046-MM03 - Dadeschools.net - Miami-Dade County Public Schools

046-MM03 - Dadeschools.net - Miami-Dade County Public Schools

046-MM03 - Dadeschools.net - Miami-Dade County Public Schools


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MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSBID <strong>046</strong>-<strong>MM03</strong>WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS INSPECTION,MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES CONTRACTK. Qualifier: The person who possesses a certificate of competency issued by the State FireMarshal’s office as a Fire Protection System Contractor I or II, per FS 633 and SFM Rule 4A-46.L. School Board: The Board of elected officials who are directly responsible to the public for theenforcement of all policies and procedures for M-DCPS.M. Subcontractor: A Subcontractor is a person or entity who enters into a contract with theawarded Vendor for the performance of any part of an awarded Vendor’s work at no cost orresponsibility to M-DCPS. Subcontractor costs shall be paid by the vendor.N. Trouble-shooting: Systematic search for the source of problem so it can be solved; requiresidentification of malfunctions within a system.O. Vandalism: Willful or malicious destruction or defacement of MDCPS property.P. Service Call: Request for vendor to assess and repair reported deficiencies at MDCPSschools/facilities in a prompt and efficient manner. All service requests must be responded towithin 4 hours of initial call.Q. New Vendor: Owner/Company who was not previously awarded any portion of Water-BasedFire Protection System Term-Bid Contract.R. System Descriptions as defined by NFPA 25:1. Wet-Pipe Fire Sprinkler System: A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklersattached to a piping system containing water and connected to a water supply sothat water discharges immediately from sprinklers opened by heat from a fire.2. Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler System: A sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklersthat are attached to a piping system containing air or nitrogen under pressure, therelease of which (as from opening of a sprinkler) permits the water pressure to opena valve, known as a dry pipe valve, and the water then flows into the piping systemand out the opened sprinklers.3. Preaction Fire Sprinkler System: A sprinkler system employing automatic firesprinklers attached to a piping system that contains air that might or might not beunder pressure, with a supplemental fire detection system installed in the sameareas as the sprinklers.4 Deluge Fire Sprinkler System: A sprinkler system employing open sprinklers that areattached to a piping system that is connected to a water supply through a valve thatis opened by the operation of a detection system installed in the same areas as thesprinklers. When this valve opens, water flows into the piping system anddischarges from all sprinklers attached thereto.5. Wet Standpipe Systems: A standpipe system having piping containing water at alltimes.a. Class I: A Class I standpipe system provides 65mm (2 ½ in.) hoseconnections or 65mm (2 ½ in.) hose stations supplied from a standpipe orcombined riser in order to supply water for use by fire departments and thosetrained in handling heavy fire streams.Page | 7

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