Personality Development - City Montessori School

Personality Development - City Montessori School

Personality Development - City Montessori School


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1959 - 2009THINKGLOBALLYGolden Jubilee CelebrationsNURTURING WORLDCITIZENS SINCEyears of5ExcellenceONE CHILD CHANGES,THE WORLD CHANGES1959ACTGLOBALLYThis CMS bulletin is being published for the past 30 years. Now it has been renamed as '<strong>Personality</strong> <strong>Development</strong>'to emphasise on personality development of students with special focus on global unity as their predominant trait.Delegation to ChicagoMr V. Kurian, HOD,CMS Films Divisionwill be representingIndia at the forthcoming26th Children'sInternational Film Festival being held inChicago, USA from 22 October to1 November. Mr Kurian will beaccompanied by the CMS Film FestivalCoordinator and Film Editor Mr AhmedHameed Shaikh to Chicago.October 2009 Volume I Issue 6<strong>Personality</strong> <strong>Development</strong>For developing global personality of children to unite the worldA Monthly Bulletin ofInternational Educators Forum‘Global TIEorganized by CMS RajajipuramCMS Rajajipuram organized 'theInternational Educators Forum Global TIE2009 from 1 to 4 September at CMSKanpur Road auditorium. Around 250renowned educationists and Principalsfrom top schools of Sri Lanka, Pakistan,Nepal, Afghanistan and various states ofIndia participated. Mr Jayant Krishna,Chief Consultant, Tata ConsultancyServices formally inaugurated the 4-dayevent by lighting the lamp at a glitteringceremony held at CMS Kanpur Roadauditorium. (see details on page 7)Over 2000 teachers were honoured for theiroutstanding and meritorious services onTeachers DayTeachers Day celebrations wereunique and special signifying the GoldenJubilee Year of CMS. A grand functionwas held at CMS Kanpur Roadauditorium where over 2000 outstandingand meritorious teachers were honouredRenowned educationist Mr C.J. Josephenlightening the audience with his talkTeachers Day CelebrationsPrizes worth Rs 51 lakh awarded on 51st year of the InstitutionMaths Olympiad in IndonesiaA 15-member delegation of CMSGomtinagar comprising Mrs YasminKhan, Vice Principal, as leader and MsAditi Sharma and Mrs Nidhi Aggarwal asdeputy leaders besides student members,Parul Mitash, Akansha Singh, AditiSharma, Prachi Sharma, Aparna Tiwari,Krishna Choudhary, Seemyi Ahmed,Saransh Gothi, Gauri Bharti, AbhishekGiri, Lakshya Sharma and Uday Sharmawill be participating in the InternationalMathematics and Science Oympiad,IMSO 2009 to be organized in Jakarta,Indonesia from 8 to 14 November 2009.;ksx djsa!HkkbZ;ksa ,oa cfguksa]ije iwT; Lokeh jkenso th dk ladYi gS fd lalkj ds gj cPps ,oa cM+s O;fDr dks ;ksx dhf'k{kk vfuok;Z :i ls feys rkfd bl lalkj esa dskbZ Hkh O;fDr ru vkSj eu dk jksxh u jgsA blh ifo=ladYi dks ân; esa /kkj.k dj Lokeh th vius mRd`"V izf'k{kdksa ds }kjk iwjs ns'k ,oa fo'o Hkj esa ;ksx f'kfojksadk vk;sktu dj ekuo ek= dk ;kSfxd ,oa vk/;kfRed tkxj.k dj jgs gSaA bu ;ksx f'kfojksa esa Hkkx ysdjo vusd tfVy jksxksa ls NqVdkjk ikdj ^LoLFk ru rFkk LoLFk eu* cukus dk ykHk mBk;sa ,oa ,d lqUnjLoLFk ,oa vk/;kfRed fo'o ds fuekZ.k esa viuk iw.kZ ;ksxnku iznku djsaA;g ;ksx f'kfoj lky esa iwjs 365 fnu pyrk gS tkM+k] xehZ] cjlkr] vk¡/kh] rwQku esa Hkh dHkh cUn ugha gksrk gSAbl ;ksx f'kfoj esa vki lHkh vius ifjtuksa] b"V fe=ksa ,oa iM+ksfl;ksa ds lkFk vkt gh ls jkstkuk vo'; 'kkfey gksdj vius ru vkSj eu dks lqUnj cuk;saAAlapkyd@vk;kstdfouhr&loZJh ih;w"kdkUr] vyksih 'kadj] ujs'k dqekj] tokgj ykyMk- Hkkjrh xka/kh ,oa Mk- txnh'k xka/khJherh ehuk] euh"kk ,oa lqeu thlaLFkkid & lh-,e-,l-] y[kuÅiratfy ;ksx lfefr] y[kuÅ iwohZ {ks=9415549572] 9451134471fu%'kqYdfujksx jgsa!ije iwT; Lokeh jkenso th ds mRd`"V izf'k{kdksa ds xgu ekxZn'kZu esa^^fu%'kqYd nSfud ;ksx f'kfoj**dk vk;kstuLFkku % lh-,e-,l-] xkserh uxj] (fo'kky [k.M&2) y[kuÅ(1) izkr% dkyhu ;ksx d{kk%& jkstkuk Ikzkr% 5-00 ls 6-30 cts rd(2) lk;a dkyhu ;ksx d{kk%& lkseokj ls 'kqØokj rd lk;a 5-00 ls 6-00 cts rdwith prizes, cheques and gifts worthRs. 51 lakh.The Best Teacher Award in ISC sectionthis year went to Ms Mudita Kumar, EVSteacher of CMS Kanpur Road while theBest ICSE Teacher Award was bagged byMs Reema Vohra, Computer teacher, CMSAliganj. The mothers of these Best CMSteachers were weighed in fruits andflowers and awarded the title of 'QueenMother' while their fathers were givenShawls of Honour.continued on page 8CMS delegation to the PhilippinesTwo CMS teams of (i) Mahanagar CampusI and (ii) Rajajipuram Campus I will beparticipating in the Asia Inter-cityTeenagers Mathematics Olympiad,AITMO being held in The Philippinesfrom 28 Nov.to 2 Dec.CMS Mahanagar I- Siddharth Gupta,Simran Dixit, Ishu Sahai and Zeeshan Aliwith Mrs Manju Sharma (leader) and MrsSmriti Malhotra (deputy leader).CMS Rajajipuram I-Shafaq Nazeer, RiaSrivastava, Rashmi Singh and Nidhi Singhwith Mrs Geetanjali Bahadur (leader) andMrs Lama Chandra Nigam (deputyleader).Character Building MarchTwo thousand CMS teachers took out agrand 'Religious Unity and CharacterBuilding March' to propagate the messageof non-violence, truth and Ahimsa oflqJh eathr c=k]fizfUliy] lh-,e-,l- xkserh uxjfu%'kqYd ;ksx f'kfoj lh-,e-,l- dh vU; 6 'kk[kkvksa esa Hkh vFkkZr (1) dkuiqj jksM] (2) jktsUnz uxj] (3) jktkthiqje](4) vkj-Mh-,l-vks-] (5) vkuUn