Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:30 AM–4:00 PM Omni William Penn Hotel ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:30 AM–4:00 PM Omni William Penn Hotel ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 8:30 AM–4:00 PM Omni William Penn Hotel ...

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<strong>Tuesday</strong>, <strong>May</strong> 7, <strong>2013</strong>8:<strong>30</strong> <strong>AM–4</strong>:<strong>00</strong> <strong>PM</strong><strong>Omni</strong> <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>Pittsburgh, PAA conference sponsored by Community Care andWestern Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of U<strong>PM</strong>C

About The ConferenceWellness can be defined as a conscious, self-directed, and evolving process of achieving full potential. It ismulti-dimensional and holistic, encompassing mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being, aswell as lifestyle. Recovery is often described as a personal journey of wellness, resiliency, and transformation. Itinvolves developing hope, a sense of self, supportive relationships, empowerment, social inclusion, coping skills,and meaning. The message of recovery is living a fulfilling life despite illness. Recovery happens when individuals(and the people around them) believe that they are capable of taking control of their lives—and of having dreams,friends, a job, and a place to live.This conference will focus on strategies for achieving long-term recovery and living a meaningful, productive, andrewarding life. It is intended for people in recovery from mental health conditions and substance use disorders aswell as their families, educators, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, peer specialists, community staff,and other behavioral health stakeholders. This conference is free of charge for members and their families, as wellas medical residents and students. For behavioral health professionals, this conference costs $95, which includesregistration, course materials, continuing education credits, lunch, and refreshments. Workshop topics includeinspiring hope, the importance of peer support, and the healing power of T’ai Chi. The conference will be held atthe <strong>Omni</strong> <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> <strong>Hotel</strong>, 5<strong>30</strong> <strong>William</strong> <strong>Penn</strong> Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.About The Keynote SpeakersPatricia B. Nemec, PsyD, CRC, CPRPAn internationally-recognized trainer in psychiatricrehabilitation and wellness strategies, Dr. Nemec willprovide an integrative framework for connecting andunifying the concepts of recovery, wellness, and resiliency.Currently an Adjunct Professor in the Department ofPsychiatric Rehabilitation and Counseling Professions,UMDNJ, she earned her Doctor of Psychology degree atthe Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Anactive contributor to the U.S. Psychiatric RehabilitationAssociation (USPRA), she was a key member of the taskforce that developed the USPRA Language Guidelines.Marti Knisley, MAA nationally-recognized leader in the development ofpermanent supportive housing and community supportsystems, Ms. Knisley will discuss housing models thatsupport recovery. She served as the District of Columbia’sfirst Director of Mental Health, the Director of MentalHealth in Ohio, and Deputy Secretary for Mental Health in<strong>Penn</strong>sylvania. She currently assists OMHSAS, Counties,and providers with the implementation of housing plans.She also serves as New Jersey’s Olmstead expert for theirOlmstead settlement agreement, as Court Monitor in theNew York Adult Home Olmstead case, and as the housingexpert in the Georgia Olmstead case.Continuing Education CreditsMental Health ProfessionalsNurses and other healthcareprofessionals are awarded 0.55Continuing Education Units(CEUs), which are equal to 5.5contact hours.National Certified CounselorsWestern Psychiatric Institute &Clinic (WPIC) is recognized by theNational Board for Certified Counselors(NBCC) to offer continuingeducation for National CertifiedCounselors. WPIC adheres to theNBCC continuing education guidelines.This program is being offeredfor 5.5 continuing education credits.Peer SpecialistsThis program fulfills requirementsfor Certified Peer Specialist continuingeducation. Peer specialists areawarded 0.55 Continuing EducationUnits (CEUs), which are equal to 5.5contact hours.PsychologistsWPIC is approved by the AmericanPsychological Associationto sponsor continuing educationcredits for psychologists. WPICmaintains responsibility for thisprogram and its content. Thisprogram is being offered for 5.5continuing education credits.Social WorkersThis program is being offered for5.5 hours of social work continuingeducation through the cosponsorshipof the University of PittsburghSchool of Social Work, a Councilon Social Work Education (CSWE)accredited and <strong>Penn</strong>sylvaniapre-approved continuing educationprovider for LSW, LCSW, LPC, andLMFT. Those attending from otherstates should check with their socialwork boards on acceptance of, ornumber for, continuing educationthrough CSWE-accredited schoolsof social work.

Agenda | <strong>May</strong> 7, <strong>2013</strong>8:<strong>30</strong> am Registration & Continental Breakfast (Provided)9:<strong>00</strong> am Welcome & Introduction | James Gavin & James Schuster, MD, MBAGavin: President and CEO, Community Care Schuster: Chief Medical Officer, Community Care9:15 am Pulling It All Together: An Integrative Framework for Recovery, Wellness, & ResiliencyPatricia B. Nemec, PsyD, CRC, CPRPTrainer/Consultant, Adjunct Professor, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey10:15 am Supportive Housing as a Foundation for Recovery | Marti Knisley, MADirector, National Community Support Initiative, Technical Assistance Collaborative11:<strong>00</strong> am Break (Beverages Provided)11:15 am Panel Discussion: Housing Models Supporting Recovery | Marti Knisley, MADirector, National Community Support Initiative, Technical Assistance Collaborative12:15 pm Lunch (Provided)1:15 pm Workshop Series I• Mental Health Advance Directives | Jamie Harris, MSW, LSWSenior Adult Mental Health Advocate, Mental Health America/Allegheny County• Inspiring Hope | Curtis Upsher Jr, MSDirector, Community Relations, Community Care• Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care: Transforming Recovery from Substance Use DisordersMargaret E. Hanna, MEd: Senior Director, Substance Use Disorder Initiatives, Community Care2:<strong>30</strong> pm Break (Beverages Provided)2:45 pm Workshop Series II• The Healing Power of T’ai Chi | David Clippinger, PhDFounder/Director, Still Mountain T’ai Chi Kung, LLC• The Power to Change | Patricia B. Nemec, PsyD, CRC, CPRPTrainer/Consultant, Adjunct Professor, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey• Peer Support: An Important Part of Long-Term Healing | Maria Silva & Alda WalkerSilva: Program Supervisor, High-Fidelity Wraparound Program,Credentialed Coach/Lead Trainer,Allegheny Family NetworkWalker: Parent Coordinator/Supervisor, Parent Involvement Program, Master Trainer, AlleghenyFamily Network4:<strong>00</strong> pm Adjourn

Registration Form | due April 26, <strong>2013</strong>Send your form one of these ways:MailCommunity CareOne Chatham Center, Suite 7<strong>00</strong>112 Washington PlacePittsburgh, PA 15219Attn: Karen NealEmailnealkv@ccbh.comFax412.454.2177Questions?Paul Wittman, Training ManagerCall: 412.454.8625Email: wittmanpj@ccbh.comName:Title:Agency:Address:Phone: Fax:Email:Lunch Preference:Turkey Ham VegetarianContinuing Education:ACT 48CACNBCC CounselorSocial WorkerNursePeer SpecialistPsychologistConference Payment: $95Check (payable to Community Care)Credit CardVisa Mastercard DiscoverCard Number: Expiration Date:Billing Zipcode:

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