brazilica is an exciting three day, free for all festival - The UK ...

brazilica is an exciting three day, free for all festival - The UK ...

brazilica is an exciting three day, free for all festival - The UK ...

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BRAZILICA IS AN EXCITING THREE DAY, FREE FOR ALL FESTIVALBRINGING A TASTE OF SOUTH AMERICA’S CARNIVAL ATMOSPHERE TOLIVERPOOL’S CITY STREETS.BRAZILICA Three whole <strong>day</strong>s filled with music, d<strong>an</strong>ce, sport <strong>an</strong>d entertainment <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong>ages. Art, cultural events <strong>an</strong>d f<strong>an</strong>tastic food <strong>an</strong>d drink to tempt your senses. Brazilicawill be the place to party th<strong>is</strong> summer in true Samba style!BRAZILICA Has grown from its beginnings as the Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y’s Samba Parade,<strong>an</strong> <strong>exciting</strong> night-time event that beg<strong>an</strong> in 2008 Liverpool’s Capital of Culture year, <strong>an</strong>d attractsprofessional per<strong>for</strong>mers from <strong>all</strong> over the world <strong>for</strong> a colourful, vibr<strong>an</strong>t carnival procession that weavesits way through the city centre.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

NOW, FOR 2011, THE FESTIVAL HAS GROWN AND WILL BE BIGGER ANDBETTER THAN EVER BEFORE!BRAZILICA FRI 15TH JULY–Liverpool city centre’s shops <strong>an</strong>d bars will play host to the ‘Samba in the City’ event, a colourfultaster of the carnival, to get Liverpool in the mood to party. <strong>The</strong> carnival will offici<strong>all</strong>y begin at the VIPCarnival B<strong>all</strong>.BRAZILICA SAT 16TH JULY–<strong>The</strong> city will come to life ‘Latin style’ with ‘<strong>The</strong> Main Event’ a FREE <strong>all</strong> <strong>day</strong> South Americ<strong>an</strong> street partytaking place in Williamson Square. <strong>The</strong> carnival steps up a gear in the evening as Liverpool’s streets areset ablaze with colour as the carnival parade of over 1,000 people makes its way to the <strong>festival</strong> site.Festivities will continue well into the evening fin<strong>is</strong>hing with <strong>an</strong> <strong>exciting</strong> after party in the city centre.BRAZILICA SUN 17TH JULY–Wind down your weekend with ‘Samba Sun<strong>day</strong>’ on 17th July. Enjoy special d<strong>is</strong>counts on food, drink<strong>an</strong>d shopping. Why not join us as the carnival gets cultural with sports, film <strong>an</strong>d art<strong>is</strong>tic events takingplace across the city.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

ACCESS TO AUDIENCESLOCATION Liverpool – the most successful Europe<strong>an</strong> Capital of Culture ever -describes itself as ‘the world in one city’, with communities from <strong>all</strong> over the globemaking it their home. Nearly 450,000 people live in the city centre region alone.In Liverpool, our love affair with <strong>all</strong> things South Americ<strong>an</strong> continues to grow, witha wealth of new Brazili<strong>an</strong> bars, restaur<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d sporting events, along with <strong>an</strong>abund<strong>an</strong>ce of samba schools <strong>an</strong>d capoeira groups establ<strong>is</strong>hed in the North West.INSPIRATION Brazil <strong>is</strong> a country <strong>an</strong>d economy re<strong>all</strong>y in the ascent, <strong>an</strong>d will host the World Cup in 2014<strong>an</strong>d Olympics in 2016. As the eyes of the world turn to these events, the opportunities <strong>for</strong> the futureof Brazilica are bright. <strong>The</strong> Liverpool Carnival comp<strong>an</strong>y <strong>is</strong> also working with Instituto Plata<strong>for</strong>ma Brasilto establ<strong>is</strong>h cultural links between Liverpool <strong>an</strong>d Sao Paulo.Brazili<strong>an</strong>s love Liverpool – our shared loves of footb<strong>all</strong> <strong>an</strong>d music, <strong>an</strong>d strong sense of communityspirit, me<strong>an</strong> we’ve got a lot in common!AUDIENCE Brazilica <strong>is</strong> inspired by the <strong>an</strong>nual Carnaval held in Rio de J<strong>an</strong>eiro, Sao Paulo <strong>an</strong>d citiesacross Brazil. 30,000 people watched the Liverpool samba parade in 2010; up to 50,000 spectators areexpected to pass through the <strong>festival</strong> site <strong>an</strong>d/or watch the parade in 2011.DID YOU KNOW?• Liverpool’s <strong>festival</strong> calendar brings millions of pounds into the local economy.• In 2008, Capital of Culture year, there were 15m cultural v<strong>is</strong>its to the city <strong>an</strong>d 7000 events.• V<strong>is</strong>itor spend that year tot<strong>all</strong>ed a massive £1.6bn.• V<strong>is</strong>itor numbers are still r<strong>is</strong>ing.• Figures from 2010 showed v<strong>is</strong>itors were spending more money th<strong>an</strong> they did in 2009.• More th<strong>an</strong> 200,000 Brazili<strong>an</strong>s currently live in the <strong>UK</strong> - 10,000 in the North West.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

