Article on the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter - Wescam

Article on the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter - Wescam Article on the UH-72A Lakota Light Utility Helicopter - Wescam


UH-72 UPDATERapidThe first operational unit to beequipped with the UH-72A wasthe National Training Center’sAir Ambulance Detachmentat Fort Irwin, California.(Photo: EADS North America)responseThe US Army took deliveryof its 100th UH-72A LakotaLight UtilityHelicopter at the beginningof March. Scott R Gourleytakes a focussed look atthat rarest of creatures –a successful armyhelicopter programme.Created as an outgrowth of the decision toend the RAH-66 Comanche programmein the spring of 2004, the US Army’s UH-72ALakota Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) wasfunded with money originally planned andprogrammed for the Comanche.The original requirement was for 322 aircraft,but that figure has now increased to 345platforms with the majority of those – 210UH-72As – destined for the Army NationalGuard (ARNG). As it is fielded, the UH-72A isbeginning to replace UH-60 Black Hawk, UH-1Huey, and OH-58A/C Kiowa aircraft used by theARNG and elements of the active army.The cost of supporting the UH-1 andOH-58A/C aircraft had been increasing inrecent years due to parts availability and oldage. The UH-72A is a smaller (fuselage length10.1m/length rotor rotating 13m), less costlyaircraft that can fulfil the missions that theolder types were conducting at the US Army’sCombat Training Centers (CTCs) and elsewherearound the US.Moreover, the UH-60 aircraft being freedup by incoming Lakotas are now available tosupport US operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.Already, the rapid acquisition, production andfielding of the UH-72A over the last three and ahalf years has allowed the army to transfer 24UH-60 aircraft to other missions that supportoverseas contingency operations.EXPRESS DELIVERYEADS North America is the prime contractorand overall programme lead, with AmericanEurocopter responsible for aircraft production,assembly and delivery. EADS highlights asupplier network that includes Aerolite, BAESystems, CAE, Goodrich, L-3, Labarge,Luminator, Meggitt, Nordam, Sagem, Sikorsky,Thales USA, Turbomeca USA, Whelen andWulfsberg Electronics.Noting that the first aircraft delivery was inNovember 2006, five months after contractaward, US Army representatives haveemphasised that the team has been able todeliver as many as five aircraft in any onemonth and remain on schedule and withinthe army cost position.As of the end of 2009, 93 Lakota aircrafthad been fielded to ARNG units in 11 states,the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Inaddition, medevac and general support unitsat the National Training Center (NTC) andJoint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) havealso received UH-72As, while active armyunits at Fort Rucker, Fort Eustis and the➡ Volume 29 Number 2 | March/April 2010 | Defence Helicopter 15

<strong>UH</strong>-72 UPDATERapidThe first operati<strong>on</strong>al unit to beequipped with <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> was<strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Training Center’sAir Ambulance Detachmentat Fort Irwin, California.(Photo: EADS North America)resp<strong>on</strong>seThe US Army took deliveryof its 100th <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> <strong>Lakota</strong><strong>Light</strong> <strong>Utility</strong><strong>Helicopter</strong> at <strong>the</strong> beginningof March. Scott R Gourleytakes a focussed look atthat rarest of creatures –a successful armyhelicopter programme.Created as an outgrowth of <strong>the</strong> decisi<strong>on</strong> toend <strong>the</strong> RAH-66 Comanche programmein <strong>the</strong> spring of 2004, <strong>the</strong> US Army’s <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong><strong>Lakota</strong> <strong>Light</strong> <strong>Utility</strong> <strong>Helicopter</strong> (L<strong>UH</strong>) wasfunded with m<strong>on</strong>ey originally planned andprogrammed for <strong>the</strong> Comanche.The original requirement was for 322 aircraft,but that figure has now increased to 345platforms with <strong>the</strong> majority of those – 210<strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong>s – destined for <strong>the</strong> Army Nati<strong>on</strong>alGuard (ARNG). As it is fielded, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> isbeginning to replace <strong>UH</strong>-60 Black Hawk, <strong>UH</strong>-1Huey, and OH-58A/C Kiowa aircraft used by <strong>the</strong>ARNG and elements of <strong>the</strong> active army.The cost of supporting <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-1 andOH-58A/C aircraft had been increasing inrecent years due to parts availability and oldage. The <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> is a smaller (fuselage length10.1m/length rotor rotating 13m), less costlyaircraft that can fulfil <strong>the</strong> missi<strong>on</strong>s that <strong>the</strong>older types were c<strong>on</strong>ducting at <strong>the</strong> US Army’sCombat Training Centers (CTCs) and elsewherearound <strong>the</strong> US.Moreover, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-60 aircraft being freedup by incoming <strong>Lakota</strong>s are now available tosupport US operati<strong>on</strong>s in Afghanistan and Iraq.Already, <strong>the</strong> rapid acquisiti<strong>on</strong>, producti<strong>on</strong> andfielding of <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> over <strong>the</strong> last three and ahalf years has allowed <strong>the</strong> army to transfer 24<strong>UH</strong>-60 aircraft to o<strong>the</strong>r missi<strong>on</strong>s that supportoverseas c<strong>on</strong>tingency operati<strong>on</strong>s.EXPRESS DELIVERYEADS North America is <strong>the</strong> prime c<strong>on</strong>tractorand overall programme lead, with AmericanEurocopter resp<strong>on</strong>sible for aircraft producti<strong>on</strong>,assembly and delivery. EADS highlights asupplier network that includes Aerolite, BAESystems, CAE, Goodrich, L-3, Labarge,Luminator, Meggitt, Nordam, Sagem, Sikorsky,Thales USA, Turbomeca USA, Whelen andWulfsberg Electr<strong>on</strong>ics.Noting that <strong>the</strong> first aircraft delivery was inNovember 2006, five m<strong>on</strong>ths after c<strong>on</strong>tractaward, US Army representatives haveemphasised that <strong>the</strong> team has been able todeliver as many as five aircraft in any <strong>on</strong>em<strong>on</strong>th and remain <strong>on</strong> schedule and within<strong>the</strong> army cost positi<strong>on</strong>.As of <strong>the</strong> end of 2009, 93 <strong>Lakota</strong> aircrafthad been fielded to ARNG units in 11 states,<strong>the</strong> District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Inadditi<strong>on</strong>, medevac and general support unitsat <strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Training Center (NTC) andJoint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) havealso received <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong>s, while active armyunits at Fort Rucker, Fort Eustis and <strong>the</strong>➡ Volume 29 Number 2 | March/April 2010 | Defence <strong>Helicopter</strong> 15

<strong>UH</strong>-72 UPDATEThe arrival of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lakota</strong> is freeing up BlackHawks to be deployed in support of operati<strong>on</strong>s inIraq and Afghanistan. (Photo: US Army)US Military Academy (USMA) also operate <strong>the</strong>new aircraft.On 4 March, EADS North America held acerem<strong>on</strong>y to mark <strong>the</strong> delivery of <strong>the</strong> 100th<strong>Lakota</strong> to <strong>the</strong> army, which it trumpeted as‘ano<strong>the</strong>r <strong>on</strong>-time and <strong>on</strong>-budget achievementfor a highly successful programme’. The aircraft inquesti<strong>on</strong> will be deployed to Germany with <strong>the</strong>Joint Multinati<strong>on</strong>al Readiness Center (JMRC).In additi<strong>on</strong> to army applicati<strong>on</strong>s, five <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong>aircraft were purchased by <strong>the</strong> US Navy for useat <strong>the</strong> Naval Test Pilot School (NTPS) in PatuxentRiver, Maryland, which not <strong>on</strong>ly trains navalaviators but also o<strong>the</strong>r US service pilots as wellas those from overseas allies.Programme representatives credit <strong>the</strong><strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> as being a highly capable andmanoeuvrable aircraft, able to support <strong>the</strong>requirements of NTPS testing and training.FLYING START‘I think <strong>the</strong> programme is really off to a greatstart,’ Lt Col Dave Bristol, US Army L<strong>UH</strong>product manager, told Defence <strong>Helicopter</strong>.