The ID27 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ...

The ID27 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ...

The ID27 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ...


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>ID27</strong> <strong>beamline</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Facility</strong>:High Pressure Diffraction and High Pressure TomographyMSc. Michelle Jenice Alvarez Murga 1,21. <strong>ID27</strong>, Dynamics and Extreme Conditions Group, <strong>European</strong> <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Facility</strong>, Grenoble, France2. Institut Néel CNRS-UJF, Structure et Propriétés des M<strong>at</strong>ériaux – Conditions Extrêmes, Grenoble, FranceFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Science <strong>at</strong> Extreme Conditions: multidisciplinary researchIn <strong>the</strong> last 5 years of oper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>ID27</strong> has produced:•168 peer reviewed public<strong>at</strong>ions in different areas of research of which 15% appeared in “highprofile journals” with “Impact Factors” gre<strong>at</strong>er or equal than Physical Review Letters•1 public<strong>at</strong>ion/experiment in average (1/3 of <strong>the</strong>m from in-house research or strongcollabor<strong>at</strong>ions)First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

<strong>ID27</strong> staff: High Pressure Diffraction expertsM. MezouarBeamline responsibleG. GarbarinoBeamline scientistLow Temper<strong>at</strong>uresP.BouvierCollabor<strong>at</strong>or scientistRamanS.BauchauBeamline TechnicianA. Salam<strong>at</strong>Postdoctoral fellowChemistry and LaserHe<strong>at</strong>ing in DACS. PetitgirardPostdoctoral fellowResistive He<strong>at</strong>ing andLarge Volume PressM. Alvarez-MurgaPhD studentTomography and LargeVolume PressFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

<strong>ID27</strong> advanced sample environment•Diamond anvil cell :P>300 GPa, 5

<strong>ID27</strong> Low T sample environment•Commercial He flow cryost<strong>at</strong> by OxfordInstalled since September 2007T ≥ 4K•In-house made He flow cryost<strong>at</strong>Installed since September 2010T ≥ 3K, (20 min to 5K, 0.35l/h@15K)Both cryost<strong>at</strong>s are completely autom<strong>at</strong>edpermanent facilities @ <strong>ID27</strong> and offerpossible Raman measurements and o<strong>the</strong>rtechniques (transport & magnetic)Specially designed for single crystalhigh pressure experiments <strong>at</strong> low T(sphere of confusion

<strong>ID27</strong> detectorsA good detector for high pressure must fulfill <strong>the</strong> following criteria:- a large input surface (>150 mm diameter)- high sp<strong>at</strong>ial resolution- high dynamic range (14 bits or more)- good sensitivity, even <strong>at</strong> high X-ray energies (60-80 keV)- fast reading (a few seconds or less)MAR CCD: 165 mm diameter14 bits dynamic range; readout time 4sLow sensitivity <strong>at</strong> high X-ray energiesMar345 on-line image pl<strong>at</strong>e: 345 mm diameter14 bits dynamic range; readout time 60 sHigh sensitivity <strong>at</strong> high X-ray energiesFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