GET INVOLVEDBRAZILICA will be a truly memorable weekend. But there <strong>is</strong> so much more to itth<strong>an</strong> that...HELPING COMMUNITIES In Brazil, the carnivals are more th<strong>an</strong> just a fun celebration– they are their own cottage industry, creating jobs, encouraging trades <strong>an</strong>d re<strong>all</strong>ygiving something back.Brazilica <strong>is</strong> <strong>an</strong> authentic taste of that experience, <strong>an</strong>d <strong>is</strong> run with that same spirit of social responsibility<strong>an</strong>d community engagement. <strong>The</strong> work of Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y encourages apprenticeships inareas of art, design, carpentry <strong>an</strong>d metalwork to help create the f<strong>an</strong>tastic floats <strong>an</strong>d costumes that areused <strong>an</strong>nu<strong>all</strong>y during Brazilica. Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>an</strong> investment we remain committed to year round.SUPPORTING BRAZILICA <strong>is</strong> <strong>an</strong> opportunity to promote your business to a huge <strong>an</strong>d varied audienceacross Liverpool city centre <strong>an</strong>d beyond. We are confident that Brazilica re<strong>all</strong>y has the power to be <strong>an</strong><strong>an</strong>nual international event that will put a huge smile on the face of everyone who attends, through itsunique combination of music, d<strong>an</strong>ce, sport <strong>an</strong>d commitment to working with <strong>an</strong>d engaging with local<strong>an</strong>d international communities.With your generosity, your org<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ation could play a part in making sure Brazilica <strong>is</strong> a huge success <strong>an</strong>dhelp ensure its future.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

