Membership Brochure - Seattle Yacht Club

Membership Brochure - Seattle Yacht Club Membership Brochure - Seattle Yacht Club
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A b o u t S e a t t l e Y a c h t C l u ba family of peoplewho love boatingWhen asked what they like most about the <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, member responses have a recurringtheme: camaraderie. There’s a spirit of friendship andcommunity here, that makes everyone feel welcome.“For me, SYC has beencentral to my sailingcareer. I learned tosail in SYC’s summersailing school and havebeen racing under theSYC burgee ever since.”Jen Morgan-Glass3rd generationMember, since 1994With more than 2,500members, the <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> is among the largestin the country. Despite oursize, when you tie-up docksideor step inside the clubhouse,you’re met with an extendedhand – ready to assist or simplyto greet you with a smile.Some call it Northwest hospitality.We call it the <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> family.Our membership is diverse –including singles and families,pleasure boaters and worldclassathletes, and both powerand sail enthusiasts. While themajority of our members callthe <strong>Seattle</strong> area their home,many from out-of-state areproud to fly the SYC burgeeon their bow.One thing is for certain.No matter where ourmembers anchor, everyonefeels at home on the water.www.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org

D i v e r s e M e m b e r s , f a m i l y & F u nfrom all walks oflife, we love beingon the waterOn May 1st, 1920 the <strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> formally dedicatedits new home on Portage Bay.Those Opening Day ceremoniesestablished traditions that arestill followed to this day.Our diverse membership includes singles and families,America’s Cup competitors and Olympic medalists, those newto boating and others with stories that date back generations.“A <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>membership is theultimate experiencein boating.”Pat GoodfellowMember since 1976We come togetherover a love ofboating. Perhaps one of thebest expressions of that loveis our annual sponsorshipof the Opening Day ofBoating Season. On the firstSaturday in May, a week ofactivities culminates withan international rowingregatta, hailed as one of thelargest spectator sportingevents in the world. It’sfollowed by a spectacle ofmore than 300 colorful boatscarrying costumed crew andpassengers on a parade routethrough the Montlake Cut.The festivities are the nation’slargest nautical celebrationhonoring the arrival ofboating season.TOP: University of Washington Husky bandboats proceed through the Montlake Cut duringthe Opening Day parade.LEFT: A beautiful fleet of dressed sail boats paradethrough the Montlake Cut during an OpeningDay parade.RIGHT: Enjoying Opening Day 2006 theme“Caribbean Carnival” entertainment on the docksat the Portage Bay Main station.Bottom: <strong>Club</strong> members Roger Werner, LenRothe and Rob Sullivan dressed in theme attire forthe 2008 Opening Day “A Three Ring Circus”.S e a t t l e Y a c h t C l u bwww.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org

Cortes Bay OutstationEagle Harbor OutstationElliott Bay StationFriday Harbor OutstationGanges OutstationCortes Island,Bainbridge IslandElliott Bay Marina, <strong>Seattle</strong>Friday Harbor,Ganges Harbour,British ColumbiaSan Juan IslandSaltspring Island, British Columbia“You will often hear SYC’s outstationsreferred to as the “Jewel in the Crown”.For me, the real jewels of the club arethe members. The people I have metand the friends I have made at SYCmean so much more to me than any ofthe brick and mortar facilities. Joining<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> was one of thebest investments I ever made in termsof my lifestyle and my enjoyment ofsailing. I know I would still be sailingif I wasn’t a member, but I don’t thinkI would have as much fun.”Cheryl RiceMember since 1992Garden Bay OutstationGig Harbor OutstationHenry Island OutstationOvens Island OutstationPort Madison OutstationPender Harbor,Gig Harbor,Roche Harbor,Sibell Bay, Ladysmith Harbor,Port Madison,British ColumbiaSouth SoundSan Juan IslandsGulf Islands, C anadaBainbridge Islandwww.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org

A c t i v i t i e s & P r o g r a m sthere’s somethingfor everyone atseattle yacht clubWith more than 60 volunteer-run committees anddozens of activities every month, the good timesmultiply by land and by sea.Membersenjoying theirlove of boating,involvementin activities and meetingnew friends.We have groups forsailors, power boatersand rowers with events rang-four book groups, amateurradio group, chorus, fishing,knitting, and more. And socialing from competitive racing,opportunities abound with“All the friends we havemade throughoutthe years have madeour lives richer, onthe water and in ourcommunity.”Alison Allen Urback3rd generationMember since 1978to sailing classes to leisurelycruising. Regular men’s andwomen’s luncheons includeguest speakers on a variety oftopics. Friends gather ‘roundshared hobbieslike golf,functions like the Pirate’s Ball,Comedy Night, Scotch &Cigar Parties, and dining in theWard Room, Fireside Lounge,& Marine Room. Also, the“Dinghy” group arrangesexcursions to local museums,sporting events and more.“Through SYC we’vemade great friends,we enjoy the facilitiesand fun events, andwe are honing ourskills as boaters.”Mark SpanglerMember since 2005Teens, young couples andfamilies have lots of opportu-nities to make newfriends in andaround the club.S e a t t l e Y a c h t C l u bwww.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org

B e c o m e a M e m b e rjoin the seattle yachtclub family todayWe invite you to consider membership with the<strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. To learn more about the applicationprocess, please visit www.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org.“The camaraderie ofSYC’s members, manyof whom have becomelife long friends, hasmade the <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong> a very specialplace for me.”Sally JohnsonMember since 1976To help everyone feel welcome,we announce newmembers in our monthly newsletter,the Binnacle, and host avariety of new member events.We also issue a new memberburgee so we can introduceourselves and show you around.You’ll feel like a member of thefamily in no time.SYC members enjoy gatheringfor “Greenbox” meals andBBQs, sharing sea stories.Environmental BenefitsIn keeping with the <strong>Seattle</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’senvironmental values, this brochure isprinted on 720 lbs of recycled paper with100% post-consumer waste, saving thefollowing resources:TREES: 9 fully grownWATER: 4,265 gallonsENERGY: 3 million BtuEMISSIONS: 886 poundsSOLID WASTE: 259 poundsXX%Cert no. XXX-XXX-000S e a t t l e Y a c h t C l u bDESIGN:

S e a t t l e Y a c h t C l u bwww.<strong>Seattle</strong><strong>Yacht</strong><strong>Club</strong>.org1807 East Hamlin Street tel: 206.325.1000<strong>Seattle</strong>, WA 98112Fax: 206.324.8784

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