QHT - Czech Quarter Horse Association

QHT - Czech Quarter Horse Association

QHT - Czech Quarter Horse Association

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the online-magazineN o<strong>Quarter</strong><strong>Horse</strong>Today142005In this issue:Sport: CRI in SwitzerlandStandings of World Reining Masters2005Bavarian Championship inVaterstettenDQHA Youth Regio Cup inSeptemberInternational:Common Swiss Futurityendangered?<strong>Horse</strong>s ofthe week:GB Jac### 19.April 2005 ###

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ubrik editorial<strong>QHT</strong>Dear reader, ...Meanwhile the German finalists in the 2005 World ReiningMasters are known. The show is to be anothermilestone in introducing reining to the public. In orderto achieve this aim, however, more international informationis needed. And this is still rare, unfortunately.During the AQHA Convention, Frank Costantinitold about the positive effects of the combined effortsof AQHA, NRHA, FEI and RHSF. Also in Europe, associationsseem to work together more and more towardsa common goal. The Bavarians succeeded in organizingan open Bavarian Championship, and Switzerland ison her way to even organizing a common ReiningFuturity. However, the outcome of the latter is stilldoubtful due to the Swiss <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong>.We will keep you informed of their final decision.Enjoy this issueyour Ramona BillingInhaltSport: Pages 4-9CRI in Switzerland<strong>Horse</strong>s of the week: Page 16GB JacStandings of World Reining Masters 2005Bavarian Championship in VaterstettenDQHA Youth Regio Cup in SeptemberImpressum: page 21International: Pages 12-13Common Swiss Futurity endangered?QUARTER HORSE TODAY 1405 3

<strong>QHT</strong>sportCRI in WängiJeannette Krähenbühl gewinnt Schweizer CRI!Souverän setzte sich Jeannette Krähenbühl mitTaristorm bei CRI Kat. B am vergangenen Wochenendein Wängi/Schweiz an die Spitze eines 26-köpfigenTeilnehmerfeldes. Der Score: 146,5 Punkte! Zudemerrang die Schweizerin mit ihrem ARC Golden Boymit 145,5 Punkten den zweiten Platz und mit ihremdritten Pferd Mandi Mandi Jacs mit 143 Punkten denvierten Platz – punktgleich mit Christoph Seiler undMr Colonel Smart. Dritte wurde Judith Baumeistermit Top Boggie Sail (144,5 Punkte).Damit knüpfte die Unternehmerin nahtlos an dieErfolge des Vorjahres an. Damals wurde JeannetteKrähenbühl u.a. World Reining Trophy Champion 2004in der Non Pro in Mooslarque und beendete das Jahr2004 mit dem Sieg in der Limited Division und einemdritten Platz in der Open beim FEI World ReiningMasters in Oklahoma City.Jeanette Krähenbühl with TaristormOpen Bavarian Championship offeringEUR 20,000.— prize money (by Renate Gruber)It was successful in the end! For more than a year,the great Bavarian Western Riding and Breedeing<strong>Association</strong>s tried to agree upon a common open BavarianChampionship. It’s here now: From May 13 to 16,there will be the first open Bavarian Championshiporganied by Bavarian Westernriding <strong>Association</strong>,DQHA, Paint <strong>Horse</strong> Club of Germany and VWB (<strong>Association</strong>of Westernriders in Bavaria). The prize moneywill be EUR 20,000.—altogether with EUR 10 000,-- inOpen competition.The show is a must for Trail and Pleasure riders asthe BC is one of four qualifiers of the Bavarian GoldenSeries. It offers EUR 2000,-- per show for trail and pleasureeach. Besides the four AQHA-Shows, Allround-Circuit-Ranking there will be an NRHA (USA)-Showoffering 4,800 Dollar.-- added and two Lawson Trophies.Last year, this show had 340 horses – this year itshould be much more due to the attractive titles andprize money.There are four internationally experienced AQHAjudges who also got the NRHA card: Vreni Schmid(SUI), Dave Young (NED), Doug Allen (GBR) and MaryannWilloughby (USA).Further information: http://www.westernreiten-online.de.4 QUARTER HORSE TODAY 14/05

sport<strong>QHT</strong>Ranking of World Reining Masters Series 2005Steffen Breug and Jürgen Pieper are German FinalistsOn September 22 to 24, 2005 there will be the secondWorld Reining Masters Final, this time at the La Palasturlafacility at Manerbio (Italy). Germany will berepresented by Steffen Breug and Jürgen Pieper. Pieperis leading the ranking with 95 points, with SteffenBreug being second with 82 points. It is not sure,however, with which horses they are going to compete.Juergen Piwper will probably saddle Many GoldenSmarties (by Smartin, owner Alexander Lambert). „GBJac is already competing in the European Championshipin May,“ he says.Austria and the U.S.A. There was one Austrian qualifierwith Rudi Kronsteiner winning, the socond willfollow shortly. The U.S. organized two qualifiers so far.The ranking is led by last year’s Masters ChampionTodd Crawford, followed by Tim McQuay.For Steffen Breug it is already his second Masters.Last year he went to Oklahoma City together with VolkerSchmitt. He rode Dragon Jac to a fine 8th placethere. Astride Mercury Starlight he won two of Germany’sfour qualifiers this year.Besides Germany, FEI ranking so far only showsSteffen Breug with Mercury StarlightQUARTER HORSE TODAY 14/05 5

