LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute


Strategies‣ Policy identifying Organic Farming as an Alternativeproduction system‣ Establish State-wide service centres for executingprogrammes & projects‣ Encourage & assist current farmers for conversionto organic system‣ Increase magnitude of Organic FarmingPrograms & IncentivesContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Strategies‣ Step up research on organic technologies‣ Set up training centre to train staff & farmers‣ Establish organic seeds & planting materialproduction centre‣ Interact closely with the Organic FarmersAssociationPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Strategies‣ Step up research on organic technologies‣ Set up training centre to train staff & farmers‣ Establish organic seeds & planting materialproduction centre‣ Interact closely with the Organic FarmersAssociationPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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