Changing lifestyle habits, is it really worth it? - IRCM

Changing lifestyle habits, is it really worth it? - IRCM

Changing lifestyle habits, is it really worth it? - IRCM


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Tool # 41<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>lifestyle</strong> <strong>hab<strong>it</strong>s</strong>, <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong><strong>really</strong> <strong>worth</strong> <strong>it</strong>?Then how do we go about <strong>it</strong>?When we are uncertain or ambivalent aboutsomething, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> hard to know what to make of as<strong>it</strong>uation and we sometimes face qu<strong>it</strong>e a dilemma.If I am being provided w<strong>it</strong>h th<strong>is</strong> document, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> because:• My schedule <strong>is</strong> hectic, so when <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> time to relax, the onlything I feel like doing <strong>is</strong> watching TV.• When I am overworked, stressed out, or when I am bored, I feellike qu<strong>it</strong>ting.• I know that I must change my <strong>lifestyle</strong> <strong>hab<strong>it</strong>s</strong>, but I justify notdoing <strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h 1001 reasons daily.• I reward myself by eating junk food.• I tell myself: “I don’t feel like changing my diet”.• I tell myself: “I don’t feel like exerc<strong>is</strong>ing”.• I tell myself: “I don’t feel like qu<strong>it</strong>ting smoking”.“Is <strong>it</strong> <strong>worth</strong> the effort?”(ASSESSING THE PROS AND CONS)You hear <strong>it</strong> everywhere: on TV, on the radio, inmagazines, newspapers and books. We shouldeat well and exerc<strong>is</strong>e. We should also learnto manage stress better. We should followthe advice of our physician. We know thatfollowing h<strong>is</strong> / her advice would improve ourhealth, but we often feel overwhelmed underthe impression that <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> too much! We don’tfeel like <strong>it</strong>, we lack motivation, we lack time,we are too tired. Needless to say we alwaysseem to have a good reason to postpone takingaction. We feel badly because we know that<strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> important, and on the other hand, we arenot sure that <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>worth</strong> the effort. Bottom line:sometimes, we are ambivalent!Let’s have a look at Sebastian’s s<strong>it</strong>uation: heknows that smoking <strong>is</strong> bad for h<strong>is</strong> cardiovascularhealth, but he <strong>is</strong> not convinced that qu<strong>it</strong>ting <strong>is</strong><strong>worth</strong> the effort (he tells us: “My grandmothersmoked her whole life and she <strong>is</strong> in top shape”).He does not <strong>really</strong> feel like qu<strong>it</strong>ting th<strong>is</strong> bad hab<strong>it</strong>,but at the same time he knows that he must do <strong>it</strong>for h<strong>is</strong> cardiovascular health.Th<strong>is</strong> type of s<strong>it</strong>uation may be similar to yoursto a greater or lesser degree. If you are facinga s<strong>it</strong>uation about which you feel th<strong>is</strong> type ofambivalence regarding a certain behaviour andyou feel that you should change, you can makethe dec<strong>is</strong>ion easier by drawing up a l<strong>is</strong>t of theadvantages and the d<strong>is</strong>advantages entailed by thechange.Have a look at the chart on the next page tounderstand what <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> all about: by making sucha l<strong>is</strong>t, we can <strong>really</strong> see what <strong>is</strong> bothering us andwhat prevents us from changing, and determinewhether <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>worth</strong> taking action or not at th<strong>is</strong>time in our life. On the bottom of th<strong>is</strong> chart, youcan wr<strong>it</strong>e one sentence that states your greatestmotivation to change. For example, being healthyby the time you retire could be the factor thatmotivates you to make a change. It <strong>is</strong> recognizedthat doing th<strong>is</strong> exerc<strong>is</strong>e of l<strong>is</strong>ting the advantagesand d<strong>is</strong>advantages, allows people to grade theirprior<strong>it</strong>ies and see the s<strong>it</strong>uation more clearly. Onceyou have made th<strong>is</strong> l<strong>is</strong>t, the dec<strong>is</strong>ion you will makeregarding the change in your behaviour will bean informed dec<strong>is</strong>ion concerning the CHOICE youhave decided on.<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>lifestyle</strong> <strong>hab<strong>it</strong>s</strong>, <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong> <strong>really</strong> <strong>worth</strong> <strong>it</strong>?41

When we become CONSCIOUS of the way weact and why we act in a certain way, we can thenrealize that we have some control over our destinyand we become conscious that we do have aCHOICE of reacting in different ways. Have a lookat the chart of the pros and cons that Sebastiancompleted. In the chart, next to each of theadvantages and d<strong>is</strong>advantages, you must statehow important they are to you (%). Obviously, theaim <strong>is</strong> not to reach a score of 100%! Determining ascore for each one of them gives you a snapshot ofwhat has the greatest influence on your dec<strong>is</strong>ion,especially when you add the scores.PERSONAL CHART:PROS OFCONS OF<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>lifestyle</strong> <strong>hab<strong>it</strong>s</strong>, <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong> <strong>really</strong> <strong>worth</strong> <strong>it</strong>?41PROS OF QUITTING SMOKINGI’ll be healthier (15%)I’ll save money (20%)I’ll breathe easier (10%)At last, <strong>it</strong> will be selfcontrolinstead ofsmoking controlling me(40%)SCORE TOTAL85CONS OF QUITTING SMOKINGIt will take away a greatsource of pleasure (30%)I will feel w<strong>it</strong>hdrawalsymptoms and I dreadth<strong>is</strong> happening (20%)I’ll gain weight (30%)SCORE TOTAL80MY GREATEST SOURCE OF MOTIVATION IS:Being healthy during retirement, in two years, for thetrip of my dreams…Making a dec<strong>is</strong>ion:I see that the advantages of qu<strong>it</strong>ting smoking aregreater than the d<strong>is</strong>advantages. I am conscious that thereasons I give not to take charge are not as important asthe reasons I have to stop smoking. It <strong>is</strong> <strong>worth</strong> a secondthought!TOTAL SCORE TOTAL SCOREMy STRONGEST MOTIVATION to change and my DECISION:<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>lifestyle</strong> <strong>hab<strong>it</strong>s</strong>, <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong> <strong>really</strong> <strong>worth</strong> <strong>it</strong>?41© Inst<strong>it</strong>ut de recherches cliniques de MontréalWr<strong>it</strong>ing: Lysanne Goyer, PhD, psycholog<strong>is</strong>tGraphic Design: Hélène Lambin, PhDPhotography: Edyta Pawlowska - fotolia.com

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