MAY 2011 - Association of Marina Industries

MAY 2011 - Association of Marina Industries MAY 2011 - Association of Marina Industries
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Association of Marina Industries – HM Care Advantage Benet SummaryBenet Schedule Value Standard PremiumOce Visits – Physician/Licensed PractitionerDaily In-HospitalAdditional Daily Benet for FirstDay of Hospital ConnementSurgeryAnesthesiaOutpatient Diagnostic TestingProvider Network$60 per Visit5 Visits$100 per Day30 Days$100 First Day1 Admission$500 Max. per SurgeryBased on Schedule2 Surgeries20% of ScheduledSurgery Benet$100 per Testing Day3 DaysReduces Fees fromNetwork Providers$80 per Visit5 Visits$200 per Day30 Days$200 First Day1 Admission$500 Max. per SurgeryBased on Schedule2 Surgeries20% of ScheduledSurgery Benet$125 per Testing Day3 DaysReduces Fees fromNetwork ProvidersHospital Emergency Room Not Included $250 per Visit2 VisitsInpatient Visits – Physician Not Included $100 per Visit3 Visits$100 per Visit5 Visits$500 per Day30 Days$500 First Day1 Admission$1,000 Max. per SurgeryBased on Schedule3 Surgeries20% of ScheduledSurgery Benet$300 per Testing Day3 DaysReduces Fees fromNetwork Providers$500 per Visit3 Visits$100 per Visit3 VisitsDaily Intensive Care Unit Not Included Not Included $1,000 per DayReplaces In-Hospital DaysOutpatient Hospital Services Not Included $200 per Treatment Day2 DaysWellness Screening TestWellness ServiceOutpatient PrescriptionDrug Insurance*(Dependent-only coverage isnot available.)*Provided by Fidelity Security LifeInsurance Company.$150 per Test1 Test$75 per Service1 ServiceNot Included(See PharmacyDiscount Card)$150 per Test1 Test$75 per Service1 Service$10 Co-pay GenericFormulary$15 Co-pay Generic OralFormulary Contraceptives$50 Co-pay Brand NameFormulary$1,000 Max. Benet$250 per Treatment Day2 Days$150 per Test1 Test$75 per Service1 Service$10 Co-pay GenericFormulary$15 Co-pay Generic OralFormulary Contraceptives$50 Co-pay Brand NameFormulary$1,000 Max. BenetIndemnity Benefits shown are per calendar year per covered person. The calendar year is the employer-defined benefit cycle.This Benefit Summary is not intended to be a complete or legal description of the program of benefits. Certain exclusions andlimitations apply and may vary by state. HM Care Advantage pays a fixed amount for medical services. It does not provide majormedical or comprehensive medical coverage.Starting at less than $45per month per employee,the plans at the leftwere developed for theAssociation of MarinaIndustries .About HM Care AdvantageHM Care Advantage pays axed amount for medicalservices. The benets can bepaid directly to the provideror to the employee, whicheverthe employee prefers.Complementary discount andwellness programs round outthe coverage offering, and aprovider network helps reduceout-of-pocket expenses.Additional value-addedbenets include:• Health Information On-Call• Complementary WellnessDiscount Program• Health Information On-Line• Pharmacy Discount Card**• Vision Discount** Replaced by insured prescriptiondrug coverage when insured coverageis offeredMonthly Premium Costs Value Standard PremiumEmployee $44.11 $95.14 $114.70Employee + Spouse $80.12 $167.65 $264.31Employee + Children $81.16 $181.48 $278.14Family $117.05 $253.83 $397.59The rates shown above are contingent upon the employer contributing at least 100% of the premium for the lowest pricedemployee-only plan.About HM Life Insurance CompanyHM Life Insurance Company is a member of the HM Insurance Group, based in Pittsburgh, PA. HMInsurance Group, a Highmark Company, oers a product portfolio featuring HM Worksite Advantage —Critical Illness, Accident and Disability Income plans — and HM Care Advantage, a limited benetmedical plan. HM is a recognized leader in excess loss and reinsurance including Employer Stop Loss,Provider Excess and HMO Reinsurance. HM Life Insurance Company has received “A-” (Excellent)ratings from A.M. Best Company, one of the country’s oldest and most respected rating agencies.Interested inlearning more?Visit AMI's benets site,,or call 719.313.9578 to speak toShawn, your AMI benetsspecialist, who can addressyour particular needs.HM Care Advantage is an HM Life Insurance Company product administered by Key Benet Administrators (KBA). Based on the plan selected, Medical and Visioncoverages are underwritten by HM Life Insurance Company, Pittsburgh, PA, under policy form series HM905, HL902 or similar. For other insured products when available:Dental and Outpatient Prescription Drug coverages are underwritten by Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company, Kansas City, MO, under policy form series M-9037 andM-9031/M-9022. Administrative and/or customer support services when available are provided: for Health Information On-Call – Health Dialog Services Corporation; forComplementary Wellness Discount Program – Healthways Whole-Health Networks, Inc; for Health Information On-Line – HealthMedia® Inc.; for Pharmacy Discount Card– Caremark, Inc; for Vision – Davis Vision; for Provider Network Discount – MultiPlan and Indiana Health Network. Other administrative and/or customer support servicesmay be provided by HM Life Insurance Company and HM Benets Administrators. Certain exclusions and limitations may apply. See your certicate or other evidence ofcoverage for details. Coverage or service requested or the use of a specic association, franchise, trust or union may not be avail-able in all states.MTG - 1320 (08/14/09)24

