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© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 30 – 32Viscosity test resultsFigure 3: Hysteresis loop for the M-0 ointment.Ascending curveDescending curveOriginal articlewere performed by increasing the shear rate fromzero to a pre-defined maximum value and thanback to zero immediately after reaching the maximumpoint. Figures 3 and 4 present examplehysteresis loops obtained for the M-0 ointmentand for an ointment containing a cholesteroloxyethyleneation product (M-Ch-10 Na).Positive tixotrophy was observed for all preparedproducts. Upon isothermal flow of the fluid thathas previously been in stasis for a prolonged time,the shear stress was reversibly reduced over timein these systems.Structural viscosity of the tested ointments wascompared at the ascending hysteresis loop curvefragments for three arbitrarily selected shearrates of 12.2, 24.2 and 30.2 1/s. The results arelisted in Table 3.Figure 4: Hysteresis loop for the M-Ch-10 Na ointment.Ascending curveDescending curveViscosity tests showed that all hydrophilic vaseline-basedointments with variant compositionswere tixothropic and rheologically unstable, asconfirmed by the hysteresis loop test [14]. Measurementsof shear stress depending on shear rateTable 3: Structural viscosity parameters for the model ointments.OintmentShear rate12.2 1/sShearstress[N/m2]Viscosity[mPa·s]Shear rate24.2 1/sShearstressViscosity[N/m[mPa·s]2 ]Shear rate30.2 1/sShearstress[N/m 2]30 http://military.isl-journals.comIntroduction of cholesterol derivatives into theformulae of hydrophilic vaseline-based ointmentsreduces their structural viscosity values,as observed at all three shear rates tested in thestudy. Based on the Einstein-Smoluchowskiequation: D=kT/6πrη, (where: D — diffusivityof the medicinal substance, k — Boltzmann constant,T — temperature in Kelvins, r — observedradius of the molecule of the medicinal substance,η — viscosity) [15], one may expect that thereduction in viscosity parameters wouldenhance diffusibility of the medicinal substance(ketoprofen lysinate) from the ointmentinto the external compartment, which isassociated with increased anti-inflammatoryefficacy of the product.Viscosity[mPa·s]M-0 52.5 4286 49.7 2054 50.5 1672M-Ch-10NaM-Ch-20NaM-Ch-30NaM-Ch-40NaM-Ch-10Ca47.5 3895 24.5 1010 23.9 789.942.3 3471 30.4 1257 30.2 99444.1 3618 28.2 1167 29.6 980.852.1 4269 39.2 1618 42.9 142251.1 4188 40.0 1651 38.8 1284Water loss kinetics test resultsThe measurements of water loss kineticsconstitute a supplement to the rheologicaltests (extensibility, structural viscosity). Theointment’s tendency to lose water affects itsstructural viscosity following applicationon the skin, and thus, the kinetics of therelease of the active substance. From thisstandpoint, slight viscosity changes arepreferred over time. The measurements ofthe water loss kinetics may also be used toassess the rheological stability of the productas part of stability tests. Slight changesin the ointment mass occurring over time

© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 31 – 32affect the stability of its physicochemical parametersupon storage.Figure 5 presents an example curve of ointmentwater loss.Justyna Kołodziejska at al.: Cholesterol oxyethyleneation products as …2152.8 c.u. In case of the ointment with unmodifiedformula (M-0), the value was 1895.5 c.u.(Table 4). As shown by the calculations, the testedointments would be characterized by comparablechanges in viscosity parameters during applicationon the tissue affected by inflammation. Thediffusibility of ketoprofen lysinate would be atsimilar levels throughout the contact with theapplication site, as follows from th e Einstein-Smoluchowski equation (D=kT/6πrη).Results of determination of the kinetics ofthe release of lysinate from the ointmentFigure 5: Kinetics of water loss for the M-Ch-10 Ca ointment.Table 4: Parameters of the regression equation of the typey=ax+b describing the kinetics of the loss ofwater from the ointmentOintmentRegression equationcoefficientsabCorrelationcoefficientrSurfacearea [c.u.]M-0 0.1653 0.4036 0.9916 1895.5Figure 6 presents an example of the relationshipbetween the quantity of the released ketoprofenlysinate (in mg per cm2 of the dialysis membrane)as a function of the square root of time.The obtained relationships were described bycorrelation equations of the types y=ax+b andlg(y)=a·lgx+b (a logarithmic form of the exponentialM-Ch-10 Na 0.1721 0.4951 0.9912 1983.6M-Ch-20 Na 0.1560 0.4693 0.9871 1800.8M-Ch-30 Na 0.1875 0.4776 0.9945 2152.8M-Ch-40 Na 0.1760 0.4549 0.9921 2021.6M-Ch-10 Ca 0.1744 0.4520 0.9927 2003.4The relationship between the loss in the massof the tested ointments [%] and time [min.] wasdescribed at the significance level ofp=0.05 by a regression equation ofthe type y=ax+b. Parameters a andbe were used to calculate the surfaceareas P under the water loss curves,expressed in conventional units [c.u.],using an integration method. Theobtained values are listed in Table 4.It was shown that introduction of cholesteroloxyethyleneation productsinto the ointment formula did not significantlyaffect the loss of water fromthe products. Surface areas under thecurves of the loss of water from theointment containing different cholesterolderivatives ranged from 1800.8 toOintmentM-0M-Ch-10NaM-Ch-20NaM-Ch-30NaM-Ch-40NaM-Ch-10Cahttp://military.isl-journals.comFigure 6: Kinetics of the release of ketoprofen lysinate from theM-Ch-30 Na ointment.Table 5: Regression equations describing the kinetics ofthe release of ketoprofen lysinate from modelointmentsRegressionequationtypey=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+bRegression equationcoefficientsab4.1365·10-3 -2,0335·10-20.6435 -1.84175.160·10-31.02525.1299·10-31.63525.4611·10-31.18116.0644·10-31.57585.5206·10-31.4582-0.0451·10-2-2.3003-2.2820·10-2-3.2015-1.0226·10-2-2.5368-2.7472·10-2-3.0646-2.3623·10-2-2.9553Correlationcoefficientr0.97310.96510.97460.96680.99400.99710.99910.99980.98810.99750.98460.9909Surfacearea[c.u.]0.40440.90880.53190.74420.62250.974631

© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 31 – 32affect the stability of its physicochemical parametersupon storage.Figure 5 presents an example curve of ointmentwater loss.Justyna Kołodziejska at al.: Cholesterol oxyethyleneation products as …2152.8 c.u. In case of the ointment with unmodifiedformula (M-0), the value was 1895.5 c.u.(Table 4). As shown by the calculations, the testedointments would be characterized by comparablechanges in viscosity parameters during applicationon the tissue affected by inflammation. Thediffusibility of ketoprofen lysinate would be atsimilar levels throughout the contact with theapplication site, as follows from th e Einstein-Smoluchowski equation (D=kT/6πrη).Results of determination of the kinetics ofthe release of lysinate from the ointmentFigure 5: Kinetics of water loss for the M-Ch-10 Ca ointment.Table 4: Parameters of the regression equation of the typey=ax+b describing the kinetics of the loss ofwater from the ointmentOintmentRegression equationcoefficientsabCorrelationcoefficientrSurfacearea [c.u.]M-0 0.1653 0.4036 0.9916 1895.5Figure 6 presents an example of the relationshipbetween the quantity of the released ketoprofenlysinate (in mg per cm2 of the dialysis membrane)as a function of the square root of time.The obtained relationships were described bycorrelation equations of the types y=ax+b andlg(y)=a·lgx+b (a logarithmic form of the exponentialM-Ch-10 Na 0.1721 0.4951 0.9912 1983.6M-Ch-20 Na 0.1560 0.4693 0.9871 1800.8M-Ch-30 Na 0.1875 0.4776 0.9945 2152.8M-Ch-40 Na 0.1760 0.4549 0.9921 2021.6M-Ch-10 Ca 0.1744 0.4520 0.9927 2003.4The relationship between the loss in the massof the tested ointments [%] and time [min.] wasdescribed at the significance level ofp=0.05 by a regression equation ofthe type y=ax+b. Parameters a andbe were used to calculate the surfaceareas P under the water loss curves,expressed in conventional units [c.u.],using an integration method. Theobtained values are listed in Table 4.It was shown that introduction of cholesteroloxyethyleneation productsinto the ointment formula did not significantlyaffect the loss of water fromthe products. Surface areas under thecurves of the loss of water from theointment containing different cholesterolderivatives ranged from 1800.8 toOintmentM-0M-Ch-10NaM-Ch-20NaM-Ch-30NaM-Ch-40NaM-Ch-10Cahttp://military.isl-journals.comFigure 6: Kinetics of the release of ketoprofen lysinate from theM-Ch-30 Na ointment.Table 5: Regression equations describing the kinetics ofthe release of ketoprofen lysinate from modelointmentsRegressionequationtypey=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+by=ax+blg(y)=a·lgx+bRegression equationcoefficientsab4.1365·10-3 -2,0335·10-20.6435 -1.84175.160·10-31.02525.1299·10-31.63525.4611·10-31.18116.0644·10-31.57585.5206·10-31.4582-0.0451·10-2-2.3003-2.2820·10-2-3.2015-1.0226·10-2-2.5368-2.7472·10-2-3.0646-2.3623·10-2-2.9553Correlationcoefficientr0.97310.96510.97460.96680.99400.99710.99910.99980.98810.99750.98460.9909Surfacearea[c.u.]0.40440.90880.53190.74420.62250.974631

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