EVENT PARTNERSBRAZILICA has <strong>an</strong> amazing opportunity available <strong>for</strong> comp<strong>an</strong>ies or org<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ations to beevent partners <strong>an</strong>d help shape <strong>an</strong>d develop the Brazilica experience. Event partnerswill receive <strong>all</strong> the benefits of our platinum sponsor package, <strong>an</strong>d so much moreENJOY THESE BENEFITS• High-profile br<strong>an</strong>d awareness with v<strong>is</strong>ibility right across Brazilica’s colourful <strong>an</strong>d vibr<strong>an</strong>t <strong>three</strong>-<strong>day</strong>programme. Including big screen advert<strong>is</strong>ing to a potential city centre audience of 50,000 people• Possible naming rights to Brazilica 2011• Be closely associated with <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>nual event linked to one of the world’s most dynamic <strong>an</strong>d fastgrowingeconomies, due to host both the World Cup in 2014 <strong>an</strong>d Olympic Games in 2016• Experience increased trading opportunities linked to th<strong>is</strong> high quality event that will deliverincreased tour<strong>is</strong>m, trade <strong>an</strong>d br<strong>an</strong>d awareness. Brazilica will have a signific<strong>an</strong>t economic impact onthe city.• Be involved in promoting local community cohesion <strong>an</strong>d supporting the involvement of the creativecommunities across Merseyside <strong>an</strong>d beyond• Enjoy the benefits of working directly with Action <strong>for</strong> Brazil’s Children (ABC) a high profile <strong>UK</strong>basedcharity dedicated to helping the most vulnerable children <strong>an</strong>d young people of Brazil. <strong>The</strong>procurement of International connections with Instituto Plat<strong>for</strong>ma Brasil, linking opportunities inLiverpool <strong>an</strong>d Sao PauloBRAZILICA would love to d<strong>is</strong>cuss how we c<strong>an</strong> work together to make sure Brazilica <strong>is</strong> the best<strong>festival</strong> it c<strong>an</strong> be – ensuring that we provide unique <strong>an</strong>d valuable opportunities <strong>for</strong> your business ororg<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ation, now <strong>an</strong>d in the future.BRAZILICA will work with you to tailor a package that fully reflects your comp<strong>an</strong>y’srequirements.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIESOrg<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ations that support Brazilica will enjoy enh<strong>an</strong>ced br<strong>an</strong>d awareness <strong>an</strong>d profilebuilding region<strong>all</strong>y, nation<strong>all</strong>y <strong>an</strong>d internation<strong>all</strong>y. Supporters will also benefit from ahighly targeted marketing <strong>an</strong>d PR campaign.<strong>The</strong>re <strong>is</strong> a number of opportunities <strong>for</strong> your org<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ation to get involved at a r<strong>an</strong>ge of levels detailedbelow:PLATINUM SPONSORSHIPCost: £5,000BRAZILICA platinum sponsors will be recogn<strong>is</strong>ed as Official Partners to Brazilica 2011.Official Partners will play a major part in Brazilica 2011. Sponsorship at th<strong>is</strong> level will enable yourcomp<strong>an</strong>y to work closely with Brazilica. Your org<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ation will enjoy <strong>an</strong> integral role <strong>an</strong>d be involvedin the shaping of the event. <strong>The</strong>re will be extensive opportunities throughout <strong>all</strong> stages of the<strong>festival</strong> to ensure your support has <strong>an</strong> unm<strong>is</strong>sable presence, with your comp<strong>an</strong>y’s br<strong>an</strong>ding featuringprominently in the promotional run up <strong>an</strong>d throughout the <strong>three</strong> <strong>day</strong> programme. As well as receiving<strong>all</strong> the benefits of the Gold package (below) you will be able to take adv<strong>an</strong>tage of VIP hospitality at themain event <strong>an</strong>d glittering after party.GOLD SPONSORSHIPCost: £2,500BRAZILICA Gold sponsors will be recogn<strong>is</strong>ed as <strong>an</strong> Official Supporter of Brazilica 2011.Official Supporters will be provided with the opportunity to link their br<strong>an</strong>d with <strong>all</strong> print <strong>an</strong>d digitalpromotional materials including, the <strong>festival</strong> programme, website <strong>an</strong>d on-site big screen advert<strong>is</strong>ing.Your comp<strong>an</strong>y’s status as <strong>an</strong> official supporter will give your br<strong>an</strong>d access to a potential audience of50,000 <strong>festival</strong> attendees throughout the <strong>three</strong> <strong>day</strong> program.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