‘We’ve currently [mid-February 2010] got97 aircraft that are actually fielded to <strong>the</strong>army and that also includes five navyaircraft. Again, <strong>the</strong> team has d<strong>on</strong>e a superjob. That includes American Eurocopter[producti<strong>on</strong>, assembly, and delivery] and<strong>the</strong> supporting role of Sikorsky <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>maintainer side.’Sikorsky Aerospace Services (<strong>the</strong> aftermarketbusiness of Sikorsky Aircraft) plays a primaryrole in providing c<strong>on</strong>tractor logistics support(CLS) for <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> team. In late August2009, it announced <strong>the</strong> delivery ofenhancements to <strong>the</strong> HELOTRAC RLmaintenance management system for <strong>the</strong><strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong>, including ‘improvements to threeprimary features requested by <strong>the</strong> US Army:safety; an operating and supportmanagement informati<strong>on</strong> system; andfleet management capabilities’.‘The five navy aircraft – and we just delivered<strong>the</strong> fifth <strong>on</strong>e a few weeks ago – were fielded to<strong>the</strong> NTPS up at Pax River where <strong>the</strong>y are usingthose for test pilot training,’ Bristol c<strong>on</strong>tinued.‘So that’s ano<strong>the</strong>r big accomplishment for<strong>the</strong> programme.’The standard L<strong>UH</strong> c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong> includes:cockpit features such as glass cockpit, widefield of view, LCD displays and three-axisautopilot; performance features such as lownoiserotor blades, twin-engined (Turbomeca16Defence <strong>Helicopter</strong> | March/April 2010 | Volume 29 Number

<strong>UH</strong>-72 UPDATEThe first two <strong>Lakota</strong>s fielded by <strong>the</strong> ARNG land inTupelo, Mississippi, in 2008. (Photo: US Army)Arriel 1E2) reliability, a maximum speed of268km/h and endurance of up to 3.2 hours;capacity features such as a 500kg payload withgross weight of 3,500kg; and communicati<strong>on</strong>sfeatures such as <strong>the</strong> ARC-231 suite, interagencyVHF/<strong>UH</strong>F comms and a cabin intercom system.In additi<strong>on</strong>, missi<strong>on</strong> equipment package(MEP) kits optimise <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lakota</strong> to performspecific missi<strong>on</strong>s in support of its different roles.For example, <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> is currently beingprimarily delivered in two army c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong>s –medevac and VIP. The <strong>Lakota</strong> medevac MEPincludes two NATO standard litters, a medicalstorage kit, an external rescue hoist and anenvir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>trol unit (ECU). The VIP MEPfeatures special seats, carpet and an ECU.MULTIPLE VARIANTSBey<strong>on</strong>d those two c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong>s, additi<strong>on</strong>alMEP kits are being developed to optimisethree new variants: security and support (S&S)battali<strong>on</strong> (ARNG); observer/c<strong>on</strong>troller; andopposing force (OPFOR).Designed to facilitate homeland securityoperati<strong>on</strong>s for ARNG units, <strong>the</strong> S&S battali<strong>on</strong>MEP, funded by <strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard Bureau,includes <strong>the</strong> Skyquest VRDV-4010 digitalvideo recorder, a EuroNav V RN6 movingmap and Sierra Nevada TactiLink-Eaglecommunicati<strong>on</strong>s system.Selected aircraft can also be fitted with <strong>the</strong>L-3 <strong>Wescam</strong> MX-15i EO/IR sensor, <strong>the</strong> LuminatorLS16 searchlight, which is slaved to <strong>the</strong> EO/IRsensor and provides 30 milli<strong>on</strong> candlepower,and a hoist.The new observer/c<strong>on</strong>troller MEP willinclude enhancements such as an externalpublic address system, while <strong>the</strong> OPFOR MEPwill add items such as MILES/TESS (MultipleIntegrated Laser Engagement System/TacticalEngagement Support System) and a uniquecamouflage paint pattern.