<strong>The</strong> <strong>ID27</strong> <strong>beamline</strong> experimental setups•Infrastructure:2 dedic<strong>at</strong>ed hutchesEH1: Paris-Edinburgh press, Low T and resistively he<strong>at</strong>ed diamond anvil cellsEH2: YAG and CO2 laser he<strong>at</strong>ing (extra-space for complementary equipments)2 dedic<strong>at</strong>ed labor<strong>at</strong>ories (DAC/Paris-Edinburgh cell)First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Paris-Edinburgh SetupFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Low T diamond anvil cell setupFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Double-sided laser hetaing systemFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Strong collabor<strong>at</strong>ion with <strong>the</strong> ESRF sample environment unit:J. Jacobs and P. VanderlindenSt<strong>at</strong>e-of-<strong>the</strong>-art offline equipments to perform <strong>the</strong> mostchallenging cell loadings on-siteHigh Pressure LabLaser Drilling MachinesGas Loading SystemFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Summary of <strong>ID27</strong> capabilites40002500Temper<strong>at</strong>ure vs. Pressure diagram – HP/HT technologiesavailable <strong>at</strong> <strong>ID27</strong>Laser he<strong>at</strong>ing1200T (K)600300100PE-cellresistive he<strong>at</strong>ing (external)He cooling0.2 3P (MBar)+ Time resolutionFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Some examples of daily science <strong>at</strong> <strong>ID27</strong>• Physics,Chemistry,Biology …• Powder and single crystal structural characteriz<strong>at</strong>ion• Phase transitions• Melting curves• New m<strong>at</strong>erial syn<strong>the</strong>sis• Effect of pressure on chemical bonds: neighborsdistances, coordin<strong>at</strong>ion number, angles...• Structural rel<strong>at</strong>ions between polymorphs in <strong>the</strong> solidand liquid st<strong>at</strong>es <strong>at</strong> high pressure are poorlyunderstood.P=138 GPaMetallic O 2• Geophysics• Determin<strong>at</strong>ion of planets cores structures• Effect of light elements• W<strong>at</strong>er in <strong>the</strong> Earth’s upper mantle• Magmas...First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Future of <strong>the</strong> <strong>beamline</strong>•Keep a high level of user and in-house research support•Install a new faster, more efficient, high energy planar detector(pixel or fl<strong>at</strong> panel detector)•Develop new type of experiments−In situ micro and nano-XRF in <strong>the</strong> double laser he<strong>at</strong>ed DAC−In situ micro XRD tomography in <strong>the</strong> rot<strong>at</strong>ive PE press⇒Transform <strong>ID27</strong> into a long <strong>beamline</strong> (3 rd experimental hutch <strong>at</strong>~100 meters from <strong>the</strong> source)First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

In situ micro XRD tomography (XRD-CT) in <strong>the</strong> rot<strong>at</strong>ive Paris-Edinburgh pressSince <strong>the</strong> end of 2009, <strong>ID27</strong> team has engaged important efforts to developin situ diffraction tomography (XRD-CT) studies under high pressure.<strong>The</strong> work of Michelle Alvarez <strong>the</strong>sis project is to develop <strong>the</strong> <strong>ID27</strong>-EH1tomography setupPRINCIPLE: tomography uses penetr<strong>at</strong>ing X-rays to exploit a specific contrast(absorption, fluorescence, diffraction ) and reconstruct an image from high resolution2D angular projections.HOW TO COUPLE THIS WITH HIGH PRESSURE?To achieve this, a new rot<strong>at</strong>ing tomography ParisEdinburgh cell with an angular acess of 180°hasbeen constructed and will be tested in June 2011.First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

‘Ambient conditions’ experimental setupXRD-CT uses X-raymicrobeams to maplocal crystallineproperties like phase,texture (orient<strong>at</strong>ion),l<strong>at</strong>tice strain and defectdensity in threedimensions (3D)FluorescenceImagingωyBeamzX-ray focusing opticsStructural ImagingyxAbsorption ImagingP. Bleuet, et al. N<strong>at</strong>ure M<strong>at</strong>erials, 7:468-472, June 2008.First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Wh<strong>at</strong> do we get as result?...example on C602D p<strong>at</strong>tern recovery (by projection)<strong>The</strong> demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion, carried out on a high pressure quenchedC60 sample, reveals a new ill-ordered carbon phase with shortinterlayer distance (3.11 Å) and evidences concentric sp<strong>at</strong>ialdistribution of diamond, sp3 amorphous diamond and sp2graphite-like carbon.3D Structural phase map(A)<strong>The</strong> scanned dimensions are 1320 m length and 184 mthickness. <strong>The</strong> voxel size is (2.3×2.3×1.6 µm3).(B) <strong>The</strong> sc<strong>at</strong>tered intensity is rendered as a function of <strong>the</strong> realsample coordin<strong>at</strong>es (x, y, z)M. Alvarez-Murga et al., Submitted (2011).Phase-Sp<strong>at</strong>ial selective sc<strong>at</strong>tering analysis. (A) experimental(black) and calcul<strong>at</strong>ed (red) selectively recovered sc<strong>at</strong>teringp<strong>at</strong>terns and 2D (x, y, zi) reconstructions of(1) full sample cross-section(2) glass capillary amorphous signal(3) amorphous sp3-like carbon phase(4) cubic diamond “D” Fd-3m a=3.565(1)Ǻ(5) new ill-ordered carbon phase “S” with short interlayer distance3.114(1)Ǻ(6) sp2-like carbon “G” with interlayer distance 3.420(1)Ǻ