Training & CertificationBy Kayce Cashill FlorioIMI Committee and Task Force UpdatesThe IMI Advisory Committee and its task forces met in Aprilto focus on the strategic plan of IMI. The task forces are focusingfirstly on flowcharting a career path for a marina professionaland identifying the training programs and certificationsavailable at each level. This is being done with the ultimategoal of IMI filling in the gaps of training to round out trainingopportunities at each level on the career path. This can eitherbe done directly through IMI programming or by IMI partneringwith organizations that are already delivering trainingsand making them readily available to the AMI membership.Once the career path flow chart and the training chart arecomplete, the IMI Marketing task force will focus its efforts onthe best way to market the training and certification programsto the industry both in message and avenues of delivery.Training ModulesIn the fall of 2011, IMI will begin delivering the IntermediateMarina Management (IMM) course in module form, in partnershipwith regional trade associations. These modules willbe delivered under the umbrella of their annual meetings andconferences as either breakout sessions, or pre or post conferenceworkshops. The modules will be exactly the same as thosedelivered in the week-ling format, but will now be broken outinto 4-hour modules. Currently plans are underway to deliverseveral modules at the annual meetings of the California Harbormasters,Marine Recreation Association, and the TexasMarine Trade Association. IMI and the marine associationsare partnering with the ultimate goal of bringing professionalmanagement training to those who are looking for continuededucation. With travel and training budgets being the first tobe cut back in many cases, this is a way to bring the trainingto the interested attendees in a very cost effective way. It isalso a great way to raise awareness of IMI and the high-qualityprograms and certifications it continues to deliver.IMI is working with Summit Training Source, in partnershipwith Wells Fargo, to deliver online training modules for continuingeducation on many diverse topics. The IMI committeehas reviewed the many training modules availablethrough Summit and has focused on an initial delivery of thefollowing modules: Hazardous Waste and Employee SafetyOrientation. These two training courses will be made availableto AMI members at NO COST under the “membersonly” section of the AMI website in the coming months.The next step in the online training process will be to selectan additional 20 or so online courses provided by Summitand make them available to the AMI membership. For thoseAMI members who purchase their insurance through WellsFargo the courses will be available at no cost. For those whodo not use Wells Fargo as their insurance carrier, the courseswill be made available at an AMI member discounted price.2012 Training CalendarIMI staff is finalizing the 2012 training calendar and the accompanyingbrochure which is expected to hit mailboxes inSeptember 2011. This brochure will highlight dates for theAdvanced Marina Management, Intermediate Marina Management,and Marina Operators Course, as well as dates andtopics for IMI’s Fall Conference. Be on the lookout!!ICOMIA World Conference, Singapore –May 2011Gary Groenewold, CMM, AMI Vice-Chair, and ICOMIAMarinas Group member, attended and presented at theICOMIA conference. Gary sat on a global panel that includedMick Bettesworth, CMM, MDL, and Andrew Chapman,CMM to discuss marina career path training. Topicscovered in this panel included new global initiatives, globaltraining needs, marina career path, and how the training inthe industry is structured.IMI sponsored a CMM breakfast at the ICOMIA conferencewhere again training was the focus. The group at thebreakfast discussed the CMM qualifications and the potentialimpact, or not, of decentralizing the certification process.One other major area discussed was the current needof creating training for delivery in Asia.NEW!!! Online Training25IMI is grateful to Gary for his time and welcomed the opportunityto work with ICOMIA and be involved in such arelevant conference.Updated Marina Operations Manual (MOM) Now Available!The long-awaited update and revision of the Marina OperationsManual is now available. The entire manual has been updatedand now has a new chapter dedicated entirely to training. ManyTraining Continued on Page 27