‘We currently have <strong>the</strong> medevac variant and<strong>the</strong> VIP variant,’ Bristol noted. ‘And right now wealso have <strong>the</strong> security and support birds thatwe’re building for <strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard.’He said <strong>the</strong> critical design review (CDR) wasrecently completed for c<strong>on</strong>troller helicoptersfor <strong>the</strong> CTCs at <strong>the</strong> JRTC at Fort Polk, <strong>the</strong> NTCat Fort Irwin and <strong>the</strong> JMRC in Hohenfels,Germany, and <strong>the</strong> aircraft was now at <strong>the</strong>prototype stage.‘The two in producti<strong>on</strong> right now are <strong>the</strong>medevac and <strong>the</strong> VIP, with S&S and <strong>the</strong> CTCvariants just completing CDR and seeking FAA➡ Volume 29 Number 2 | March/April 2010 | Defence <strong>Helicopter</strong> 17

<strong>UH</strong>-72 UPDATEcertificati<strong>on</strong> this summer [mid-2010]. And <strong>the</strong>nof course we’ll cut those into producti<strong>on</strong>. So allprogrammes are <strong>on</strong> cost/<strong>on</strong> schedule, so I’mvery pleased with that. The fifth variant, <strong>the</strong>OPFOR c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong>, is also looking for FAAcertificati<strong>on</strong> in <strong>the</strong> late summer timeframe.’IN THE FIELDRecapping quantities already fielded, Bristoladded: ‘They’re performing very well. Thecustomers are very happy. As <strong>the</strong>y divest <strong>the</strong>OH-58s and <strong>UH</strong>-1s I think <strong>the</strong>y are very pleasedwith this aircraft and <strong>the</strong> MEP that <strong>the</strong>y arereceiving. And I look forward to <strong>the</strong> resp<strong>on</strong>se to<strong>the</strong> security support package, as that retrofitprocess and cut into producti<strong>on</strong> happensaround <strong>the</strong> end of this year or early next year. Ithink <strong>the</strong>y’re going to be very pleased with it.’In terms of platform modificati<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>on</strong>e early<strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> effort involved <strong>the</strong> aircraft ventilati<strong>on</strong>system. ‘That has worked out very well,’ Bristolsaid. ‘Currently we just have <strong>the</strong> ECUs in <strong>the</strong>medevac and VIP variants. That was <strong>the</strong> <strong>on</strong>lything approved. But I believe that <strong>the</strong> customerThe <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> is beingdelivered in five mainvariants: medvac; VIP;security and support;observer/c<strong>on</strong>troller; andopposing force. (Photo:EADS North America)is very happy with that and <strong>the</strong>re has beensome interest across <strong>the</strong> fleet to add additi<strong>on</strong>alECUs. But nothing has been approved forthat yet.‘O<strong>the</strong>r than that, <strong>the</strong>re is an engine inletbarrier filter (EIBF) that we have added <strong>on</strong> toaircraft in certain locati<strong>on</strong>s – about 65 aircraft atthis point – where we have d<strong>on</strong>e site surveysand that has proved to help save erosi<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong><strong>the</strong> compressor blades. So every time we go tofield – for example, this year we have 11fielding sites – we do a site survey. And part ofthat is looking at <strong>the</strong> envir<strong>on</strong>ment. And, if needbe, we will put an EIBF <strong>on</strong> each engine to helpprotect those blades,’ he said.Bristol noted that o<strong>the</strong>r potential platformmodificati<strong>on</strong>s ranged from leveragingblade coating efforts from o<strong>the</strong>r helicopterprogrammes to integrated healthmanagement systems.