prof. muhğttğn gökmen [turkey] - Yeni Akrep

prof. muhğttğn gökmen [turkey] - Yeni Akrep

prof. muhğttğn gökmen [turkey] - Yeni Akrep

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(YENÝ AKREP) SAYFA - PAGE: 26 YIL - YEAR: 11 (ARALIK - DECEMBER 2012) SAYI - ISSUE: 1134TH INTERNATIONALCARTOONCOMPETITION 2013(GERMANY)1ST INTERNATIONALÝZMÝRCARTOON CONTEST(TURKEY)AMASYA BELEDÝYESÝ4. ULUSALKARÝKATÜR YARIÞMASI(TÜRKÝYE)3. INTERNATIONAL"TURHAN SELCUK"CARTOON CONTEST(TURKEY)Theme:"Border..."Size:Minimum Size: 500 KB., MaximumSize: 25 MB., File Format: JPG.,Color Mode: RGB., Production Thecartoon can be produced analogueor digital, but it has to be sent to usonly in digital format...Work:Number of cartoons Max. number ofentries per cartoonist: Three (3)...The cartoons must be the originalwork of the artist...Deadline:15 MARCH 2013Prizes:1st Prize: 1000 € + Gold Elk.,2nd Prize: 500 € + Silver Elk.,3rd Prize: 300 € + Bronze Elk.,and Special Awards +competition catalogues for thebest placed cartoonists...Mail Address:LIMES Image Agency imKU-DAMM Karee.,Kurfürstendamm 207-208,Eingang Lietzenburger Str80, 10719 Berlin(Germany)E-mail Address:contact@limes-net.comDetail Info:www.limes-net.comOrganizer:Valeriu KurtuTel:Nonexistent...Theme:"Izmir..." (What does Ýzmirevoke in you from theperspective of a cartoonist?)Size:A4 (210x297 mm)A3 (297x420 mm)Work:The number of entries is limiteduntil 5... Sending the originalcopy of the works will be anadvantage... Digital prints willalso be evaluated as long asthey bear original signature...Deadline:02 APRIL 2013Prizes:Frist Prize:10.000 TL+Plaquet.,Second Prize:6.000 TL+Plaquet.,Third Prize:4.000 TL+Plaquet.,Honorable Mentions2.000 TL+Plaquet.,Address:Ýzmir Konak MunicipalityMuseum of Joy and Caricature.,Yüzbaþý Þerafettin Bey Sokak.(Eski 1462. Sk) No: 9 Alsancak,Ýzmir (Turkiye)E-Mail:info@izmirneselimuze.comWeb:www.izmirneselimuze.comResponsible:Özge AksoyPhone:+90 (232) 465 31 05Konu:"Medeniyetler BeþiðiAmasya..."Ölçü:En az A4 en çok A3...Eserler herhangi bir zemineyapýþtýrýlmamalýdýr...Eser Sayýsý:En fazla 5 eser...Teknik:Çizim tekniði serbesttir...Karikatürler bilgisayar çýktýsýolarak gönderilecekse orijinalimzalý (ýslak imza) olmasýgerekmektedir...Son Katýlým Tarihi:12 NÝSAN 2013Ödüller:1. Ödül: 2.500 TL.,2. Ödül: 1.500 TL.,3. Ödül: 1.000 TL.,Mansiyon Ödülü: (3 Adet)500'er TL.Adres:3. Karikatür YarýþmasýAmasya BelediyesiYüzevler Mah. ÞehitÖzcan Özen SokakNo: 15 (05100)Amasya (Türkiye)E-Posta:yarisma@amasya.bel.trDetaylý Bilgi:www.amasya.bel.trÝrtibat:Mahmut Sami BolatTel:(0358) 218 48 14Theme:"Free..."Work:Maximum 8 work...Original or digitalprintings can be acceptedprovided that they mustbe signed by artist...All works remain propertyof the festival...Size:Max. 30×40 cm...Deadline:13 JUNE 2013Prizes:Frist Prize:3.000 USD.,Second Prize:2.000.,Third Prize:1.000 USD...Special PrizesAddress:3. InternationalTurhan SelcukCartoon Contest.,Milas Belediyesi,Kültür Sanat Birimi,Milas - Muðla(Turkiye)E-Mail:infomilas.bel.trWeb:www.milas.bel.trResponsible:Organizing CommitteePhone - Fax:+0 (252) 512 14 16

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