PRESCRIPTION ANALYSIS REPORT State Health Resource Centre ...

PRESCRIPTION ANALYSIS REPORT State Health Resource Centre ...

PRESCRIPTION ANALYSIS REPORT State Health Resource Centre ...

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Table No.- 1Format AdequacyFormat Adequacy Yes No. TotalName 297 (95.19%) 15 (4.81%) 312Age 246 (78.85%) 66 (21.15%) 312Sex 178 (57.05%) 134 (42.95%) 312Diagnosis - 33 (10.58%)Complete 158 (50.64%)Incomplete 11 (3.52%)Symptoms 110 (35.26%)Above Table describes about the adequacy of format. Out of 312 Prescriptions, Name of thepatient was written in maximum of prescription i.e. 297 (95%) followed by Age & Sex i.e.246 (78%) & 178 (57%) Regarding Diagnosis Almost half the prescriptions had completediagnosis written i.e. 158 (50.64%) followed by symptom writing i.e. 110 (35.26%). Around33 (10.58%) of the prescriptions had no diagnosis/symptom written & about 11 (3.52%)prescriptions had incomplete diagnosis written.

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