John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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ecalled under hypnosis that he was placed on a tableaboard a flying saucer and that he felt something coldbeing lowered over his genitals. The Hills' watches alsostopped during their alleged experience.The most famous contactee of 1956-57 was a NewJersey signpainter named Howard Menger. He was"discovered" by Long <strong>John</strong> Nebel, a New York radiopersonality who conducted an all-night talk show overstation WOR (he is now with NBC). Long <strong>John</strong> had justbegun his career in radio, and he was looking for an angle.He found it in flying saucers and built a huge followingwith his offbeat interviews with contactees, mystics, andassorted weirdos. Somehow he has managed to remaindetached and claims to this day that he doesn't buy most ofwhat his guests tell him. In any case, Menger's initialappearances on Long <strong>John</strong>'s show started a stampede tothe little town of High Bridge, New Jersey, Menger's home.According to Howard Menger, the flying saucers werefrequently landing on his property, and the ufonauts oftendropped in for coffee.Menger, a gentle, soft-spoken man with a sinceremanner, claimed that he had first been contacted by longhairedblond men in automobiles back in his army days inWorld War II. And in June, 1946, a glowing UFO hadlanded near his parents' home in High Bridge, and two menand a beautiful girl had stepped out. The men were dressedin "blue-gray ski-type uniforms," were blond, fair-skinned,and of medium height. The woman, he said, wore a similaroutfit of a soft pastel color which almost seemed to glow.She told him she was 500 years old. Basically, she advisedhim to learn to use his mental powers and to prepare for theimportant days ahead. She also is supposed to have toldhim to keep his mouth shut about all of this until 1957.So he waited. And in 1957, the UFOs began to come toHigh Bridge. They were seen by many. There were evenseveral witnesses who claimed they had stood by andwatched as Howard went out to meet and chat with the"space people."Menger's book, From Outer Space to You, tells an evenmore bizarre story than George Adamski's. He relatesfrequent visits with apparent terrestrials who introducedhim into the unbelievable underworld of the "silentcontactees": ordinary men and women who seemedexceptionally knowledgeable about the UFO situation andwho posed as businessmen, real estate dealers, and the like.

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