uxj ,oa (6) vyhxat 'kk[kkvksa esa Hkh fu;fer :i ls py jgs gSaAFather of the Nation,Mahatma Gandhi on his birthanniversary, 2 October 2009.In this March, all CMSteachers and staff membersdressed in Khadi inspiredothers too to follow theprinciples of MahatmaGandhi. They appealed toothers to follow the path of'World Unity, World Peaceand Unity of Religion'.CMS Bulletin wishes itsreaders a bright andprosperous Diwali andbest of luck for HalfYearly ExaminationsPrice: Re. 1/-Climate change was the theme ofMr M. Sandelands’s talkPostal Regn. GPO/LW/NP-56/2009-11Regn. No. UPENG/2009/28201US Embassy conducts seminar atCMS on climate changeA significant and enlightening seminaron 'Global Climate Change' was organizedat CMS, Gomti Nagar auditorium on 15(1) CMS is the Guinness Books of World Record holder as the world’s largest school by pupils (with 37,000 students on roll now) (2) CMS is the First school of the world to be awardedthe UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2002) and (3) The only school to organise and host 28 international events annually. See http://www.cmseducation.org<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> is theWorld’s Largest <strong>City</strong> <strong>School</strong>with over 37,000 studentsUNESCO<strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong>is the Recipient of the2002-UNESCO Prizefor Peace EducationChief Guest, Mr Desh Deepak Verma, IAS, Chief Secretary, U.P.,Mr. Rajan Shukla, IAS, CMS Founders Mr & Mrs Gandhi andschool children at the Film Festival inaugurationCMS launches Open Education MovementCMS Founder, Mr Jagdish Gandhi proclaimed thebeginning of the historic 'Open EducationMovement (OEM) Technology Platform' which isLooking GlassSeptember by CMS in collaboration withthe US Embassy in which Mr MatthewSandelands, Deputy Counsellor,Environment, Science and Technology,American Embassy, New Delhi was theChief Guest and Speaker. The seminaraimed at making the students aware of thisglobal problem and its plausible solutions.The students gained valuable knowledgeby listening to the informative talk andasking questions on global warming.Around 800 CMS students, teachers andall the Principals of various CMScampuses actively participated in thisSeminar. Continued on page 2Top Russian University awards Doctorate to Mr GandhiMr Jagdish Gandhi, Founder-Manager, CMS is beinghonoured with a Doctorate bythe Bakshir State PedagogicalUniversity (BSPU), Ufa,Russia. He is the first and only Indian tohave been awarded a Doctorate Degreefrom a Russian University.In a letter addressed to Mr. Gandhi,pleasure in informing you that the BoardMembers of Bakshir State PedagogicalUniversity (BSPU), Ufa, Russia haveunanimously decided to honour you withthe Honorary Doctorate Degreeconsidering the fact that you have devoted50 long years to the service of society andhumanity at large in the field of educationand building a world fit for children andgenerations yet-to-be-born.” Mr Gandhi isDr. Assaludin, the Rector of the Universityof Bakshir State Pedagogical University leaving for Russia on 2nd October with(BSPU), Ufa, Russia, stated “We take great Mr Shishir Srivastava, Head, CMS-PDCC.365 days of limitless edutainment — Children’s Film FestivalCMS commenced thecharacter Building Children’sFilm Festival at CapitolCinema Hall on 1 October2009. this film festival willcontinue forever and thestudents, teachers andguardians of Lucknow and itssurrounding areas will enjoyeducational children’s filmseveryday for 365 days andwill obtain the characterbuilding and value basededucation. The children’sFilm Festival organised underthe joint aegis of CMS andChildren’s Film Society of☛☛☛☛Dr Kumaran Mani CEO, Tenth Planet,Chennai conducting the first session of OEMHalf Yearly Exams begin onSeptember 30, 2009.Non violence, character buildingand unity march on October2, 2009 Gandhi Jayanti.Holocaust movie ‘Night and Fog’at CMS Kanpur Roadauditorium on October 2, 2009.International Educational Fest‘Ed Leadership’ by CMSInnovation Department from11 October, 2009India was inaugurated on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti bythe Chief Guest Mr Desh Deepak Verma, IAS, PrincipalSecretary Tax and Registration, U.P. Mr Rajan Shukla,Secretary, Department of Programme Implementation,U.P. presided over the ceremony.a joint venture of the CMS and TenthPlanet, Chennai. Mr Kumaran Mani,CEO, Tenth Planet, Chennai washere on Teachers Day for the whichmarked the launch of the websitejagdishgandhiforworldhappiness.orgwhich heralds this Technology. Thewebsite will bring together studentsof various countries, scientists,leaders, teachers, youth andeducational experts on a commonglobal platform leading to a richeasy exchange of thoughts andideas.Kindly listen everyday toMR JAGDISH GANDHIMorning Transmission1. Aastha TV channel at 4.30 am to4.50 am2. Zee Jagran TV channel at 8.20 amto 8.40 amEvening Transmission1. Local TV channel (CMSActivities)at 6.30 pm to 7.00 pm2. Sadhana TV channel at 7.10 pm to7.30 pm

