picasso - Auckland Art Gallery

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194710 LA CENTAURESSE(The Centauress)Lithograph 26th January50x65 18/50During the battle of Paris, 1944, Picassomade a version of Poussin's Bacchanal in theLouvre. This was followed later by a painting,La joie de vivre. Picasso uses mythologicalpaganism as a symbol for the Mediterraneanand provides for our own age acontinuance of that rich, sensual traditionwhich the Mediterranean has maintainedalmost since the beginning of time.11 LE HIBOU SLIR LA CHAISE(Owl on a chair)Lithograph 20th January65x50 39/50Michel Sima gave Picasso a small owl atAntibes in 1946. Picasso made a first drawingof it in November, 1946, and followedthis up with more drawings in 1947, arrivingat the point of this lithograph. However, hewent on by drawings and paintings to finallyceramics, in 1950. Thus the artist finds inthe owl significant linear, formal and symbolicalqualities.B pi. 130. B/S cat. 202.12 DAVID ET BATHSABEE(David and Bathsheba)Lithograph 30th March65 x 50 5/50(various states) AC pl.42. B pis. 146, 147.Like the Poussin Bacchanal mentioned inNo. 10, this is another of Picasso's borrowings.It is his version of Lucas Cranach's(1472-1533) painting of the same title. Thistheme went through seven states in all, eachone being a distinct variation both in termsof alterations and complete changes in technique.Here again one recognises Picasso'sability to transform the images of anothercentury so that they become wholly meaningfulfor our own.13 DAVID ET BATHSABEELithograph65x50 8/50\14 DAVID ET BATHSABEELithograph65x50 11/5015 LE PIGEON ET SES PETITS(The Pigeon and her Young)Lithograph 19th March50x65 17/50The pigeon with the olive branch and wearinga tricolor hat is a forerunner of the LaColombe, No. 32.16 CENTAURE, FAUNE ETNYMPHE(Centaur, faun and nymph)Lithograph 2nd FebruaryB pi. 12617 DORMEUR ET FEMMEASSISE(Sleeper and seated woman)Lithograph 11th MayThis is a familiar subject and is treated mostfully in the Vollard Suite dating from 1933.AC pl.3618 FLEURS ET FRUITS(Flowers and fruit)Lithograph50x65 15/5019 LE TALIREAU NOIR(The Black Bull)Lithograph 20th April50x65 6/50In this work Picasso produces an amalgamof the earlier series (see No. 5). Here onesees the colossal whole of the parts in thevariations. A symbol both for the sympatheticmagic of early man and the brute power ofthe twentieth century.B/S p.106-[10]-

120 DORMEUR ET FEMiMEACCROUPIE(Sleeper and crouching woman)Lithograph50x65 18/5021 BOUQUET ET COMPOTIER(Bouquet and fruit bowl)50x65 16/5022 LA TETE ECLAIREE(Illuminated Head)Lithograph65x50 6/5023 DEUX FEMMES SUR LAPLAGE(Two women on the beach)Lithograph50x65 18/50Here Picasso returns to a subject which heintroduced first in the 1920's. (See a linedrawing, B/S p.21.)194824 LE GRAND HIBOU(The large owl)Lithograph 10th March76x56 46/50Here the artist completes the lithographcycle commenced in 1947. Mourlot, theprinter, had brought down to the Golfe Juansome zinc plates so that Picasso couldre-design some illustrations for Reverdy'sChants des Marts. There were seven platesleft over, so the artist did the Owl and sixfaun subjects, two of them being Nos. 25and 26.B pl.131. B/S p.311.25 LE FAUNE BARBU(The bearded faun)Lithograph 10th March76 x 56 9/50(See note to No. 24)26 LE FAUNE DE PROFIL(Faun in profile)Lithograph 10th March76x56 41/5027 L'ATELIER (The Studio)Lithograph65x50 39/5028 GRANDE TETE DE FEMME(The large woman's head)Lithograph65 x 50 49/5029 LE TAUREAU BLANC(The White Bull)Lithograph65 x 50 43/50B pi. 13730 ETUDE DE PROFILS(Study of profiles)Lithograph 8th December76x56 24/5031 FIGURE (Figure)Lithograph 20th November65x50 34/50194932 LA COLOMBE (The Dove)Lithograph 9th January56x76 2/50Picasso made this lithograph for the WorldCongress of Peace poster (Paris, April 1949).Later that year the artist received the PennellMemorial Medal for the design.B pi. 152. B/S cat. 209.33 LA COURONNE DE FLEURS(Crown of flowers)Lithograph65x50 47/5034 LE HOMARD (The Lobster)Lithograph 9th January56x76 17/5035 TETE DE FEMME(Head of a Woman)Lithograph 16th March65 x 50 20/50-[11]-

120 DORMEUR ET FEMiMEACCROUPIE(Sleeper and crouching woman)Lithograph50x65 18/5021 BOUQUET ET COMPOTIER(Bouquet and fruit bowl)50x65 16/5022 LA TETE ECLAIREE(Illuminated Head)Lithograph65x50 6/5023 DEUX FEMMES SUR LAPLAGE(Two women on the beach)Lithograph50x65 18/50Here Picasso returns to a subject which heintroduced first in the 1920's. (See a linedrawing, B/S p.21.)194824 LE GRAND HIBOU(The large owl)Lithograph 10th March76x56 46/50Here the artist completes the lithographcycle commenced in 1947. Mourlot, theprinter, had brought down to the Golfe Juansome zinc plates so that Picasso couldre-design some illustrations for Reverdy'sChants des Marts. There were seven platesleft over, so the artist did the Owl and sixfaun subjects, two of them being Nos. 25and 26.B pl.131. B/S p.311.25 LE FAUNE BARBU(The bearded faun)Lithograph 10th March76 x 56 9/50(See note to No. 24)26 LE FAUNE DE PROFIL(Faun in profile)Lithograph 10th March76x56 41/5027 L'ATELIER (The Studio)Lithograph65x50 39/5028 GRANDE TETE DE FEMME(The large woman's head)Lithograph65 x 50 49/5029 LE TAUREAU BLANC(The White Bull)Lithograph65 x 50 43/50B pi. 13730 ETUDE DE PROFILS(Study of profiles)Lithograph 8th December76x56 24/5031 FIGURE (Figure)Lithograph 20th November65x50 34/50194932 LA COLOMBE (The Dove)Lithograph 9th January56x76 2/50Picasso made this lithograph for the WorldCongress of Peace poster (Paris, April 1949).Later that year the artist received the PennellMemorial Medal for the design.B pi. 152. B/S cat. 209.33 LA COURONNE DE FLEURS(Crown of flowers)Lithograph65x50 47/5034 LE HOMARD (The Lobster)Lithograph 9th January56x76 17/5035 TETE DE FEMME(Head of a Woman)Lithograph 16th March65 x 50 20/50-[11]-

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