled by thecollective intelligence or energy mass of that whole. Inother words, these beings have no free will. They are slavesof a very high order. Often they try to convey this topercipients with their statements, "We are One," "We are inbondage."Such a world would have no need for money, andcontactees are often told that the great civilization in outerspace does not use money. Ego would be unknown, and soall of the social problems, conflicts, and ambitionsproduced by ego would be unknown, too. Even deathwould hold no terror. To us, death means the end of ourenjoyment of material things, of sex, of ego. To them,death means nothing more than the termination ofexistence. If they are really mere manipulations of energy,as I believe them to be, then they might be reconstructed atsome time in the future. Since they lack ego andpersonality, it would be like taking an automobile apartand using those parts to build another one.All of the above points have been stressed in the ancientcontacts with angels, as well as the modern ufonautmeetings. Sometimes the information is cunninglydisguised, but it is always there.Angelology is a fascinating offshoot of demonology.The appearances of angels have been chronicled downthrough the ages, and several new angel reports still turn upeach year. Once again we find that these reports contain allthe basic ingredients of the UFO reports. The samephenomenon is at work, utilizing a different frame ofreference or being misinterpreted by devout witnesses.A writer named Gustav Davidson spent several years ofhis life sifting through all the religious, occult, and psychicrecords to compile his massive Dictionary of Angels. Thereflective factor, so common in ufology and demonology,seems to have bothered Mr. Davidson, too.Davidson wrote in the introduction to his book:At this stage of the quest I was literally bedeviled by angels.They stalked and leaguered me, by night and day. I could

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