CMS NEWS — A VISIONARY AT WORK OCTOBER 2009 (2)JAGDISH GANDHI — A VISIONARY AT WORKThe journey of the sound waves in ourcountry has been expansive and trulyremarkable.Radio's latest manifestation hashelped to strengthen the relationshipbetween it and a vast listener base itcaters to. This new avatar is known asthe community radio. No nation canaspire for greater zeniths until it startsmoving on the planks of development.Founders of <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> Lucknow, Mr JagdishGandhi and Dr (Mrs) Bharti Gandhi were fortunate enoughto be entrusted with a responsibility of social development inthe year 2005 by the Government of India. Though the taskseemed mammoth initially, the school, through its radiochannel – CMS community radio 90.4 Mhz– has madepositive and constructive strides in the past four years. Sincethe efforts made were in all earnest and the purpose wasguided by a sincere and vision, the journey is beginning toyield positive results.Over the last four years, CMS Community Radio has laid focus on issues, which are ofdaily concern to a common man. Be it health, employment, food and nutrition, CMSCommunity radio through its team of dedicated and diligent members has addressedthe needs of the people with a wide spectrum of programmes.With two radio stations set up at Gomti Nagar and Kanpur Road branches, thechannel airs four hours original and four hours repeat broadcast from eachTune-in to90.4MHZnow threatened by a Third World War. Thepower of his words has been proved to beweightier than nuclear bombs for it has hadfar-reaching effects on the minds of peopleand led them to give up aims and embraceone another in their arms as brothers of onerace and citizens of One World. Truly is itsaid –"Wars begin in the minds of men and itis in the minds of men that the defences ofpeace must be constructed."Let us peep into the website of MrJagdish Gandhi:CMS has set-up twoEducational FM RadioStations at LucknowCMS Educational FM Radio Stationat CMS, Kanpur Road Branch,CMS Educational FM Radio Stationat Gomti Nagar Branch, which wasstations daily. The transmission from Gomti Nagarbegins from 7 am in the morning and lasts till 11am. Therepeat broadcast from the same station is aired from 3pmto 7pm. From Kanpur Road, the transmission begins at11am and is repeated from 7 pm to11pm. So what are youwaiting for? Tune in your radio sets at the frequency of90.4 Mhz and be a part of the city's only CommunityRadio.CMS Local Channel and Sadhna TVchannel. His spiritual talks are viewed bymillions of his fans who stay glued to thetelevision to hear him.Author of Six Books on Spirituality,World Unity and World PeaceMr. Jagdish Gandhi is the author of sixbooks and his articles on spiritualeducation have been regularly featuring inthe prominent dailies like The Times ofIndia, The Hindustan Times, The Pioneerthand The Rashtriya Sahara. Six booksAs CMS sailed past its 50 year, newauthored by Mr Gandhi are:things started to occur. With the GoldenAVisionary1) Atma ka Paramatma se MilanJubilee Year celebrations underway, thewhole CMS machinery got into action andA visionary and a far-sighted person, (The Unison of Human Soul with the Soulnew projects were announced. The OEMMr Jagdish Gandhi has been building of God)Project was a significant one inbridges of peace across the globe for over 2) Vasudha ek Kutumb (Earth is Onecollaboration with Tenth Planet, Chennai,50 years, he believes in the innate goodness Family)OEM stands for Open Educationof every living being. He is an educationist 3) Chintan (Meditation)Movement. This was a major projectlike no other. His approach to problems 4) Shiksha Parmo Dharma (EducationtheGreatest Religion)encompassing the past 50 years of CMSwhich seem insurmountable is simple buthistory and aimed at providing interneteffective and every action guided by a very 5) Samadhan (Solution)access to every child. When children arestrong sense of divinity and spirituality and 6) Vishva Parivar Hamara Hai (Wholestrong and well educated, the nation ishence his every effort is arrived at world is our family)strong.improving the self and realizing the Speeches on "Social Responsibility of apresence of the Almighty. Mr JagdishA new feature of OEM Project wasModern Institution"Gandhi, through his noble deeds andthe launching of a new website of CMSMr. Jagdish Gandhi has been invitedconduct, has always demonstrated the trustFounder, Mr Jagdish Gandhi. Thison many occasions by many renownedhe has placed in people, displaying thatw e b s i t e i s n a m e dinstitutions like Brahma Kumarihuman generosity that opens up the mindwww.JagdishGandhiforWorldUniversity (Mount. Abu), Symbiosesand heart and so often leads to theHappiness.org. The website which coversInstitute of Management (Pune), Kiroriaccomplishments of major achievementsall three aspects of CMS educationMal College, IIM Management, Lucknow,at the very frontiers of what is possible.namely, Material, Human and DivineThe Jubilee <strong>School</strong> by King Hussein(MHD), presents the complete picture ofThe Founder of the World's largest Foundation, Jordan, Club of Lucknow etc.a man who had changed history by<strong>School</strong>An International Figuremaking education a way of life and aAt a very young age of 23 years Mr. A widely travelled man, Mr. Gandhimission to bring about Divine CivilizationJagdish Gandhi established a school has visited a number of countrieson Earth. It traces the history of a living(CMS) in 1959 to provide "Jai Jagat" based including USA, UK, USSR, Switzerland,legend, Mr Jagdish Gandhi who rose