SILVER SPONSORSHIPCost: £1,000BRAZILICA Silver sponsors will be recogn<strong>is</strong>ed as Official Friend of Brazilica 2011.As <strong>an</strong> Official Friend you will be able to link your br<strong>an</strong>d to the <strong>festival</strong>’s promotional materials,including the <strong>festival</strong> programme, website <strong>an</strong>d big screen advert<strong>is</strong>ing, where your logo will be partof the Official Friends’ logo page. You will also be able to take adv<strong>an</strong>tage of the special sponsor’shospitality.BRAZILICA has further promotional opportunities available such as sponsoring ofvolunteers <strong>an</strong>d crew t-shirts, VIP wr<strong>is</strong>tb<strong>an</strong>ds, l<strong>an</strong>yards <strong>an</strong>d merch<strong>an</strong>d<strong>is</strong>e. For further in<strong>for</strong>mation emailour friendly sponsorship team sponsorship@orb-events.co.uk with your inquiry.CREATE YOUR OWN FLOAT<strong>The</strong> Liverpool Carnival Co. are experts at making show stopping bespoke floats <strong>an</strong>d large objects tocarry, that will represent your br<strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>d ensure your comp<strong>an</strong>y has <strong>an</strong> unm<strong>is</strong>sable presence in themain parade.For further in<strong>for</strong>mation please email carnivalcomp<strong>an</strong>y@aol.com with your inquiry.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AT A GLANCEPACKAGEBIG SCREEN ADVERTISING ONFESTIVAL SITE (SAT)PLATINUM60 seconds of big screenadvert<strong>is</strong>ing time repeatingevery 30mins. Value£2,000 every 30minsGOLD30 seconds of big screenadvert<strong>is</strong>ing time repeatingevery 45mins. Value£1,000 every 45 minsSILVERYour logo as part of eventsupporters advert<strong>is</strong>ementrepeating every 60mins.Value £250 every 60 minsFESTIVAL PROGRAMMEADVERT (30,000 COPIES)Full page advert plus logoon sponsor page.Value £1,000½ page advert plus logoon sponsor page.Value £500¼page advert plusLogo on sponsor page.Value £250WEBSITE PROMOTIONFeature <strong>an</strong>d link.Value £500B<strong>an</strong>ner <strong>an</strong>d linkValue £250L<strong>is</strong>ting <strong>an</strong>d linkValue £100LOGO ON E-FLYER ANDE-MARKETING CAMPAIGNSPLogo inclusion as part ofevent supporters pagexUSE OF THE BRAZILICA LOGOPPPLOGO INCLUDED ON ALLPRINTED MARKETINGMATERIALSPxxINCLUSION ON BRAZILICASOCIAL NETWORKSPPPVIP HOSPITALITY AT THE MAINEVENT (SAT)10 WRISTBANDS4 WRISTBANDS2 WRISTBANDSVIP TICKETS TO OFFICIALAFTER PARTY10 TICKETS4 TICKETS2 TICKETSVALUE£5,000£2,500£1,000fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

BECOMING A BRAZILICA SPONSORTHE BENEFITSTh<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a f<strong>an</strong>tastic opportunity <strong>for</strong> your comp<strong>an</strong>y to have br<strong>an</strong>d association with aunique arts, music, d<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d sport <strong>festival</strong> expected to attract 50,000 people into thecity centre over <strong>three</strong> <strong>day</strong>s.ACCESSYour comp<strong>an</strong>y will have access to tens of thous<strong>an</strong>ds of people from <strong>all</strong> backgrounds expected to v<strong>is</strong>itthe <strong>festival</strong> over the weekend – including families, young people, <strong>an</strong>d f<strong>an</strong>s of arts, music <strong>an</strong>d sport <strong>an</strong>dpeople interested in travel <strong>an</strong>d different cultures. <strong>The</strong>re will be the opportunity <strong>for</strong> br<strong>an</strong>d awarenessacross <strong>all</strong> promotional materials, <strong>an</strong>d the ch<strong>an</strong>ce to work closely with specific community groups.FESTIVAL BROCHURE<strong>The</strong> Brazilica 2011 <strong>festival</strong> brochure will be the perfect place to promote your business:• 30,000 copies to be printed• Full colour A5 size• <strong>The</strong> definitive, must see guide to the <strong>festival</strong>• Parade map <strong>an</strong>d profiles of the acts per<strong>for</strong>ming• Available throughout the <strong>festival</strong> weekend• D<strong>is</strong>tribution across the North West <strong>an</strong>d beyond in the run-up• A high quality, sought-after souvenir of the weekend.What are you waiting <strong>for</strong>? Put yourself on the map! Our competitive advert<strong>is</strong>ing rates startfrom just £100 <strong>for</strong> a business l<strong>is</strong>ting on the <strong>festival</strong> map, going up to £1000 <strong>for</strong> a full page.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