Training & CertificationBy Kayce Cashill FlorioIMI Committee and Task Force UpdatesThe IMI Advisory Committee and its task forces met in Aprilto focus on the strategic plan <strong>of</strong> IMI. The task forces are focusingfirstly on flowcharting a career path for a marina pr<strong>of</strong>essionaland identifying the training programs and certificationsavailable at each level. This is being done with the ultimategoal <strong>of</strong> IMI filling in the gaps <strong>of</strong> training to round out trainingopportunities at each level on the career path. This can eitherbe done directly through IMI programming or by IMI partneringwith organizations that are already delivering trainingsand making them readily available to the AMI membership.Once the career path flow chart and the training chart arecomplete, the IMI Marketing task force will focus its efforts onthe best way to market the training and certification programsto the industry both in message and avenues <strong>of</strong> delivery.Training ModulesIn the fall <strong>of</strong> <strong>2011</strong>, IMI will begin delivering the Intermediate<strong>Marina</strong> Management (IMM) course in module form, in partnershipwith regional trade associations. These modules willbe delivered under the umbrella <strong>of</strong> their annual meetings andconferences as either breakout sessions, or pre or post conferenceworkshops. The modules will be exactly the same as thosedelivered in the week-ling format, but will now be broken outinto 4-hour modules. Currently plans are underway to deliverseveral modules at the annual meetings <strong>of</strong> the California Harbormasters,Marine Recreation <strong>Association</strong>, and the TexasMarine Trade <strong>Association</strong>. IMI and the marine associationsare partnering with the ultimate goal <strong>of</strong> bringing pr<strong>of</strong>essionalmanagement training to those who are looking for continuededucation. With travel and training budgets being the first tobe cut back in many cases, this is a way to bring the trainingto the interested attendees in a very cost effective way. It isalso a great way to raise awareness <strong>of</strong> IMI and the high-qualityprograms and certifications it continues to deliver.IMI is working with Summit Training Source, in partnershipwith Wells Fargo, to deliver online training modules for continuingeducation on many diverse topics. The IMI committeehas reviewed the many training modules availablethrough Summit and has focused on an initial delivery <strong>of</strong> thefollowing modules: Hazardous Waste and Employee SafetyOrientation. These two training courses will be made availableto AMI members at NO COST under the “membersonly” section <strong>of</strong> the AMI website in the coming months.The next step in the online training process will be to selectan additional 20 or so online courses provided by Summitand make them available to the AMI membership. For thoseAMI members who purchase their insurance through WellsFargo the courses will be available at no cost. For those whodo not use Wells Fargo as their insurance carrier, the courseswill be made available at an AMI member discounted price.2012 Training CalendarIMI staff is finalizing the 2012 training calendar and the accompanyingbrochure which is expected to hit mailboxes inSeptember <strong>2011</strong>. This brochure will highlight dates for theAdvanced <strong>Marina</strong> Management, Intermediate <strong>Marina</strong> Management,and <strong>Marina</strong> Operators Course, as well as dates andtopics for IMI’s Fall Conference. Be on the lookout!!ICOMIA World Conference, Singapore –May <strong>2011</strong>Gary Groenewold, CMM, AMI Vice-Chair, and ICOMIA<strong>Marina</strong>s Group member, attended and presented at theICOMIA conference. Gary sat on a global panel that includedMick Bettesworth, CMM, MDL, and Andrew Chapman,CMM to discuss marina career path training. Topicscovered in this panel included new global initiatives, globaltraining needs, marina career path, and how the training inthe industry is structured.IMI sponsored a CMM breakfast at the ICOMIA conferencewhere again training was the focus. The group at thebreakfast discussed the CMM qualifications and the potentialimpact, or not, <strong>of</strong> decentralizing the certification process.One other major area discussed was the current need<strong>of</strong> creating training for delivery in Asia.NEW!!! Online Training25IMI is grateful to Gary for his time and welcomed the opportunityto work with ICOMIA and be involved in such arelevant conference.Updated <strong>Marina</strong> Operations Manual (MOM) Now Available!The long-awaited update and revision <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Marina</strong> OperationsManual is now available. The entire manual has been updatedand now has a new chapter dedicated entirely to training. ManyTraining Continued on Page 27

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