fromquality education to children, with only 5 Sweden, Singapore, Thailand, Norway,a humble background to conquer thestudents. For the past five decades (since Mauritius, Malaysia, Lebanon, Japan,hearts and souls of men and women all1959), <strong>City</strong> <strong>Montessori</strong> <strong>School</strong> (CMS), Italy, Israel, Iran, Hong Kong, Holland,over the world with his soul-stirringLucknow, India, an exclusive school, is Germany, France, Egypt, Denmark,speeches, his humility, his strongsetting new standards in the education ofstCzechoslovakia, Myanmar, Belgium anddetermination, hard work and courage to children in the 21 century. It is the world's Afghanistan. Among the manyraise a voice that represented the largest city-school as per the Guinness international conferences he has attendedaspirations, the beliefs and the hope of all Book of World Records, with 20 campuses are the following. Third Internationalthe 2 billion children of the world for in Lucknow <strong>City</strong> only. It caters to the Conference on Higher Education,safeguarding their future and building an education of over 37,000 students from Lancaster University, UK; the Seventhenvironment of goodwill, peace and <strong>Montessori</strong> to Class IX and XII. It is the Triennial Conference of CISV at Leeds,harmony. The thoughts of this great peace only school to be the recipient of the England the First World Conference onworker, apostle of unity and humanity sail coveted UNESCO Prize for Peace Gifted Children, London; Internationalout far and wide like clouds over Education in the year 2002.Teachers Conference, Nottinghamcontinents and cleans influencing the Talks on TelevisionUniversity, UK; International Teachingcrying humanity that is still feeling the Mr. Jagdish Gandhi speaks regularly Conference at Hong Kong; Culturalpain of having faced 2 world wars and is on several international and national TV Conflict and Asian Community in UK atchannels like Aastha T.V., Zee Jagaran, Leicester University, InternationalTeaching Conference at Paris; Youth forOUR OWN COMMUNITY RADIO @ 90.4 MhzMankind Conference at Chicago, USAandInternational Teaching Conference atR RangeA AwarenessD <strong>Development</strong>I InvolvementO OrganizationContinued from page 1 US Embassy....Addressing the students and teachers, MrMatthew Sandelands said that globalclimate change is one of the majorproblems in the world today and can bestbe tackled by cooperation of all countrieson a global level. He explained severalaspects of this worldwide phenomenon.He opined that Enforceable InternationalLaw and taking the problem to a politicallevel would produce definite results. Onecannot work in isolation. Nationaldisasters and happenings in one place haverepercussions the world over. If there is anenvironmental change in Tokyo, Mumbai,Bangluru or Chicago, it will affect otherHaifa, Israel. Mr. Gandhi also attended theAnthropological Corporation (ABC),Radio in California on his achievementsand success in the field of education.Honorary Doctorate DegreeA Global Educationist, Mr. Gandhihas been working tirelessly for the causeof education, unity and peace for the last5 decades. Recipient of many awards andhonours, Mr. Gandhi's tireless effortswere once again rewarded to him by theBakshir State Pedagogical University(BSPU), Ufa, Russia. In a letter addressedto Mr.Gandhi the Rector of the Universityof Bakshir State Pedagogical University(BSPU), Ufa, Russia, said "We take greatpleasure in informing you that the BoardMembers of Bakshir State PedagogicalUniversity (BSPU), Ufa, Russia haveunanimously decided to honour you withthe Honorary Doctorate Degreeconsidering the fact that you have devoted50 long years to the service of society andhumanity at large in the field of educationand building a world fit for children andgenerations yet-to-be-born”parts of the globe also. The only way tosolve it is to create world wide awarenessand work together on a global scale. Thecountries or individuals, for example,people must be held accountable for thepollution in rivers and other places thataffect human health. The Counsellor ofAmerican Embassy Mr Charlie Setan andCultural Specialist of American CultureCentre Ms Madhuri Sehgal were alsopresent at the Seminar. The seminar cameto a grand closing with the heartfelt voteof thanks by Mr Rishi Khanna, TechnicalHead, CMS World Unity EducationDepartment (WUED) and coordinator ofseminar.Character Building March by CMS teachersOver 3000 teachers and staff ofCMS took out a grand and gigantic'Character Building March' on Teachers'Day, 5 September, calling upon the massesto prepare the future generation to face thechallenges of the 21st century by a processof continuous character formation of theyounger generation by equipping themwith moral, human and divine qualities.The 'Character Building March' by CMSteachers began at Purani Chungi, KanpurRoad and culminated into a huge rally atCMS Kanpur Road auditorium. MrKumaran Mani, CEO, Tenth Planet,Tree Plantation Driveat 'Jai Jagat Park’Chief Guest Mr M.P. Mishra, Secretary, LDAunveils the tree plantation movementA massive tree plantation drive waslaunched at 'Jai Jagat Park' adjacent toCMS Girls Degree College, Kanpur Roadunder the joint aegis of CMS and Lucknow<strong>Development</strong> Authority with a view tocreate an awareness among the publicabout keeping the environment healthy,green and glowing and to commemorateTeachers Day. On this occasion, the ChiefGuest, Mr Mani Prasad Mishra, Secretary,Lucknow <strong>Development</strong> Authority planteda sapling and delivered the message of aGreen Earth, Clean Earth. Educationistsfrom various countries viz. Afghanistan,Nepal, Sri Lanka and various states ofIndia also participated in this campaign.Mr and Mrs Gandhi and their grandsonlead the character building marchChennai was the chief guest on thisoccasion.Some say tackling climate change is too expensive. They are wrong. The opposite is true. We will pay an unacceptable price if we do not act now.– UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

