LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute

LAI KUI FONG - Sarawak Development Institute


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Part IAGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT INSARAWAKPre Malaysia to Present Days ……..PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Pre Malaysia period….INTRODUCTION‣ Farming – by & large traditional in nature‣ ‘Export crop’ oriented & subsistence agriculture‣ Main export crops are pepper and rubber‣ Subsistence agriculture with main goal to feed thefamily : food crops including hill & wet rice,vegetables, field crops & fruitsContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

INTRODUCTIONSince formation of Malaysia – rapid agriculturaldevelopment1960s to 1980s (1 st to 4 th Malaysia Plan)‣ Major crops are :• Rubber• Rice• Pepper• Coconut & cocoa• Oil-palm• SagoContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

INTRODUCTION1980s to 1990s (5 th to 7 th MP)‣ Decline in coconut, cocoa & rubber‣ Rice somewhat stagnated & pepper fluctuating inconsonance with market‣ But the following commodities expanded :• Oil-palm• Sago• Vegetables• FruitsContinued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

INTRODUCTIONLate 1990s to current times (8 th to 9 th MP)‣ Continued decline in cocoa‣ Commercial development by government-linkedagencies on rubber, oil palm, rice, sago‣ Concurrent development on vegetable, fruit & oilpalm, animal husbandry & aquaculture led by theprivate sectorPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

The need for alternatives toagrochemicals ways of farming‣ Commercial development of cash & food crops byConventional intensive system led to increasingapplication of agrochemicals‣ The improper usage resulted in high residues on cropsproduce & also led to environmental problems:‣ Contamination to waterways & ground water source‣ Endangering & threatening wild life survival‣ Food chain destruction & weakeninge.g. Agrochemical residues in vegetables as in thenext slidePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Vegetable pesticide residue (% exceed MRL)%20151050199314.9 168.8 9.8 18.34.9199419951996199719982004 to 2008: @

Quality Assurance SchemesRelevant crops certification schemes:‣ VCS : Vegetable Certification Scheme – a DOA<strong>Sarawak</strong>’s initiative, implemented in 1998‣ SALM : Malaysia Farm Certification Scheme – aNational Scheme, DOA Malaysia initiative, since2003 (MSGAP & EUREGAP as benchmarks)‣ DOA <strong>Sarawak</strong> adopted SOM : Malaysia OrganicCertification Scheme in 2005PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Part II IIORGANIC FARMING IN THE LOCALCONTEXTPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Organic Farming – in local context :‣ A holistic approach on Supply Chain–From production to marketing‣ Compliance & Certified to OrganicStandards – e.g. MS 1529‣ Old practice with new improvements–(incorporated with modern tech &Quality Assurance)PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

<strong>Sarawak</strong>’s Strength‣ Large tract of land under natural vegetation‣ Relatively free from industrial, urban & industrialpollution‣ Farming still very traditional at large- conversioncould be easier‣ At infancy stage – not easy to teach – but sure togrow up fast & well!Continued ……PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

<strong>Sarawak</strong>’s Strength‣ Large plant germplasm & mega-biodiversity‣ Crop range fits niche & export market – e.g.pepper, indigenous rice, fruit & vegetables‣ Gathered wild products are naturally organic‣ Abundance of vegetation provides sourcebiomass for composting‣ Farmers are responsive to new ideas & technologyPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Current Scenario1. Government initiative:‣ DOA – Organic Farming incentives• SOM certification program,• R&D with a few private operators‣ DOA research – fairly youngContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Current Scenario2. Private sector initiative:‣ A number of organic farms• Mainly private sector initiated• Several under collaboration with DOA‣ Only 1 certified to SOM• More to go into certification‣ Many certified to foreign standards• Need harmonisation & recognitionPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