L<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacing mapsM. Alvarez-Murga et al., Submitted (2011).Here, we report <strong>the</strong> development of sc<strong>at</strong>tering resolved tomography by including <strong>the</strong> Bragg angle (2θ) as fourth dimension of aX-ray diffraction computed tomography experiment (x,y,z). This extension enables <strong>the</strong> 3D mapping of strain (l<strong>at</strong>tice spacingcontrast) . In this case l<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacing maps allow discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion of different strained diamond crystallites in <strong>the</strong> core of <strong>the</strong>sample with a high accuracy.2D (x, y) l<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacing maps of diamond phase(a) 2D reconstructions obtained <strong>at</strong> three different 2positions on <strong>the</strong> (311) cubic diamond reflection: lowfwhm (yellow), center-fwhm (orange), high-fwhm (red).<strong>The</strong> squares indic<strong>at</strong>e <strong>the</strong> zones of <strong>the</strong> sample th<strong>at</strong>were used to extract 1D sc<strong>at</strong>tering p<strong>at</strong>terns.Inset: <strong>The</strong> sc<strong>at</strong>tered intensity is rendered as a functionof real sample coordin<strong>at</strong>es (x, y, z) for different (i =1n)Bragg angles.(b) 2D l<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacingmaps using (111), (220), (311),(400) and (331) diamond reflections.(c) Calcul<strong>at</strong>ed l<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacing, of selected areas(same as in a).(d) Histogram of l<strong>at</strong>tice d-spacingdistribution of <strong>the</strong>seanalyzed areas.First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Rot<strong>at</strong>ive Paris-Edinburgh pressHP-HT sp<strong>at</strong>ially resolved structural studies will help to clarify long-standing issues ofinhomogeneous phase transform<strong>at</strong>ion, local grain growth and elastic anisotropy, until nowinvestig<strong>at</strong>ed by classical HP-HT XRD and ultrasound velocities.[1]« New gener<strong>at</strong>ion of large volume cells for research under extremeconditions» High Pressures network Project CNRS 2009 – MRCT 2010-11.[2] Proposal MI-1086 Insitu X-ray Micro-Diffraction Computed Tomography(XRD-CT) under extreme conditions using a new rot<strong>at</strong>ion tomography Paris-Edinburgh cellSpecial thanks to Yann Le Godec and Julien Phillipe from IMPMCFirst Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Future in situ XRD-CT experiments on <strong>ID27</strong>…This technological development willprovide new scientific opportunities fororiginal and unique studies of phasetransitions, density, crystalliz<strong>at</strong>ion anddeform<strong>at</strong>ion in extreme environments.in situ diffraction tomographyin situ absorption tomographyMeasure glassdensities underpressurein situ deform<strong>at</strong>ion and radiographyCEA Tours : energetic m<strong>at</strong>erials subjected topressure and shear stress.¨We wish to characterize our m<strong>at</strong>erials in poredistribution and crystal structure according to<strong>the</strong> different stresses applied…¨First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Thank you for your <strong>at</strong>tentionContact inform<strong>at</strong>ion: michelle.alvarez@esrf.frMichelle AlvarezM.Sc. M<strong>at</strong>erials Science and EngineeringPhD Student, Dynamics and Extreme Conditions Group<strong>ID27</strong> - High Pressure Beamline<strong>European</strong> <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Facility</strong> - ESRF6 rue Jules Horowitz, B.P. 220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, FranceTel: +33 (0)4 76 88 23 17Institut Néel CNRS-UJFStructure et Propriétés des M<strong>at</strong>ériaux – Conditions Extrêmes25 Avenue des Martyrs, B.P. 166, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex, FranceTel: +33 (0)4 76 88 74 23First Mexican <strong>Synchrotron</strong> Radi<strong>at</strong>ion User’s Meeting

Michelle Alvarez CV2009-201220062004-2007M1 Internship2008Chemical EngineeringProcess Engineer inmicroelectronicsHP-HT syn<strong>the</strong>sisPhD <strong>the</strong>sis on <strong>ID27</strong>In situ micro-XRD-tomography ofheterogeneous high pressurehightemper<strong>at</strong>ure forms of C60<strong>The</strong>sis directors:Mohamed MezouarJean-Louis HodeauM2 Internship2009Multiferroics and Fe-Asbased superconductorsDiffraction-TomographyMethod


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