chapter 4 - DRK

chapter 4 - DRK

chapter 4 - DRK


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Strictly under embargo until Wednesday 22 September at 00:01 GMT (02:01 Geneva time)Sources and further informationBurris, S. et al. ‘Emerging Strategies for Healthy Urban Governance’ in Journal ofUrban Health, Vol. 84 (Suppl. 1), pp. 154–163, 2007. Available online: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / pmc / articles / PMC1891653/.Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. ‘Lower life expectancy in cities’, BBC News, London,20 June 2006. Available online: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi / uk_news/5097778.stm.Durán, V.H. ‘Stopping the rising tide of chronic diseases – Everyone’s Epidemic’ inPAHO, Perspectives in health E-magazine, March 2008. Available online: www.paho.org / english / dd / pin / ePersp001_article01.htm.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO launches antihungerpetition. Rome: FAO Media Centre, 2010. Available online: www.fao.org / news / story / en / item/42158/icode /.Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP). Urban Catastrophes: The Wat / San Dimension.London: HFP, King’s College, 2010. Available online: www.humanitarianfutures.org / main / content / usaid-future-crisis-drivers.International Monetary Fund (IMF). Food and fuel prices: Recent developments, macroeconomicimpact and policy responses. Washington DC: IMF, 2008. Available online:www.imf.org / external / np / pp / eng/2008/063008.pdf.Leon, D.A. ‘Cities, urbanization and health’ in London School of Hygiene & TropicalMedicine, International Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 4–8, 2008.Available online: http://ije.oxfordjournals.org / cgi / content / short/37/1/4.Martinez, R. and Fernandez, A. ‘Child malnutrition in Latin America and theCaribbean’ in Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean andUNICEF, Challenges: Newsletter on progress towards the Millennium DevelopmentGoals from a child rights perspective. No. 2, April, 2006. Available online: www.unicef.org / lac / Desafios_2_ing(9).pdf.Mercado, S. et al, ‘Urban Poverty: An Urgent Public Health Issue’ in Journal of UrbanHealth, Vol. 84 (Suppl. 1), pp. 7–15, 2007. Available online: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / pmc / articles / PMC1891652/.Orzechowski, F. Soaring Food Prices: A Global Crisis. Speech given to 10th InternationalFood Aid Conference, April 2008. Available online: http://crs.org / newsroom / testimony/ entry.cfm?id=1455.Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). Haiti: Health in the Americas 2007 –Volume II. Available online: www.paho.org / hia / archivosvol2/paisesing / Haiti%20English.pdf.World Disasters Report 2010 – Focus on urban risk111

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