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© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 15 – 16dent early AMD in a white population. GraefesArch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007; 245: 767–73.31. Jahn C, Wüstemeyer H, Brinkmann C, TrautmannS, Mössner A, Wolf S: Macular pigmentdensity in age-related maculopathy. Graefes ArchClin Exp Ophthalmol. 2005; 243: 222–7.32. Berendschot TT, Willemse-Assink JJ, BastiaanseM, de Jong PT, van Norren D: Macular pigmentand melanin in age-related maculopathy in ageneral population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2002; 43: 1928–32.33. LaRowe TL, Mares JA, Snodderly DM, KleinML, Wooten BR, Chappell R; CAREDS MacularPigment Study Group: Macular pigment densityand age-related maculopathy in the Carotenoidsin Age-Related Eye Disease Study. An ancillarystudy of the women’s health initiative. Ophthalmology.2008; 115: 876–83.34. Dietzel M, Zeimer M, Heimes B, Claes B, PauleikhoffD, Hense HW: Determinants of macularpigment optical density and its relation to agerelatedmaculopathy: results from the MuensterAging and Retina Study (MARS). Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2011; 52: 3452–7.35. Burke JD, Curran-Celentano J, Wenzel AJ: Dietand serum carotenoid concentrations affectmacular pigment optical density in adults 45years and older. J Nutr. 2005; 135: 1208–14.36. Trieschmann M, Heimes B, Hense HW, PauleikhoffD: Macular pigment optical density measurementin autofluorescence imaging: comparisonof one – and two-wavelength methods.Jerzy Z. Nowak: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): a critical appraisal …Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2006; 244:1565–74.37. Trieschmann M, Beatty S, Nolan JM, HenseHW, Heimes B, Austermann U et al.: Changesin macular pigment optical density and serumconcentrations of its constituent carotenoids followingsupplemental lutein and zeaxanthin: theLUNA study. Exp Eye Res. 2007; 84: 718–28.38. Delyfer MN, Buaud B, Korobelnik JF, RougierMB, Schalch W, Etheve S et al.: Association ofmacular pigment density with plasma ω-3 fattyacids: the PIMAVOSA study. Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2012; 53: 1204–10.39. Ma L, Yan SF, Huang YM, Lu XR, Qian F, PangHL et al.: Effect of Lutein and Zeaxanthin onMacular Pigment and Visual Function in Patientswith Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration.Ophthalmology. 2012; 119: 2290-7.40. Evans JR, Lawrenson JG: Antioxidant vitaminand mineral supplements for preventing age-relatedmacular degeneration. Cochrane DatabaseSyst Rev. 2012; 6: CD000253.41. Damico FM, Gasparin F, Scolari MR, Pedral LS,Takahashi BS: New approaches and potentialtreatments for dry age-related macular degeneration.Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2012; 75: 71–6.42. Albanes D, Heinonen OP, Taylor PR, VirtamoJ, Edwards BK, Rautalahti M et al.: Alpha-Tocopherol and beta-carotene supplements andlung cancer incidence in the alpha-tocopherol,beta-carotene cancer prevention study: effects ofbase-line characteristics and study compliance. JNatl Cancer Inst. 1996; 88: 1560–70.http://military.isl-journals.com15

© Military Pharmacy and Medicine • 2012 • 4 • 15 – 16dent early AMD in a white population. GraefesArch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007; 245: 767–73.31. Jahn C, Wüstemeyer H, Brinkmann C, TrautmannS, Mössner A, Wolf S: Macular pigmentdensity in age-related maculopathy. Graefes ArchClin Exp Ophthalmol. 2005; 243: 222–7.32. Berendschot TT, Willemse-Assink JJ, BastiaanseM, de Jong PT, van Norren D: Macular pigmentand melanin in age-related maculopathy in ageneral population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.2002; 43: 1928–32.33. LaRowe TL, Mares JA, Snodderly DM, KleinML, Wooten BR, Chappell R; CAREDS MacularPigment Study Group: Macular pigment densityand age-related maculopathy in the Carotenoidsin Age-Related Eye Disease Study. An ancillarystudy of the women’s health initiative. Ophthalmology.2008; 115: 876–83.34. Dietzel M, Zeimer M, Heimes B, Claes B, PauleikhoffD, Hense HW: Determinants of macularpigment optical density and its relation to agerelatedmaculopathy: results from the MuensterAging and Retina Study (MARS). Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2011; 52: 3452–7.35. Burke JD, Curran-Celentano J, Wenzel AJ: Dietand serum carotenoid concentrations affectmacular pigment optical density in adults 45years and older. J Nutr. 2005; 135: 1208–14.36. Trieschmann M, Heimes B, Hense HW, PauleikhoffD: Macular pigment optical density measurementin autofluorescence imaging: comparisonof one – and two-wavelength methods.Jerzy Z. Nowak: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): a critical appraisal …Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2006; 244:1565–74.37. Trieschmann M, Beatty S, Nolan JM, HenseHW, Heimes B, Austermann U et al.: Changesin macular pigment optical density and serumconcentrations of its constituent carotenoids followingsupplemental lutein and zeaxanthin: theLUNA study. Exp Eye Res. 2007; 84: 718–28.38. Delyfer MN, Buaud B, Korobelnik JF, RougierMB, Schalch W, Etheve S et al.: Association ofmacular pigment density with plasma ω-3 fattyacids: the PIMAVOSA study. Invest OphthalmolVis Sci. 2012; 53: 1204–10.39. Ma L, Yan SF, Huang YM, Lu XR, Qian F, PangHL et al.: Effect of Lutein and Zeaxanthin onMacular Pigment and Visual Function in Patientswith Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration.Ophthalmology. 2012; 119: 2290-7.40. Evans JR, Lawrenson JG: Antioxidant vitaminand mineral supplements for preventing age-relatedmacular degeneration. Cochrane DatabaseSyst Rev. 2012; 6: CD000253.41. Damico FM, Gasparin F, Scolari MR, Pedral LS,Takahashi BS: New approaches and potentialtreatments for dry age-related macular degeneration.Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2012; 75: 71–6.42. Albanes D, Heinonen OP, Taylor PR, VirtamoJ, Edwards BK, Rautalahti M et al.: Alpha-Tocopherol and beta-carotene supplements andlung cancer incidence in the alpha-tocopherol,beta-carotene cancer prevention study: effects ofbase-line characteristics and study compliance. JNatl Cancer Inst. 1996; 88: 1560–70.http://military.isl-journals.com15

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