<strong>QHT</strong>sportWorld Reining Trophy 2005:Todd Sommers rides ST Paddys RoosterThe nomination forms and schedule were justpublished, but the first stars already announced theircoming to the 2005 World Reining Trophy (June 9-12,2005 at Mooslargue, FRA). Owner Roman Brechtl ( STPaddys Rooster) asked Todd Sommers to ride his stallionin this $ 100 000,-- show. They agreed upon everythingin a phone call. Sommers seems to be veryenthusiastic about ST Paddys Rooster. „’M really lookingforward to showing him at Mooslargue. He is oneof the best horses I’ve ever ridden,” he says.Todd Sommers was several times NRHA FuturityChampion and became Reserve Champion in the WorldReining Masters 2004. He is also tremendously successfulin Western Pleasure. Sommers trained ST PaddysRooster and rode him to the Open Futurity Final2002 as well as to the Open NRBC Derby and NRHADerby finals2003. In the AQHA World Show, they placed6th in Junior Reining Open.The World Reining Trophy should be one of Europe’spremier events again. Just think of the marvelousrides last year like that of World Champion s ShawnFlarida and As Smart As Charley as well as that ofMartin Larcombe astride ARC Oak Enterprise.Informations: www.horseacademy.netYouth Regio CupFrom September 23 to 25, 2005 the regional youthteams of the DQHA will compete in the REGIO CUP atFive Star Ranch in Lindlar. Each regional group sendsone or two teams of four competitors each. They canride their own horses or those of other persons andwill be accompanied by a coach. There will be competitionin Showmanship, <strong>Horse</strong>manship, Pleasure, Trailand Reining – and maybe further disciplines in thefuture. Each team member must compete at least onceand (Maximum) three times. They are stll looking fora good allaround trainer7judge for this plus a co-trainer.DQHA finances food and stay of horses and team members.Team members will sleep in tents (groups). <strong>Horse</strong>swill be in box stalls with paddocks (can be locked).– Participants/regional group will have to take care ofand pay for beverages and transferRules:– There is only team evaluation, no individual one.– The winner receives 10 points, the second placed 9etc. Add all points gained by team members and you-’ve got the team points.Rules:– Alcohol is forbidden– Facility must not be left– Participants may be removed when showing unsportivebehaviour– Coaches care for their members8 QUARTER HORSE T4DAY 14/05

sport<strong>QHT</strong>Schedule:Arrival on Friday nightSaturday: training starts after breakfast at 7 a.m.8-9.30 Showmanship9.45- 11.15 <strong>Horse</strong>manship11.30- 1 p.m. Pleasure1 – 2.30 p.m. Lunch break2.30- 4 p.m. Trail4 – 4-30 p.m. coffee break4.30- 6 p.m. Reining7 p.m. Dinner, party afterwardsSunday: CompetitionBreakfast at 8 a.m.Competition 9 a.m. – 1. p.m.Departure at 2 p.m.QUARTER HORSE T4DAY 14/05JAGFELD <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong>sHerner Weg 4645772 MarlTel: 0170-2977648 AlexandraTel: 0171-3322970 HubertusTel: 0171-7106018 Christeljagfeld@t-online.dewww.jagfeld.de

Saturday June 4The NQHA presents:th2005NQHA Summer MeetingAQHA approved showOpenYouthAmateurNovice AmateurJudged by: Jürgen von BistramLocation: HC de Hoeve, Bijlweg 6, Lelystad, the NetherlandsEnrollment forms and information on www.nqha.nlEnrollment without extra fee till 20th of MaiQuestions to nqhashow@hotmail.com