CMS NEWS — CREATIVE TALENTS OCTOBER 2009 (3)PRE-PRIMARY TALENTWe love to draw and colourUmang, Nursery AIndira NagarSparsh, <strong>Montessori</strong> ARajendra Nagar IIAraadhya, Nursery IVChowkTanisha, Kindergarten AAnand NagarSrijan, Kindergarten DStation RoadMahima, Nursery DAliganj Sector OAshmit, KindergartenRajajipuram IIAdrika, <strong>Montessori</strong>Indira NagarShreya, KindergartenRajajipuram IIAman-I, KindergartenRajendra Nagar (III)Vaishnavi, <strong>Montessori</strong> BAnand NagarShara Samdi, Nursery AAsharfabadAnandi, <strong>Montessori</strong> DStation RoadTeesha, KindergartenRajendra Nagar IIIA day in a farmI went to a farmWhere there was so much charmI met a pigSitting among the twingsHe said 'oink' and lay in mud,Which was his cosy bedApeacock sat under a treeWhom I watched with extreme glee.Ducks sat eating worms and ticks.Hens clucked around scolding their chicks.Donkeys brayed, covered in sootOh! the baby donkey looked so cute.I touched her tenderlyAnd she became very friendlyThe flowers danced in the freeze,The cuckoos sang in the treesThe horses made a rusting soundSpread beautifully on the ground.Aday at farm is so greatAll things of nature look so straightWe should love nature and preserve it,It serves us so we should serve it.Aryan Dwivedi, V AAnand NagarGodO God, thank you for this beautiful worldThank you for this wonderful life.O God, thank you for the sun and moonO God, thank you for our lovely parentsO God, thank you for our very good friendsAll those things which help us in hard times.O God, thank you for everything…For they have made my life worthwhile.Shreyansh Srivastava, IV AMahanagar (Campus III)Teacher“Teacher you have given us so muchWith your patient, kind and gentle touch.You taught us how to reason and think,How the heart beats and eyes blink,Why is the sky so blue and the cheeks so pink.Under your guidance we learnt,How to dance and sing,You taught us the values to make ourselves,Good queens and king,But most of al, dear teacher,You made us a good human being'.Deepa Singh, VII AStation RoadBe contentA story is told of a king who went in his garden one morning, andfound everything withering and dying.He asked the 'Oak tree' that stood near the gate what the trouble was.He found it was sick of life and determined to die, just because it was nottall and beautiful like the pine. 'The pine' was disheartened because itcould not bear grapes, like the vine. 'The vine' was going to throw it's lifebecause it could not stand erect and have as fine fruit as 'Peach tree'.'The Geranium was fretting because it was not tall and fragrant likelilac; and so all through the garden. Coming to a 'little daisy', he found its'bright face lifted as cherry as ever. "Well, daisy, my sweetheart, I'm glad;amidst all this discouragement, to find one brave little flower. You do notseem to be the least disheartened.""No, I am not of much account, but I thought if you wanted an oak, or apine, or a peach tree, or a lilac, you would have planted one. But I knew youwanted a daisy,I am determined to be the best little daisy that I can."So, we should learn the great art of doing the best we can, with what wehave, where we are. When we do this, we will either be content with howthings are, or we will have the satisfaction of knowing we have made thembetter.Shivangi Gautam, IXKanpur RoadMahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi, how powerful it seems,For, he is the man of my dreams.He is the father of our Nation,For, he was always ready with full preparation.I would, at last, like to give a salute to him,As without him, we were just like a tyre without rim.Shubham Singh, X BRajendra Nagar (Campus I)True face of this worldThis world is like a mirror, reflecting all you do.If you face it smiling, it will smile back at you.Ilima Majeed, X AStation RoadA peep into the futureAs I slept that chilly night,I slipped into a lovely dream with a delight,At school I was preparing for the model class that day,The wonderful presentations had made my day,Treasures of learning at school are great,Leisures of extra-curriculars are still more great,I was expected to create something newMy dream could lead me to something more than I knew.I dreamt I was at the top of the world,I realised my school had won the heart of the world,For our school is leading a universal education mission,For our school is propagating an international spiritual vision,My dream took me a few years away from now,My dream flew me into the future somehow.Our school had set up