DOA Organic FarmingBroad ObjectiveTowards the socially acceptable,environmentally friendly, profitable& sustainable production,processing and marketing of safe &quality organic food.PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Specific Objectives‣ To encourage as an alternative production system forthe State‣ To develop niche, export & local market producebased on local priority & uniqueness‣ To encourage Quality Assurance through SOM& other certification systems‣ To develop organic industry- farmers, processors& marketers along the Supply Chain‣ To allocate a set % of financial & human resourcesfor a targeted increase of Organic Farms e.g. 10%per yearPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Strategies‣ Policy identifying Organic Farming as an Alternativeproduction system‣ Establish State-wide service centres for executingprogrammes & projects‣ Encourage & assist current farmers for conversionto organic system‣ Increase magnitude of Organic FarmingPrograms & IncentivesContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Strategies‣ Step up research on organic technologies‣ Set up training centre to train staff & farmers‣ Establish organic seeds & planting materialproduction centre‣ Interact closely with the Organic FarmersAssociationPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Specific Research Areas‣ Innovative production system‣ Organic approaches to plant health‣ Soil & plant nutrient management‣ Organic seeds & planting materialsPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Innovative production system‣ Net house & net tunnel systems‣ Adaptable crops/varieties‣ Cropping system & crop mix‣ Plant & animal waste utilization‣ Beneficial microbes application‣ Vertical & horizontal crop integration‣ Aquatic culturePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Organic approach to plant health‣ IPM‣ Resistant crop/variety‣ Probiotics & compost teas‣ Botanicals & repellents‣ Companion & repellent crops‣ Animal/birds/crop integrationPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Soil & plant nutrient management‣ Soil conservation & croppingsystem‣ Soil nutrient management in relationto crop removals & inputs‣ Soil nutrient enrichment via manuring,green manure, legumes & microbes‣ Alley & strip croppingPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Organic seeds & planting materials‣ DOA as source to provide‣ To conserve, produce,distributePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Current scenario & challenges‣ No. of farms & farmers @ low level‣ Public awareness @ low level‣ Subject matter knowledge @ low level‣ Interest to invest @ low level‣ DOA emphasis @ minor programme‣ Private initiatives & motivations @ few‣ Market & market access @ low key‣ The challenges are to initiate & Fire theOrganic Engine to run @ high levels !PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Challenges involving changes to‣ Policy matters‣ Farmers & staff training‣ Publication & information disseminations‣ Training facility & resources‣ Public awareness to healthy & alternative foodsource‣ Alternative to current production systems‣ Organising the prospecting farmers & thebusiness people‣ DOA financial & human resources allocationsPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Constraints anticipated‣ Takes time to activate changes‣ A change to the ways used to‣ Could be expensive to start‣ Requires high labour input‣ Source of input availability : compost‣ Farmers at large not organised‣ Insufficient channels for farmers interaction‣ Expecting government assistancePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

DOA Plan for Organic FarmingShort Term – Fast Track‣ Develop & intensify govt/private sector –interaction, joint venture R&D‣ Disseminate known technology‣ DOA human resource development‣ Organize prospecting farmers for conversion‣ Provide incentives & assistancePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

DOA Plan for Organic FarmingShort Term – Fast Track‣ Set up commercial compost factory atnorth, central & southern regions‣ Encourage private sector participation‣ Publicity & awareness for organic farming‣ Prioritize crops eg pepper, rice & fruits‣ Study Supply chain to establish weak linksfor improvements‣ Set up special organic food marketsPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Long Term State <strong>Development</strong>‣ Draw up 5-10 year plan for organic farming‣ DOA sets up a unit for organic farming atHQ/Regional levels‣ Establish export & local supply chain‣ QA through SOM & Others‣ Establish R&D stations‣ Intensify short term plan activities‣ Work on flagship product e.g. rice, pepperPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

ProspectsWith due considerations @World scene:‣ World demand growing‣ Health concerns of quality food‣ Standards & certifications‣ Market access & Supply chain‣ Niche & special market‣ Fossil fuel & products rising costs‣ Agro-eco-tourisms‣ Cottage industriesContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

ProspectsConsiderations on @local situations:‣ Available large tract of land under naturalvegetation‣ Natural settings of some farm land – clean streams& scenic view etc – potential for resort/tourist typerelated organic farming (include aquaculture)‣ Large crop diversity & range- good for niche &specialty produceContinued ….PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Prospects‣ Ethnic diversity – especially tourism/organicproducts @ cottage levels e.g. bags, clothes‣ High rural population & poverty – an incentive torichness‣ Low industrial pollution – good air‣ Innovative & trainable farmers‣ Amicable climates & luxuriant vegetation‣ Young & growing industryPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Potential Organic ProductsSpecific unique & niche market crops‣ Rice – specialty, high quality & coloured‣ Pepper – creamy, decorticated‣ Fruits – indigenous types‣ Annuals – indigenous vegetables, fieldcrops & herbs‣ Aquaculture – indigenous fishPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

ProspectsPotential Organic Non food Products‣ Agro-ecotourism based on rural scenicorganic farms‣ Local handicrafts/souvenir usingorganic materials‣ Activity based packages – e.g.harvesting – customers interactivePicasaweb‣ Wild flowers & ornamentals –organicbasedPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Prospects‣ Sum all considerations = Prospect promising &bright‣ Niche & specialty for export‣ Quality assurance –to be in place‣ Motivate farmers & investors‣ Create awareness for local marketsPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Conclusion‣ We have Natural ‘Ingredients’ (plant, soil, water)& human resources‣ We work on the supply chain throughnet-working & innovations to meet thechallenges & overcome the constraints‣ We have bright & promising prospects oforganic farming in the statePDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

Indigenous fishPDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com

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