Dr. Younes Djaghloul - edu.u-szeged.hu

Dr. Younes Djaghloul - edu.u-szeged.hu Dr. Younes Djaghloul - edu.u-szeged.hu

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When the Scoring Meets the Complex EventProcessing: the TESLA Component of TAO PlatformYounes Djaghloul, Raynald Jadoul, Patrick Plichart, Thibaud LatourSWEE III, 2011April 27th, 28th 2011. University of Szeged, Hungary.Dr. Younes Djaghloul

When the Scoring Meets the Complex EventProcessing: the TESLA Component of TAO Platform<strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>, Raynald Jadoul, Patrick Plichart, Thibaud LatourSWEE III, 2011April 27th, 28th 2011. University of Szeged, Hungary.<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroductionConclusionExtra Slide … a Gift

IntroContextConclusion• Scoring is a fundamental dimension of theassessment process– To Prove– To Improve ( Feedback )• Scroring :definition of a set of variables/Values– According to the responses– A comparison between a test taker’s actual answerand an expected one<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroContext• Basic characteristics of the scoring mechanism– The definition of the scoring rule during the itembuilding phase.– A direct comparison between the given answer andthe expected one.– The value of the score are set just after passing thetestConclusion<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroContextConclusion• Currently, we need more– A high quality of Feedback– The possibility to define scoring rules after the buildingitem phase and after passing the test– The possibility to calculate the score values in severallevels of the process– Improve the management of the Problem Solvingassessment, ( the strategy VS the final answer )– Ensure the compatibility of scoring between platforms.<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroMotivationConclusion• Copy all files from source totarget that match : A presentation submittedto SWEE 2011 WorkShop PowerPoint 2007 only. The size is less than 2 MB• Delete the selected files fromthe source folder<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroMotivation• Strategy 1• For each file check criteria• If match do a copy• Copy/Paste• With the keyboard• With the mouse• <strong>Dr</strong>ag&<strong>Dr</strong>op• Delete the fileConclusion<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroMotivationConclusion• Strategy 2• Use regular expression in the search (*Swee2011*.pptx)• Sort the list according to the size of the file• Select with mouse all files that have size < 2Mo and do aCut/Paste<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroMotivationConclusion• How to get the used strategy ?• How to express the pattern of strategies toscore them ?• How to analyze and use (re-use) the result along time after passing the test ?<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusion<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusionScoring in e-AssessmentLively HungaryComplex Event Processing<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusionTESLA Engine<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusion• Trace = seq{E 1 ,E 2 …E n }• Event E: set {VV 1 ,VV 2 …VV m }• VV : (Variable , Value)– Fixed variables, TAO variables (source, time,…)– Embedded score variables ( score variablescalculated by the item)– DataType of variables– Possible values of a variable. ( events name, true,false, string…)<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusionstimulusRADIO_BTN1830choice1<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusionstimulusRADIO_BTN1830choice1stimulusBUTTON1962btn_next…<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusion• Example of pattern• …‘A', "(type= 'RADIO_BTN') and (id = 'choice3'))‘I', "(type= 'BUTTON') and (id = 'btn_back'))‘T', "(type= 'BUTTON') and (id = 'btn_next‘);‘Z', "(type= 'BUTTON') and (id = 'btn_calculate‘))‘S', "(type= 'RADIO_BTN') and (id = 'choice3'))PatternOfSymbols= “TISZA";<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>The strategy

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusionVariableDescriptionScore_Value_If_MatchThevariabledefinitionSourcesPattern MatchingWindow<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

IntroThe proposed contributionConclusion• Variable_Description (VariableDesignation, VariableURI).• Sources• Window (FilterType, WindowBegin, WindowEnd).• PatternMatching (SymbolDeclarations, PatternOfSymbols, PatternStrategy).– SymbolDeclarations.– PatternOfSymbols. The syntax of a Pattern is similar to the regularexpression one.– PatternStrategy . These strategies are inspired from the Complex EventProcessing area and the possible values are: Strict, Order, Set.• Value_If_Match<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

Intro• A technical contribution to improve the e-Assessmentplatform (TAO)– An architecture of the scoring engine based on Complex EventProcessing– Flexible definition of the score variables (post and pre test)– XML based language for variable’s declaration– The Support of the Problem Solving assessment with complexpattern matching• Next steps– Correlation between events– Finishing a visual authoring tool to facilitate the creation ofvariables<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Younes</strong> <strong>Djaghloul</strong>

Email: younes.djaghloul@tudor.lucontact@tudor.luWeb site: www.tao.lu

Extra Slide … a Gift

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