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© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 52 – 562) shortening the time to reach the injuredpatients;3) establishing specialist centers for the treatmentof such injuries. Following the deliveryof patients with multi-organ injuries to thenearest hospital, the care of these patientsis taken over by emergency care units inhospital emergency wards. These are multidisciplinaryteams of physicians, nursesand paramedics, who perform a wide-scalediagnostics of the patient. According to theBritish physicians, this allows to provideaid in a timely manner and avoids potentialomission of any procedural stage, thusleading to fast initiation of causal treatment.Paramedics are independent individuals workingby themselves or in groups with patients ofall ages, depending of their professional competence.They are the main members of interdisciplinaryteams who belong to different organizations.Successful performance of one’s duties asa paramedic requires identification and understandingof social and economical conditions ofpatients. This helps in planning, providing andimproving medical care.Paramedics’ duties are classified according to afive-grade system including the following grades:——Emergency Medical Technician (EMT);——Paramedic;——Paramedic Practitioner (incl. EmergencyMedicine Practitioner);——Advanced Paramedic Practitioner;——Consultant Paramedic.The term “paramedic” and its meaning are subjectto legal protection. Career development is a lifelongconcept. In-service training creates basis forthe development of college-level training methods.Paramedics are capable of acting upon first contactwith the patient without seeking help fromother healthcare professionals. They are alsoresponsible for the quality of care they provide topatients by adhering to principles and applyingmedical knowledge in their practice.Paramedics of all grades should:1) have the knowledge and understanding ofchanges occurring in the human body fromneonatal to elderly age;Review article2) be capable of delivering aid to individualsand groups in a wide variety of situations,including aid in acute, primary and criticalcare conditions presenting complex andvariable problems as resulting from multipathologydisorders and injuries;3) be capable to combine theoretical knowledgewith practical skills and to develop problemsolving schemes;4) be able of critical self-assessment anddrawing appropriate conclusions;5) be able to apply clinical examinations andcase studies in their paramedical practicein order to provide patients with optimumcare;6) be able to work in teams and cooperate withother professionals;7) be able to understand patient’s autonomy,internal reservations and rights as well as beable of providing support to patients;8) be capable of referring the patient to a centerof appropriate reference level in case thepatient’s needs are beyond the paramedic’scapabilities.Differences in the training programsof technicians and paramedicsin the United KingdomThe requirement for the training of techniciansand paramedics are different. Part of the trainingis provided in ambulances and part is providedin hospitals; the training also includes a masterdegreeprogram.The candidates go through an intensive initialtraining of about 12 weeks, including classes onanatomy, physiology, intensive care and ambulancedriving. The theoretical part of the trainingis prepared by the Institute of Health Care Development(IHCD).The clinical care is provided by technicians andparamedics in line with national clinical protocols(procedural standards). These are translatedinto local protocols which may be approved bylocal committees of hospital consultants, familypractitioners, pharmacists, senior emergencyservice managers supervised by medical emergencyexecutives. The list of skills and the list ofdrugs that can be administered by technicians isprovided in schedule A.52

© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 53 – 56Dorota Kołodziej, Radosław Ziemba: The role of paramedics in British emergency …After the basic training and after passing theoreticaland practical exams, technicians work forone year under supervision of an experiences,trained technician or paramedic. At some centers,technicians keep books to record their practicalskills. After a one-year training, techniciansreceive licenses for independent practice; however,they should take part in subsequent trainingsevery 3 years.Technicians striving to obtain the paramedicdegree must have at least 12 months of professionalexperience as qualified technicians andmust be selected by their employing institution.Today, paramedics in the United Kingdom aresubjected to an at least two-month long, intensivetraining in:1) anatomy;2) physiology;3) trauma surgery;4) procedures to follow in emergency cases:including:a) pregnancy,b) pediatrics,c) psychiatry.In addition, paramedics undergo practical trainingin emergency wards, operating rooms andinvasive cardiology labs. During the training,paramedics have to••perform at least: 25 intravenous punctures••25 intubations••interpretations of ECG records. Next, theyundergo training in:——Advanced Life Support (ALS);——Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS);——Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS);——different medical scenarios in adults and children.These are preceded by practical trainingand serve as a apply for a paramedic certificate.Degrees of paramedic qualificationsin the United KingdomAmbulance Clinician/Technician;Student ParamedicAmbulance clinicians/technicians and studentparamedics should have completed high schooleducation and knowledge of the basic concepts ofpatient care. In addition, they must complete thehttp://military.isl-journals.combasic training program organized by the employinginstitution in cooperation with High EducationInstitution (HEI) partners.At this level, the staff is capable of issuing accurateinitial diagnosis and plan further actions.Thanks to their knowledge and skills, the paramedicsare capable of differentiating betweenlife-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions,interpret and record basic observations andpatient’s personal, family and social history whileproviding aid to the patient. Using the informationobtained from the patient, paramedics formulateconclusions regarding the nature of thedisorder or injury and take actions to manage thepatient and stabilize their conditions accordingto clinical guidelines. The scope of paramedics’activities includes protection of respiratory tract,defibrillation and pharmacotherapy.In more complex cases requiring higher skills,paramedics should seek advice from more experiencedcolleagues.At this stage of the training, high school graduatesshould focus on gaining their own experienceand ability to draw conclusions so as to beable to face the upcoming challenges. In addition,they should be well-coordinated and efficientwhile providing aid to the patients.The paramedics have to be able to work in teamsand establish contacts with specialists in differentareas. Thanks to the professional supervision,own reflections and discussions on everyencountered case, the paramedics systematicallyimprove their professional skills and as part ofthe life-long competence — improving process.Registered paramedicThe registered paramedic must have the knowledge,understanding and capability of practicalapplication of the principles or paramedic serviceas developed in cooperation with the HighEducation Institution (HEI), and taught to themwhile studying at that institution.They should be ready for unassisted work asa team member. At this grade, a paramedic iscapable of using their knowledge in unassistedwork aimed at providing patients with best aidpossible. This includes advanced airway patencyprotection procedures, intravenous fluid therapy53

© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 53 – 56Dorota Kołodziej, Radosław Ziemba: The role of paramedics in British emergency …After the basic training and after passing theoreticaland practical exams, technicians work forone year under supervision of an experiences,trained technician or paramedic. At some centers,technicians keep books to record their practicalskills. After a one-year training, techniciansreceive licenses for independent practice; however,they should take part in subsequent trainingsevery 3 years.Technicians striving to obtain the paramedicdegree must have at least 12 months of professionalexperience as qualified technicians andmust be selected by their employing institution.Today, paramedics in the United Kingdom aresubjected to an at least two-month long, intensivetraining in:1) anatomy;2) physiology;3) trauma surgery;4) procedures to follow in emergency cases:including:a) pregnancy,b) pediatrics,c) psychiatry.In addition, paramedics undergo practical trainingin emergency wards, operating rooms andinvasive cardiology labs. During the training,paramedics have to••perform at least: 25 intravenous punctures••25 intubations••interpretations of ECG records. Next, theyundergo training in:——Advanced Life Support (ALS);——Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS);——Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS);——different medical scenarios in adults and children.These are preceded by practical trainingand serve as a apply for a paramedic certificate.Degrees of paramedic qualificationsin the United KingdomAmbulance Clinician/Technician;Student ParamedicAmbulance clinicians/technicians and studentparamedics should have completed high schooleducation and knowledge of the basic concepts ofpatient care. In addition, they must complete thehttp://military.isl-journals.combasic training program organized by the employinginstitution in cooperation with High EducationInstitution (HEI) partners.At this level, the staff is capable of issuing accurateinitial diagnosis and plan further actions.Thanks to their knowledge and skills, the paramedicsare capable of differentiating betweenlife-threatening and non-life-threatening conditions,interpret and record basic observations andpatient’s personal, family and social history whileproviding aid to the patient. Using the informationobtained from the patient, paramedics formulateconclusions regarding the nature of thedisorder or injury and take actions to manage thepatient and stabilize their conditions accordingto clinical guidelines. The scope of paramedics’activities includes protection of respiratory tract,defibrillation and pharmacotherapy.In more complex cases requiring higher skills,paramedics should seek advice from more experiencedcolleagues.At this stage of the training, high school graduatesshould focus on gaining their own experienceand ability to draw conclusions so as to beable to face the upcoming challenges. In addition,they should be well-coordinated and efficientwhile providing aid to the patients.The paramedics have to be able to work in teamsand establish contacts with specialists in differentareas. Thanks to the professional supervision,own reflections and discussions on everyencountered case, the paramedics systematicallyimprove their professional skills and as part ofthe life-long competence — improving process.Registered paramedicThe registered paramedic must have the knowledge,understanding and capability of practicalapplication of the principles or paramedic serviceas developed in cooperation with the HighEducation Institution (HEI), and taught to themwhile studying at that institution.They should be ready for unassisted work asa team member. At this grade, a paramedic iscapable of using their knowledge in unassistedwork aimed at providing patients with best aidpossible. This includes advanced airway patencyprotection procedures, intravenous fluid therapy53

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