LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute


Current Scenario1. Government initiative:‣ DOA – Organic Farming incentives• SOM certification program,• R&D with a few private operators‣ DOA research – fairly youngContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Current Scenario2. Private sector initiative:‣ A number of organic farms• Mainly private sector initiated• Several under collaboration with DOA‣ Only 1 certified to SOM• More to go into certification‣ Many certified to foreign standards• Need harmonisation & recognitionPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

Current Scenario2. Private sector initiative:‣ A number of organic farms• Mainly private sector initiated• Several under collaboration with DOA‣ Only 1 certified to SOM• More to go into certification‣ Many certified to foreign standards• Need harmonisation & recognitionPDF created with pdfFactory trial version

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