BRANDING <strong>an</strong>d ADVERTISING• Flyers (20,000 <strong>for</strong> d<strong>is</strong>tribution across the North West)• A3 poster campaign (2,000 <strong>for</strong> d<strong>is</strong>tribution across the North West)• Month long A0 Liverpool city centre poster campaign• Use of the Brazilica 2011 official logo <strong>for</strong> your own events <strong>an</strong>d publications• Sponsors logos included in print advert<strong>is</strong>ing (Local, National <strong>an</strong>d International)• Sponsors logos included in <strong>an</strong>y additional Brazilica br<strong>an</strong>ded advert<strong>is</strong>ing• Sponsors logos included on weekly press releasesBIG SCREEN ADVERTISING<strong>The</strong>re will also be the opportunity to advert<strong>is</strong>e on a big screen that will be placedprominently on the <strong>festival</strong> site on Satur<strong>day</strong>, July 16.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> a f<strong>an</strong>tastic ch<strong>an</strong>ce to reach <strong>an</strong>d engage with Brazilica’s v<strong>is</strong>itors, as well as shoppers passingby the site. Sponsors of the event will be able to take adv<strong>an</strong>tage of <strong>free</strong> screen time as part of thatpackage.EVLED 1024SMD MEDIA SCREEN: Ideal <strong>for</strong> both indoor & outdoor use, using Tri-colour SMD RGB LED’scapable of outputting up to 14 trillion colours. With a 20mm pixel pitch.P<strong>an</strong>el Size 640 x 640 cm Pixel Resolution 2500 pixels m 2WEBSITE PROMOTION AND E-MARKETING ACTIVITY• Inclusion of your comp<strong>an</strong>y logo on the Brazilica website• Logo inclusion within <strong>for</strong>tnightly e-newsletters to our ever increasing database• Promotional editorial <strong>for</strong> your comp<strong>an</strong>y on the website• A direct link to your website placed on the Brazilica homepage• Downloadable vouchers promoting your business on the Brazilica website• Inclusion of your comp<strong>an</strong>y logo in email marketing flyer campaigns• Links <strong>an</strong>d e-marketing through Brazilica social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare)MARKETING AND PRBrazilica will be working with a special<strong>is</strong>t marketing <strong>an</strong>d PR Comp<strong>an</strong>y to make sure the event <strong>is</strong>as widely public<strong>is</strong>ed as possible. Bill Elms Associates will co-ordinate a full marketing campaign,org<strong>an</strong><strong>is</strong>ing promotional materials <strong>an</strong>d press releases in the run up <strong>an</strong>d on the <strong>day</strong>, as well asmaintaining the <strong>festival</strong>’s presence on social networks, data capture <strong>an</strong>d media relations.fOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

MEDIA & CHARITY PARTNERS<strong>The</strong> <strong>festival</strong> has teamed up with Action <strong>for</strong> Brazil’s Children (ABC) as its official charity partner.<strong>The</strong> media partner <strong>for</strong> Brazilica will be regional radio station, Juice FM.OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERMark McNultyTelephone 07885 847 806 Email markmcnulty@me.com Web www.mcnulty.co.ukpress & media EnquiriesBill Elms AssociatesTelephone 0151 245 0135 Email bill@billelms.com Web www.billelms.comFOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE CONTACTDebbie Boyd | Orb EventsTelephone 07967271533 Email sponsorship@orb-events.co.uk Web www.orb-events.co.ukfOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.BRAZILICAFESTIVAL.COMA Liverpool Carnival Comp<strong>an</strong>y Production Comp<strong>an</strong>y reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 6208453 Charity reg<strong>is</strong>tration No: 1123036

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