LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute


INTRODUCTIONSince formation of Malaysia – rapid agriculturaldevelopment1960s to 1980s (1 st to 4 th Malaysia Plan)‣ Major crops are :• Rubber• Rice• Pepper• Coconut & cocoa• Oil-palm• SagoContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

INTRODUCTION1980s to 1990s (5 th to 7 th MP)‣ Decline in coconut, cocoa & rubber‣ Rice somewhat stagnated & pepper fluctuating inconsonance with market‣ But the following commodities expanded :• Oil-palm• Sago• Vegetables• FruitsContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

INTRODUCTIONSince formation of Malaysia – rapid agriculturaldevelopment1960s to 1980s (1 st to 4 th Malaysia Plan)‣ Major crops are :• Rubber• Rice• Pepper• Coconut & cocoa• Oil-palm• SagoContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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