Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 NYANYALI ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 NYANYALI ... - Swaziland

Service Contract No 2007 / 147-446 NYANYALI ... - Swaziland

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data on emitter characteristics this FA is applying 3.6mm/day on their 6 day cycle. Also,there is no scheduling tool to accurately determine the amount of water applied and/orrequired with every irrigation.Training of farm manager and his assistants<strong>Swaziland</strong> Sugar Association and Ubombo Sugar endeavour to provide technical assistanceto this FA but based on the current condition of the irrigation system, more is still to be done.More focus has to be put into training this FA on operation and maintenance of the irrigationsystem and ensure that equipment are replaced with correct ones and by qualifiedtechnicians. This capacity building exercise will go a long way into improving efficiency in thisirrigation project.6 . 3 M a i n t e n a n c e S u r v e yWhen the impact of maintenance practices was evaluated, it was decided to classify theexisting maintenance practices followed by the producer, according to existing literaturesources as acceptable if it will not influence the performance of the system adversely andunacceptable/ineligible if it will impair the performance. The acceptable values are viewed asthe absolute minimum values for the sustaining of an acceptable Us value in the systemTable 5. Maintenance schedule for sprinkler irrigation systemsMonitor With each cycle AnnuallyInspect the system for leakagesXCheck system pressure and system flowX<strong>Service</strong> air valves and hydrantsXCheck sprinklers for wear and replace springs, washers andnozzles where necessaryFlush mainlines -XTable 6. Maintenance practices implemented by Nyanyali FarmersMonitor Results ClassificationInspect the system for leakages Attend to leaks only UnacceptableCheck system pressure and system flow Never Unacceptable<strong>Service</strong> air valves and hydrants Never UnacceptableCheck sprinklers for wear and replace springs,washers and nozzles where necessaryNeverUnacceptableFlush mainlines Never UnacceptableNyanyali Farmers Cooperative Report - 2009 Page - 33 -

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