Annual report 2002 - batod

Annual report 2002 - batod

Annual report 2002 - batod


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Another piece of good news is that OCR (Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations) has asked formodification training for its Principal Examiners. This is a step in the right direction. It is to be hoped thatthe other exam boards can be persuaded to do likewise.However, it is not good news at all that Jenny Baxter is to resign from the committee in March <strong>2002</strong>. Herfellow committee members are distraught but very understanding. Jenny has given unstinting service formany years, and her contribution cannot be over-estimated. All concerned thank Jenny for this hugecontribution.The Membership, Administration & Publicity Committee continues to work hard on behalf of themembership of BATOD with working weekends, evening meetings and conference calls to produce theinformation required. This year has been a very busy one working with the Professional DevelopmentCommittee on the planning of the 25 th Anniversary Celebrations of BATOD. This included the special Marchedition of the Magazine covering the developments in deaf education since BATOD’s inception.The Eichholz Prize in its new form of an annually commissioned article for the Magazine, was awarded forthe first time to Bill Chippendale at BATOD’s 25 th Anniversary celebrations in Cardiff, for his ‘History ofBATOD’ article. Fiona Atkins is now continuing this work as, in consultation with Birmingham University andthe regions, she is checking and updating the archives.Producing training and information leaflets takes up a large proportion of MAP’s time and this year is noexception with the production of:PowerPoint Presentation about BATOD: this is now available and is designed for exhibitions and CourseProviders’ presentations. NEC members were trained in the use of this PowerPoint pack.Information Leaflets: designed to provide ready responses to the various queries BATOD receives and tobe resources for Teachers of the Deaf. They will be also available to new members and Course Providers.They are circulated through the Magazine, in mailings and at exhibitions. New membership and recruitmentleaflets have been introduced detailing NEC work and including a BATOD poster. A resources CD is inpreparation to provide materials for ToDs. The website continues to flourish with a definite upsurge in visitsin the later part of the year.Teaching Deaf Children: BATOD, NDCS and RNID have been involved in the revision of this booklet,which provides information for those wishing to train as Teachers of the Deaf. All current course providersare listed in this booklet with contact details and other information. This joint effort is a concrete exampleof collaborative working with a range of organisation in the field.Recruitment stands & presentation are another part of MAP’s work with new exhibition boards created forevents such as the NDCS Technology Exhibition, the BATOD Anniversary and Events in Cardiff, the Headsof Schools and Services conference and the RNID Breaking the Sound Barrier event. Staffed by AnnUnderwood and the ‘shift-workers’ team from the Committee and Regions, more events would be attendedif time and funding permitted.An oak BATOD President’s presentation box has been prepared to house BATOD medals, old and new,together with records dating back many years. This will be passed on to each incoming President duringthe inauguration ceremony.Ann Underwood deals with all publications and continues the fight to get the Magazine out on time keepingthe BATOD membership up to date five times each year with focus issues on topics relevant to Teachers ofthe Deaf. This year the focused issues have covered audiology, the history of BATOD, mental health anddeafness, the work of the peripatetic teacher and pre-school matters. The new publication dates to meetthe ‘teacher job advertisement’ deadlines are February, April, June, October and December. The SpecialHistory issue ‘Celebrating 25 years of BATOD’ is selling well from the Forest Book Shop and providesinformative background to the education of deaf people.The Journal and the Survey keep the membership informed of recent research. The DfES commissionedthe Survey to <strong>report</strong> on specific issues for England. With almost 100% returns from England, MargaretEatough continues to wade through the piles of statistics to remain up to date with any deafness-relatedtrends throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The BATOD Steering Group is nowinvestigating fine-tuning the survey to meet members’ needs and there will be a year’s gap before the nextsurvey to allow the association to look more closely at the detail and to evaluate the current data.email: secretary@BATOD.org.uk BATOD <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> 2001 BATODWebsite: www.BATOD.org.uk 21 The Haystacks, High WycombeAnswerphone / fax 01494 464190 page 8 Bucks HP13 6PY

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