on online international teaching setup,Our school was backed by a jaguar supercomputer setup,We had students from around the globeWe had specialized faculty from all over the globe,Children in our school were coming with PC note books,There were no diaries and regular note books.A huge computer configuration was at the main campusA server farm was at our campus,Our school had created an educational search engine,Students all over the world gained from our search engine,Technological advancement had made the big difference,Sustained commitment for decades resulted into the mightydifference.There was once again global applause,Our school had won recognition and applause,God made dreams, so that they can truly go real,And this lovely dream is sure to soon get real!!Eshita, VIIIJopling RoadValue of gamesGames and sports are necessary part of education. The aimof education is physical, mental and moral development of astudent.Health is wealth, is an old saying. The students can buildtheir health and body by playing games which provideexercise in the open and fresh air. We should follow themaxim, “Work while you work, play while you play, that is theway to be happy and gay.”Many schools have no proper arrangement for games.Games should be made compulsory for every student.Students should give due importance to games and sports.Shatakshi Rai, VI CMahanagar (Campus I)^^ek¡**eerk dh gS Nk¡o]vkSj I;kj gS vFkkgAugha lq[k dh dksbZ pkg]rsjk vk¡py csiukgAArsjk izse gS vuUrtSls lkxj dk ugha dksbZ varAoks lksrs le; dh FkiFkikgV]oks yksjh dh xquxqukgVAArsjh xksn dh oks xekZgV]rsjs dneksa dh gj ,d vkgV],s ek¡ rwus eerk jph gS]rsjh ck¡gksa esa u dksbZ deh gSArsjh Å¡xyh idM+ tks pyk gS]ugha HkVdk dksbZ jkLrk gSA;g thou tks rq>ls tqM+k gS]cM+k vVwV ;s fj'rk gSAAlatksyh lqcks/k] 12&chjktsUnz uxj ¼izFke ifjlj½Global WarmingGlobal warming impact is choking every place,Carbon dioxide is released at a great pace.Sulphur dioxide produced is hazardous to humanity,Life has become 'hell' in every city.Antarctica threat is people's fright,Future of generations doesn't seem too bright.Shrubs and grasses all becoming desert,The entire humanity is feeling hurt.Ultra-violet rays are causing skin cancer,People are dying every year in large number.So let us join and take a vow,To stop depletion of ozone layer anyhow!!Ashish Verma, X BMahanagar (Campus III)If those in this August gathering (2009 Summit on Climate Change) do not act on time, all of us would become leaders and citizens of failed states, because we would be failing in our sacred dutyto protect this planet on which we all live. Science leaves us with no choice for inaction now. -- Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

CMS NEWS — OUTPOUR OF TALENTS OCTOBER 2009 (6)Science AwardsSusheem Rastogi and RishabhMehrotra, students of CMS Chowkcampus were awarded the prestigious'Science Awards' for securing highestmarks in Mathematics and ComputerScience by the Science and TechnologyDepartment, UP. While Susheem Rastogiscored highest marks in Mathematics,Rishabh Mehrotra secured the highest inMathematics and Computer Science.Council for Science and Technology, UPhonoured these meritorious students ofCMS with cash prizes and certificate ofappreciation.Music contestThree outstanding students of CMS,Rajajipuram namely Jyoti Saxena, TusharMathur and Tanya Varma won the three firstprizes in inter-school music contestorganized at "Sunmarg Events-2009". JyotiSaxena won the first prize in singing anddancing competition while Tushar Mathurstood first in instrumental music contest andTanya Varma secured first position indancing competition.NTS ScholarshipMayank Rajani, student of ClassIX C Mahanagar III campusqualified the National TalentSearch Scholarship examinationconducted by the NationalCouncil of Education Research andTraining, New Delhi.Unified Cyber OlympiadAyush Priyansh Tripathi and VibhuYadav of CMS Mahanagar securedpositions in the merit list of Unified CyberOlympiad organized at All India level. Thisprestigious competition was organized byUnified Council.National Science OlympiadSomya Tripathi, a student of CMSMahanagar Campus was selectedin All India National ScienceOlympiad. Thousands of studentsfrom various prestigious schoolsof the country had participated in thisnational level competition.Mrs A Gupta and students plant a saplingStudents of CMS Station Road, in theguidance of their Principal, Mrs ArunaGupta, planted trees at Urban FamilyWelfare Centre and Health Post,Two students of CMS, Asharfabadcampus namely Anshuman Mishra andMohd. Faiz Umar won the first prize inDuet Singing Contest at 'Bal Utsav-2009'dedicated to handicapped children. SearchFoundation and Cultural Department ofUP has organized this contest at RaiUmanath Bali Auditorium, Lucknow inwhich the students of several reputedschools had participated.Tree plantation driveDebate contestIshita Thadani and Pushkar P. Goswamiof CMS, Indira Nagar secured the Runner upshield at the All India Frank AnthonyMemorial Debate Championship bringinglaurels to their institution. Around 22contestants comprising 11 teams from toppublic schools had participated in this contestand exhibited their logical abilities andoratory skills. CMS students were full ofconfidence and knowledge outdoing allcompetitors and forging ahead with