Policies & Procedures Manual - Elizabeth City State University

Policies & Procedures Manual - Elizabeth City State University

Policies & Procedures Manual - Elizabeth City State University


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400.1.225. After completing Steps 1 – 4 above, ECSU may then begin soliciting proposals, bids, orquotations from as many sources as possible. The agency should also develop an “active”mailing list for each type of service. Assistance in developing and maintaining mailing lists isprovided by the NC Division of Purchase and Contract.6. Depending on the nature of services required, a pre-proposal conference, site visit, or otherprovision for questions from potential offerers may be included in the specifications. Anychanges or additions to the specifications shall be issued as a written addendum.7. After all proposals are received, the ECSU Purchasing Department shall carefully analyze theproposals to ascertain compliance with the task description, qualifications, terms andconditions. Before an award is recommended, the Purchasing Department should make adetermination through references, financial statements, etc., that the recommended contractoris capable of performing the work in a satisfactory manner. This evaluation shall bedocumented for the procurement file. For contracts under the amount delegated to the agenciesby statue ($35,000), the Purchasing Department shall make the award and prepare a contractincorporating the Request for Proposal specifications, the contractor’s response, and ECSU’sstandard terms and conditions.8. For contracts over $ 35,000, the ECSU Purchasing Department shall submit to the NCDivision of Purchase and Contract a complete package documenting the procurement activity.This (package) shall contain, at a minimum, the justification memorandum,the RFP (Request for Proposal) as issued, a copy of the mailing list, any addenda, copiesof all proposals received, the proposal evaluation, and a recommendation for award. Pleasenote that the threshold requiring review by Purchase and Contract is determined by the totalcost for the initial contract period, excluding any renewal options for additional time periods.Any such renewal option(s) must be detailed in the RFP and resulting tract, including possibleprice adjustments for renewal periods (based on indicators like the Consumer Price Index-CP1.9. All agencies of the state shall make every effort to eliminate “sole source contracts”whenever possible. ECSU shall contact the NC Division of Purchase and Contract beforeinitiating a sole source contract to ascertain whether other prospective contractors may beavailable. If a sole source contract is then judged to be the only feasible source of theservices, a memorandum of justification and recommendation shall be submitted to theDivision for review and approval prior to pursuing a contract.10. ECSU must ensure that they do not enter into any service agreements without a legalcontract signed by all pertinent parties. In no way should a party perform services for the

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