<strong>QHT</strong>internationalRHSF President TravelsRoad To Aachen With AQHAEmphasizing the spirit of cooperation that has existedbetween NRHA, AQHA, and the Federation EquestreInternationale (FEI), Frank Costantini, Presidentof the Reining <strong>Horse</strong> Sports Foundation, shared withthe AQHA membership during the AQHA Convention inSt. Louis, Missouri, his enthusiasm for the collaborativeeffort that is bringing Reining closer to becomingan Olympic discipline.Convention attendees were asked to take a drivedown the “Road to Aachen (Germany) and Beyond,” thesite for the 2006 World Equestrian Games. To reachthat destination, the FEI World Reining Masters FinalsPresented by NetJets was held during the 2004 NRHAFuturity & North American Affiliate ChampionshipShow in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The Finals, Openand Restricted divisions, featured a combined purse of$100,000. The original goal was to have 15 countriescompete. “We exceeded that goal with 16 countriesentering 21 individuals in the competition,” Costantinisaid. “The event exceeded all of our expectations. Spectatorstraveled from all around the world to cheer ontheir representatives.”A $100,000 donation from the Classic S Ranch tothe International Development fund of the Reining<strong>Horse</strong> Sports Foundation provided each of the 16 competitorswith $2,500 for expenses. The countriesrepresented included: Belgium, Great Britain, Canada,Switzerland, Dominican Republic, France, Germany,Israel, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Netherlands, <strong>Czech</strong>Republic, Brazil, Mexico, and the U.S.A.According to plan, the second FEI World ReiningMasters Finals Presented by NetJets will be held September22-25, 2005, in Manerbio, Italy.“The FEI World Reining Masters Series lays thefoundation for the 2006 WEG initiative,” Costantinisaid, “which is to have a minimum of 15 countries competein Reining at the 2006 WEG. Through its InternationalDevelopment Program, the Reining <strong>Horse</strong> SportsFoundation, through generous donors, will be able tofund the production of the event in any way deemednecessary.“Anyone wishing to impact bringing Reining to theOlympics has an opportunity to make history by supportingReining at the WEG through their charitablecontribution to the RHSF,” he said.It is only through the FEI World Reining MastersSeries that the dream of Reining becoming an Olympicequestrian discipline can become a reality. “Our effortsare moving forward thanks to the members of the FEIReining Committee,” said Costantini, the Committee’sChairman. It also takes the support of AQHA.“With American <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong>s being the foundationbreed in Reining competition, AQHA will gain greatexposure for its horses as Reining continues to gainrecognition worldwide. Hopefully, one day, we will seean American <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> carry a rider to an OlympicGold Medal,” Costantini told the AQHA members.12 QUARTER HORSE TODAY 14/05

internatioanl<strong>QHT</strong>Switzerland:Common Futurity indangered? (by Sacha Jacqueroud)At the beginning of the year, everything lookedlike there would be a common Futurity of all the Swisswestern associations. NRHA and SPHA approved of acorresponding regulation last autumn. Due to whathappened with former president Zindel, SQHA postponedthe point of a common Futurity to an extraordinaryassembly (date not known by editor). In a discussionlast Friday, SQHA gave a new outline on theiraims and wishes. NRHA Switzerland reacted to SQHA-’s scepticism towards a common Futurity and informedvia an mail. Here NRHA emphasizes that the commonregulation of NRHA and SPHA cannot be reversed andstressed its interest in a common Futurity. So this ideaand vision is still present. Whether it will come intobeing, depends on the extraordinary General Assemblyof SQHA now.SQHA invites to extraordinary Generalmeeting on May 18, 2005The Swiss <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> will have anextraordinary general meeting at the HostellerieGeroldswil on May 18, 2005. The assembly will start at7 p.m.Swiss Reining Youth CampAfter last year’s success there will be another youthcamp of the Swiss Reining <strong>Association</strong>. The SwissNRHA will organize this camp at the facility ofManuela Graf in Gettnau together with Carmen Schultheissand Judith Baumeister on August 13/15, 2005NetherlandsMadepolder Reining Challenge in Den HaagOn April 30, 2005 there will be the Madepolder ReiningChallenge at Den Haag in the Trainingsstall Madepolder.Nomination deadline will be April 22. Nominationsafter this will not be accepted.QUARTER HORSE TODAY 14/05 13

