LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute


ProspectsConsiderations on @local situations:‣ Available large tract of land under naturalvegetation‣ Natural settings of some farm land – clean streams& scenic view etc – potential for resort/tourist typerelated organic farming (include aquaculture)‣ Large crop diversity & range- good for niche &specialty produceContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Prospects‣ Ethnic diversity – especially tourism/organicproducts @ cottage levels e.g. bags, clothes‣ High rural population & poverty – an incentive torichness‣ Low industrial pollution – good air‣ Innovative & trainable farmers‣ Amicable climates & luxuriant vegetation‣ Young & growing industryPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Prospects‣ Ethnic diversity – especially tourism/organicproducts @ cottage levels e.g. bags, clothes‣ High rural population & poverty – an incentive torichness‣ Low industrial pollution – good air‣ Innovative & trainable farmers‣ Amicable climates & luxuriant vegetation‣ Young & growing industryPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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