‘Right now we’re testing a set of coatedblades at NTC,’ he said. ‘And we look for a twophasedapproach for L<strong>UH</strong>. One is coating <strong>the</strong>leading edge and testing that out <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong>field. And we also want to look at coating <strong>the</strong>entire blade. So that programme is going verywell. We are also looking at hardenedwindshield applicati<strong>on</strong>s, just because of <strong>the</strong>envir<strong>on</strong>ments we fly in, and that programme isalso going very well. And <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> last thing weare looking at is just a little seed m<strong>on</strong>ey forIVHMS [Integrated Vehicle Health ManagementSystem], so we’re looking to do some testingwith IVHMS in this aircraft.’He added that <strong>on</strong>e additi<strong>on</strong>al modificati<strong>on</strong>could involve <strong>the</strong> installati<strong>on</strong> of blue forcetracking capabilities <strong>on</strong> selected <strong>Lakota</strong>s.TRAINING UPWith more than 500 pilots and maintainerstrained to date by American Eurocopter atEADS North America’s Grand Prairie, Texas,headquarters and at <strong>the</strong> Eastern ARNGAviati<strong>on</strong> Training Site at Fort Indiantown Gap,Pennsylvania, Bristol was also quick tohighlight <strong>the</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s of <strong>the</strong> relatedtraining and support activities to <strong>the</strong> overallprogramme success.‘Here in <strong>the</strong> programme we have not <strong>on</strong>lyproducti<strong>on</strong> but we also have <strong>the</strong> training of <strong>the</strong>pilots,’ he explained. ‘I’ve trained 360 pilots and184 Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard maintainers to date, andwe c<strong>on</strong>tinue to train pilots and maintenancepers<strong>on</strong>nel. So not <strong>on</strong>ly producti<strong>on</strong> but trainingA <strong>UH</strong>-<strong>72A</strong> in medevac c<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong> after landingat its new home at Fort Polk, Louisiana, where itis replacing <strong>the</strong> <strong>UH</strong>-1 Iroquois. (Photo: US Army)is going very well, as is our sustainment plan. Ithink <strong>the</strong> customer is very pleased with <strong>the</strong> fullCLS for <strong>the</strong> TDA sites and <strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard isreally enjoying <strong>the</strong> ability to receive parts in atimely manner. All parts are delivered within 48hours so operati<strong>on</strong>al readiness is <strong>the</strong> highest, Ithink, across aviati<strong>on</strong>. We are c<strong>on</strong>sistently over90%. I think that’s a huge accomplishment.’Bristol said although a few aircraft were stillcoming out of Eurocopter’s D<strong>on</strong>auwörthfacility in Germany, producti<strong>on</strong> had largelymoved to <strong>the</strong> US.‘By <strong>the</strong> October timeframe we will have100% coming out of Columbus, Mississippi.But that’s just a little bit of overlap in <strong>the</strong>producti<strong>on</strong> schedule. Right now almosteverything <strong>on</strong> my programme is coming outof Columbus… So I think that it’s really a proudmoment for our programme that we areproducing a high-quality product, a verysophisticated aircraft, for <strong>the</strong> user.’In terms of Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10) and FY11fielding plans, Bristol pointed to a schedule of35 aircraft being fielded to 11 locati<strong>on</strong>s during<strong>the</strong> current fiscal year, adding that ‘next year,in FY11, we are fielding a total of 64 aircraftacross 20 locati<strong>on</strong>s, which is phenomenal’.‘Our most challenging fielding locati<strong>on</strong>sare going to be Hohenfels, Germany, as afull OCONUS CLS site, and <strong>the</strong>n Kwajalein[Atoll]. That’s going to be pretty significant forour team.‘Again, <strong>the</strong> programme is really doing solidly.I really d<strong>on</strong>’t have any challenges <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>producti<strong>on</strong> side or modificati<strong>on</strong>s. The Nati<strong>on</strong>alGuard has been a solid team player in helpingdevelop <strong>the</strong> security support package. So Ithink overall that every<strong>on</strong>e has been verypleased with <strong>the</strong> product.’ DH18Defence <strong>Helicopter</strong> | March/April 2010 | Volume 29 Number

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