ubrikverkaufspferde<strong>QHT</strong>The Final Coke1997, sorrel stallionPedigree: First Class Final x Coke On IceShow record: ROM in Halter und Performance Open,Südwest Cup Circle ChampionAll Around Open,14 All Around Champion etc.Price: private treatyInformation: E. Kleinmann, phone +49-171-3580270/Andrea Schmid phone 0049 (0)170/7711143SMARTINS LITTLE GUN2001 bay stallionPedigree: Smartin Off x Jays Sugar JewelTop Pedigree: Smartin Off (by Smart Little Lena) was e.g. Res.World Champion and Res. Futurity Champion as well as MastersCutting Champion, Jays Sugar Jewel is graddaughter of SugarBars out of own Mr Gunsmoke-daughter. Reining prospect withgreat movement. Was carefully broken as a three-year-old - 6months training by Bernd Hackl.Price: EUR 8000,--Todays Daisy Day, AQHA No. 4458338Sir Hollywood Cody2003 Bay MarePedigree: Todayismyluckyday x Dual DaisyPrice: private treatyInformation: 0049. (0)171. 6436520A gorgeous bay filly by NRHA Futurity Champion, AQHA Reiningand Working Cow <strong>Horse</strong> World Champion, TODAYSMYLUCKYDAY.Out of a producing daughter of a leading sire, DUAL PEP. Outstandingconformation backed by a superb pedigree makes this filly anoutstanding prospect for reining, working cow horse, cutting andlater on as a broodmare.1994 stallion, AQHA No. 3281876, buckskinPedigree: Sir Whiskey Jac (By Hollywood Jac 86)x Jan Crocker (by Topsail Cody)Ein absoluter Eyecatcher (Topfarbe und Showmähne!) und keineHengstmanieren. BWA Allaround Champion 2003 (Einst.), ReiningVWB + BWA (Einst.), limited open Futurity Champion ´98 undzahlreiche platzierungen in Reining und AQHA 2004 LeipzigPrice: 15.000 EURInformation: Telefon 00 49. 172. 81 89 744

<strong>QHT</strong>verkaufspferdeImpressumpublisher: RF Public Relations Int. & Westerninfo für DQHARedaktionsleitung: Ramona Billing, Argelsrieder Str. 41,81475 München Tel. 089-72447410, Fax 089-72447411,email: Ramona.Fallei@t-online.deLayout: www.horseconcepts.deWebmaster: Marko TremlMitarbeiter dieser Ausgabe: Antonella GlioriFotografen: Dr. Markus Kroh (<strong>Horse</strong>motion), Ramona Billing, Foto 4You, privatAnzeigen: über HerausgeberErscheinungsweise: wöchentlich, jeweils DienstagsBrennas Little Pep (aqha pending)Sorrel colt with chrome born March 05, super cute and veryclassy colt, and really can move, by Pep O pride NCHA COA 20.5AQHA Cutting Points (ROM),Total Cutting Earnings of over$5,500.00. 2004 Oklahoma <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Res HighPoint Senior Cutting, 2003 AQHA World Show Qualifier inSr. Cutting, 2003 AQHA Leading Point Earners List #8 Open Cutting,2003 AQHA Leading Point Earners List #5 Senior Cutting,already proving to be an outstanding sire of horses in numerousevents, superiors and world show qualifiers.He is out of a producing daughter of leading sire and NRHAmoney earner Brennas Kid, £3000 UK Sterling Video is availableof him. please emailroslinstud@hotmail.com or go tohttp://www.roslinstud.comDer Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr für die Aktualität, Korrektheit, Vollständigkeitoder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen. Haftungsansprüche gegen den Autor,welche sich auf Schäden materieller oder ideeller Art beziehen, die durch die Nutzungoder Nichtnutzung der dargebotenen Informationen bzw. durch die Nutzung fehlerhafterund unvollständiger Informationen verursacht wurden, sind grundsätzlich ausgeschlossen,sofern seitens des Autors kein nachweislich vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässigesVerschulden vorliegt. Alle Angebote sind freibleibend und unverbindlich. Der Autorbehält es sich ausdrücklich vor, Teile der Seiten oder das gesamte Angebot ohnegesonderte Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu löschen oder die Veröffentlichungzeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen. Für unverlangt eingesandte Berichte, Beiträgeund Fotos übernehmen wir keine Haftung. Die Einsender haften dafür, dass dieuns zur Verfügung gestellten Texte und Fotos jeweils frei von Rechten Dritter sind.Copyright: Der Autor ist bestrebt, in allen Publikationen die Urheberrechte der verwendetenGrafiken und Texte zu beachten, von ihm selbst erstellte Grafiken und Texte zunutzen oder auf lizenzfreie Grafiken und Texte zurückzugreifen. Alle innerhalb desInternetangebotes genannten und ggf. durch Dritte geschützten Marken- und Warenzeichenunterliegen uneingeschränkt den Bestimmungen des jeweils gültigen Kennzeichenrechtsund den Besitzrechten der jeweiligen eingetragenen Eigentümer. Allein aufgrundder bloßen Nennung ist nicht der Schluss zu ziehen, dass Markenzeichen nichtdurch Rechte Dritter geschützt sind! Alle Texte, Fotos und Abbildungen dieser Publikationunter liegen dem Urheberrecht. Das Copyright für veröffentlichte, vom Autor selbsterstellte Objekte bleibt allein beim Autor der Seiten. Eine Vervielfältigung oder Verwendungsolcher Grafiken und Texte in anderen elektronischen oder gedruckten Publikationenist ohne ausdrückliche Zustimmung des Autors nicht gestattet.

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