JP 3-52, Joint Airspace Control - Defense Technical Information ...

JP 3-52, Joint Airspace Control - Defense Technical Information ...

JP 3-52, Joint Airspace Control - Defense Technical Information ...


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Organization and Coordinationc. The ACP needs to support an orderly transition between peacetime andcombat operations. Such a transition could occur during a period of increasing and/ordecreasing tensions or suddenly without much warning.d. The ACP specifies ACMs and FSCMs to be used in the operational area andhow these measures will be distributed and implemented. The ACP should provideguidance on what FSCMs will be placed in the ACO. The ACP should also provideguidance on component-unique ACMs, terms, or graphics that may be included in theACO.e. The ACP provides procedures to fully integrate the resources of military ATCfacilities responsible for terminal-area airspace control or en route ATC. ATC facilitiesare interfaced and linked with ACS communications to form a system that fostersthe safe and efficient flow of air traffic.f. The AADP includes detailed engagement procedures. <strong>Airspace</strong> control andarea air defense operations should have plans for operations in a degradedcommunications environment. Detailed engagement procedures and decentralizedweapons control procedures (as applied to air defense) are key to operations in adegraded environment. Integration of air defense forces within the overall ACP iscritical to effective airspace control. The geographic arrangement of weapons and thelocation of specific types of air defense operations, as well as specific procedures foridentification of aircraft, are critical factors to include in the ACP.g. The ACP and AADP are distributed to all forces providing intertheater orintratheater air support. Not understanding or following the ACP and AADP may resultin hazardous air traffic situations, cause confusion between aircraft and control agencies,and increase the risk of fratricide.5. <strong>Airspace</strong> <strong>Control</strong> OrderThe ACP provides general guidance for the control of the airspace, but the ACOimplements specific control procedures for established time periods. The ACO is anorder that provides the details of the approved requests for ACMs and FSCMs. It ispublished either as part of the ATO or as a separate document. The ACO defines andestablishes airspace for military operations as coordinated by the ACA. It notifies allagencies of the effective time of activation and the composite structure of the airspace tobe used. The ACO may include ACMs and FSCMs such as air routes, base defensezones (BDZs), coordinating measures/lines, drop zones, pickup points, restricted areas,carrier control zones, and other areas. A change to the ACO should be distributedwhenever a new area is established or an existing area deleted. Timely promulgation ofACO changes to all airspace users, to include multinational forces, is essential to avoidfratricide and increase operational effectiveness.II-5

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