chapter 4 - DRK

chapter 4 - DRK

chapter 4 - DRK


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Strictly under embargo until Wednesday 22 September at 00:01 GMT (02:01 Geneva time)172ANNEX 1Table 7 Total number of people reported affected, by type of phenomenon and by year (2000 to 2009), in thousands2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 1Droughts / food insecurity 164,579 166,772 428,879 81,842 35,272 30,643 41,971 9,578 36,411 29,498 1,025,446Earthquakes / tsunamis 2,479 9,711 851 4,194 3,147 6,187 3,859 1,382 47,580 3,221 82,612Extreme temperatures 28 213 104 1,890 2,140 2 63 988 79,172 1,050 85,651Floods 2 73,905 34,552 167,769 169,515 117,212 75,028 30,383 177,836 45,660 57,253 949,112Forest / scrub fires 39 6 26 184 21 7 2 1,785 59 12 2,140Insect infestation n.a. n.a. n.d.r. n.d.r. n.a. n.d.r. n.d.r. n.d.r. n.d.r. 500 500Mass movement: dry 3 n.a. n.d.r. n.a. n.d.r. n.a. n.d.r. n.a. n.d.r. 1 3 4Mass movement: wet 4 215 71 305 459 12 10 432 9 5 52 1,570Volcanic eruptions 127 110 278 25 53 341 379 51 136 57 1,556Windstorms 15,137 31,991 113,441 11,758 21,383 49,117 67,109 23,974 15,651 50,583 400,144Subtotal climato-, hydro- &meteorological disastersSubtotal geophysicaldisasters253,902 233,605 710,524 265,647 176,039 154,808 139,960 214,170 176,958 138,947 2,464,5622,605 9,822 1,130 4,219 3,200 6,528 4,237 1,433 47,717 3,280 84,172Total natural disasters 256,508 243,426 711,654 269,867 179,239 161,336 144,198 215,604 224,675 142,227 2,548,734Industrial accidents 17 19 2 646 157 16 137 3 14 6 1,017Miscellaneous accidents 24 31 61 15 102 77 35 41 21 23 430Transport accidents 7 3 6 5 48 6 4 4 4 4 91Total technologicaldisasters48 53 68 667 307 100 175 48 39 33 1,538Total 256,556 243,480 711,722 270,533 179,546 161,436 144,373 215,652 224,714 142,260 2,550,272Source: EM-DAT, CRED, University of Louvain, Belgium1Since slow-onset disasters can affect the same people over a number of years,it is best to use figures on total numbers affected to calculate annual averagesover a decade rather than as absolute totals.2Includes waves and surges.3Landslides, rockfalls, subsidence of geophysical origin.4Landslides, avalanches, subsidence of hydrological origin.Note: ’n.a.’ denotes ’no data available’; ’n.d.r.’ denotes ’no disaster reported’.For more information, see section on caveats in introductory text.In 2009, for both natural and technological disasters, the numbers of peopleaffected were at their lowest level for the decade.Disasters which affected the most people in 2009 were floods (57 millionpeople affected: 40 per cent of those affected by disasters).Windstorms (50 million people affected) accounted for 36 per cent of thoseaffected by disasters, far above their annual average (16 per cent).In Liberia, 500,000 people were affected by an insect infestation.

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