John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS

John A. Keel WHY UFOS


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On Tuesday, October 11, 1966, a brilliant flying lightbobbed over the Wanaque Reservoir in New Jersey. Therehad been many unusually close sightings in the area priorto this one, but this incident had an added twist. Aformation of mystery helicopters turned up minutes afterthe object left."This thing was so bright that it blinded me so bad Icouldn't find my ear," Wanaque police sergeant BenThompson, one of the many witnesses, told Dr. BertholdSchwarz. "It was all white, like looking into a bulb andtrying to see the socket, which you can't do I was totallyblinded by that light for about twenty minutes."Within fifteen minutes after the glowing objectdeparted, a formation of seven helicopters appeared andcircled low over the area. They were accompanied by ten ortwelve jet airplanes. Lines of cars were parked all aroundthe reservoir, filled with eager UFO watchers. They knew ahelicopter when they saw one. But they were all baffled bythis unexpected group of choppers. Police sergeant RobertGordon discussed his own bewilderment: "I've never seenseven helicopters at one time in this area before in all mylife And I've lived here for forty years."Science writer Lloyd Mallan investigated the Wanaqueincidents, and he checked with all the local Air Force bases,airports, and even the Pentagon. All denied knowinganything about these planes and helicopters. The CivilAeronautics Board was baffled, too. No one could throwany light on the mystery. Nor did it seem plausible that theAir Force could have acted so quickly, particularly sinceno one ever formally reported any of the Wanaquesightings to the Air Force directly. There are those, ofcourse, who believe that the Air Force lies abouteverything connected with UFOs. But there aren't sevenhelicopters available instantly and at one time at theMcGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey and the Stewart AirForce Base in New York, the two closest bases. Nor couldslow-moving, short-ranged choppers have made it fromthose two points in fifteen minutes.The people at Wanaque were convinced they sawhelicopters and jets that night. Were they all lying? If so,why? If not, then who was flying these machines, how, andwhy?The North Vietnamese are pitifully short on aircraft,especially helicopters. Nevertheless, late in June, 1968, aformation of inexplicable lights appeared over the Ben Hai

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