Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

Intercourse, by: Andrea Dworkin - Feminish

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violence o f the deep.. . . Her breath came with moaning andshort cries, with words he couldn’t understand, and in spite o fhim self he began m oving faster and thrusting deeper. Hewanted her to remember him the longest day she lived.. . . Amoan and a curse tore through him while he beat her with allthe strength he had and felt the venom shoot out o f him,enough for a hundred black-white babies. 22But once he knew she loved him, would stay with him, wantedhis love back, he beat her, battered her, tortured and terrorizedher, used her in the ways he thought would humiliate her most:“ It was not love he felt during these acts of love: drained andshaking, utterly unsatisfied, he fled from the raped whitewoman into the bars. ” 23The fuck existed only to humiliate andhurt her; his passion was hate, the violence was hate; shethought he was sick, hurt, needed help, would stop, would getbetter, thought badly of himself, would understand that sheloved him, would love, not hate her, once he understood.She saw that he thought he was worthless; and she thought shecould love him enough <strong>by</strong> showing him what he was worth toher—more than herself. Her family came north to get her awayfrom the black man and could, because she was beaten andhurt and like an abused animal, cowering in fear and filth; andthey had her committed to an asylum in the South, where shewould stay locked up forever. It was this, her being committedto an eternity in a bare room because of what he had done toher, that he could not live with. He saw his hatred destroy her;and he learned that “ [i]t’s not possible to forget anybodyyou’ve destroyed. ” 24 Later, Eric asks Cass, a woman of deepempathy and insight, “ ; Did she like to be beaten up? I mean—did something in her like it, did she like to be— debased? ” ’25

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