theirsuperior skills. The debate was held at UnityCollege.Dancing talentsTwo outstanding students of CMS,Rajajipuram namely Suhasi Chowdhary andJaya Chowdhary brought laurels to theinstitution by winning first prizes in an interschooldance competition 'Srijan-2009'organized under the aegis of SunmargEvents. Students of several prestigiousschools participated in this contest. The CMSstudents enthralled the audience with theirgraceful movements and beautifullyexpressed emotions through the universallanguage of music and dance spreadingmagic and winning the hearts of all.New Parents EveningA view of dance item at New Parents EveningThe 'New Parents Evening' of CMS, GomtiNagar campus was organized on 29 August.It was a rare spectacle of music, dance andoratory skills displayed by CMS students onstage. Parents and guardians were delightedto watch their children perform with greatzeal and enthusiasm. Parents were amazed tosee the colourful folk dances and the feelingsof unity in diversity as depicted in the culturalpresentations. The Chief Guest, Mr ChandraPrakash, IAS, Principal Secretary, IT andElectronics lit the sacred lamp of learning toinaugurate the programme.Chhitwapur, Lucknow on 8 September andtook a remarkable initiative to saveenvironment, vowing to take all possibleefforts to protect it. Dr A K Shukla, CMO,Lucknow; Dr Chitra Singh, ACMO,Lucknow and Dr Vandana Verma, AMOIncharge, Chhitwapur were also presentthere to encourage children in the treeplantation drive. Dr A K Shukla, CMOLucknow commended the children for theirnoble efforts and said that plants and trees arethe life and ornaments of earth. He said thatinitiative taken by CMS students willmotivate others and lead towards a safe andhealthy environment.Duet singing contestCMS student for Sudan'sIT networking problemVishwas Singh, an ex-student ofCMS, Rajendra Nagar campus hasbeen especially invited by theSudanese government to undertakethe responsible task of providingInformation Technology (IT) networking inthe African country of Sudan. Recognizingthe brilliance of Vishwas, who very well livesup to his name, which literally means'reliable', the Government of Sudan believesthat he can clearly do away with the ITproblem in the country and build a strongbase of IT networking there. Vishwas Singhhas been especially invited by the SudaneseGovernment to hold the responsible positionof IT Networking Engineer in the Africancountry of Sudan.International Day of PeaceCMS World Unity EducationDepartment celebrated International Dayof Peace (21 September) with great joy andrejoicing at the CMS Head Office. Holdingthe flags of different nations, Mr AnirudhSingh, Head of World Unity EducationDepartment (WUED), Editor Dr PreetiShankar and all members of WUEDprayed for the peace in various countriesand recited the peace slogan "May PeacePrevail on Earth."A flavour of journalism was in the air whenMr Rohit Gandhi, InternationalCorrespondent, Canadian BroadcastingCorporation and former Producer, CNN, metthe students of CMS, at the Sunday Seminarorganized by World Unity EducationDepartment at CMS Gomti Nagarauditorium on 30 August. Mr Gandhi wasthere to apprise the students of the intricaciesof the field of journalism. Mr Rohit Gandhitalked to the students about his experienceswhen he was assigned to cover theAfghanistan war and the capture of SaddamHussein in Iraq. Mr Rohit Gandhi is aninternational correspondent who reports forvarious Canadian stations from across SouthTae kwon do championshipTwo outstanding students of CMSAsharfabad campus namely Rishabh Shuklaand Aditi Shukla won two gold medals at the27th sub-junior district taekwondochampionship organized by TaekwondoAssociation of Lucknow. Rishabh and Aditispread magic by pouring out their talent insports and astonishing the viewers in heavyweight and fly weight categoriesrespectively. Students of various prestigiousschools and colleges participated in thiscontest and displayed their talents.Global Vote for Rights of the ChildStudents exercising their right to vote'Global Vote-2009' was convened with theassistance of CMS for safeguarding theChild Rights in approximately 4000 schoolsacross the nation. Children from 10 to 17years of age cast their vote to select acandidate for 'World Children's Prize forRights of the Child (WCPRC)'. Children'sNational Cyber OlympiadFour students of CMS, Mahanagarnamely Saurabh Sonkar, Aman Agarwal,Prabal Gangwal and Arjun Agarwalsecured places in National CyberOlympiad merit list. Students of severalrenowned schools had participated inthiscontest organized by ScienceOlympiad Foundation, New Delhi.World, an NGO of Sweden organizes thisGlobal Vote every year to teach children theirrights, democracy and global brotherhood inwhich approximately 22 million childrenfrom 94 countries participate. This year theprize will be given for the tenth yearconsecutively. Children who can participatein Global Vote, apart from school children,are roadside children, orphans who have losttheir parents in genocide orAsian Tsunami orliving in a dictatorial country. These childrenwill use their vote to select 'The DecadeChild Rights Hero' through the WorldChildren's Prize' and the award for them willbe one million Swedish currency (US dollar125000). The award money will be utilizedto promote the welfare