KT-36XA over40-2CD - Kkn.net

KT-36XA over40-2CD - Kkn.net KT-36XA over40-2CD - Kkn.net


Latest Updates• Many have attempted modeling sincemy efforts• W1JR – better success withsegmentation changes, NEC4• K5GO – NEC4• W8WWV – Highlights issues with tapercorrection in NEC2

Modeling the W6NL 40m MoxonGreg Ordy, W8WWVApril 13, 2012V1.01• “Re-design of a Moxon rectangle that employs a steppeddiametertaper schedule is not a task for NEC-2. Because thestepped-diameter correction of NEC-2 implementations doesnot operate for non-linear elements, the program will notcorrectly handle the bent Moxon elements. Re-design shoulduse either NEC-4 or a highly corrected version of MININEC3.13, such as the one sold as Antenna Model”.

Modeling the W6NL 40m MoxonGreg Ordy, W8WWVApril 13, 2012V1.01• “Re-design of a Moxon rectangle that employs a steppeddiametertaper schedule is not a task for NEC-2. Because thestepped-diameter correction of NEC-2 implementations doesnot operate for non-linear elements, the program will notcorrectly handle the bent Moxon elements. Re-design shoulduse either NEC-4 or a highly corrected version of MININEC3.13, such as the one sold as Antenna Model”.

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