schemes for children.CMS PDCC Deptt. is the coordinating centrefor WCPRC in India.Students get tips on journalism at Sunday SeminarRenowned Journalist Mr Rohit Gandhi at theSeminarAsia. He was stationed in Delhi as CNN'sproducer for six years. A veteran journalist,he has been responsible for the coverage ofseveral conflicts, wars and disasters aroundthe world. His coverage of the South AsianTsunami and its ravages in Sri Lanka earnedhim the prestigious DuPontAward. In a bid tofurther impart the necessary training to theyounger lot, Mr Gandhi has started the SouthAsian <strong>School</strong> of Broadcast Journalism whichprepares graduates for entry level position innewsrooms and offers a solid grounding inthe basic tools and practices of print,broadcast and on-line journalism.Earlier in the seminar, Dr PreetiShankar, Chief Editor, CMS, presented adetailed account of values of waterconservation. She stressed on the truth thatwe waste a lot of water. Such wastefulexpenditure should be avoided at all costs orelse it could prove to be detrimental to thesurvival of life on earth. After all, it is thepresence of water on earth that makes itdifferent from the rest of the planets in thesolar system. Water is the base of all life. It isonly by virtue of the presence of water onearth that makes life possible on earth.Individuals, communities and nations that operate only on self interest shall fail to understand that environmental forces have limits and transcend borders on a map…we have immeasurable capacity to learn from our errors, and to improve and edify the human condition. --Mr Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

CMS NEWS — GLOBAL TIE OCTOBER 2009 (7)Global TIE- The International Conference on Global Trends andInnovations in Education organized by CMS RajajpuramMr Jayant Krishna, Chief Consultant, TCSdeclares the Global TIE openRenowned educationists andexperts gathered at CMS Kanpur Roadauditorium to participate in GlobalTIE-2009, the 4-day 4th InternationalConference on Global Trends andInnovations in Education from SriLanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepaland various parts of India opined thatthe only way to bring about WorldUnity and World Peace is throughmeaningful education. 'Global TIE-2009' was organized by CMSRajajipuram campus from 1 to 4September 2009. Over 250 renownededucational experts assembled here fromIndia and abroad agreed that it is the primeduty of teachers today that they educateMr C. Mcfarland, HOD, English, LCC,addressing the participantsthe pupils not only in the three R's-Reading Writing and Arithmetic and givethem knowledge about their prescribedsubjects, but they must also impart humanand spiritual values to the children so thatthey create a new world of happiness andpeace in coming years. Global TIE is aunique international convention in whicheducationists from far and near gathertogether on a global platform to deliberateand ponder on global education and thestructure of education. At this globalNews from CMS CampusesHamza Kirmani ofclass XI-A andMayank Juneja ofclass X-A won thesecond prize in Frank Anthony Memorialdebate competition organized by AISCEat St. Peter's College,Agra.Khushpreet Saluja ofclass XI-E2 won the third prizein the second round of regionalthlevel Declamation contest held on 24August at Methodist High <strong>School</strong>,Kanpur on the topic. 'I have a dream byMartin Luther'. Earlier in the first roundstof the contest held on 31 July for UP andUttrakhand Zone at Riverside Academy,Lucknow, Khushpreet and HamzaKirmani of class X-A had won thesecond prize.Mona Singh of class XII-B won thethird prize and Mayank Juneja of classX-A won the second prize in Bharat Jyotidebate competition organized by BharatJyoti at Cathedral <strong>School</strong> on 13August.platform the educationists exchange theirthoughts and ideas on education with theaim that students all over the world arebenefitted. Senior Principal of CMSRajajipuram, Mrs Deepika Watal was theconvener of Global TIE.The four-day event was formallyinaugurated on 1 September by Mr JayantKrishna, Chief Consultant, TataConsultancy Services by lighting thelamp of learning at a glittering inauguralceremony organized at CMS Kanpur Roadauditorium. CMS students presentedcolourful educational-cultural itemsdisplaying splendid glimpses of IndianParticipants listen attentively to the need for saving the environment on last day of Global TIEculture and traditions and won the hearts ofeducators arrived from Sri Lanka, Nepal,Afghanistan and various states of India onthe occasion. Addressing the hugegathering of educationists on thisoccasion, Mr Jayant Krishna said thattoday human kind is getting closer due tothe progress in communication likeinternet, tele-conferencing, email andothers. We can expedite this process andrealize the concept of VasudhaivKutumbkam by inculcating the concept ofGlobal TIE but it requires meaningfuleducation which can develop a globaloutlook amongst students, so that theyounger generation can be developed asbalanced world citizens by beingempowered with material, social anddivine education.The teachers and principals fromaround the globe expressed their views onnew educational methods and techniquesthrough paper presentations, multimediaand group discussions. Renownededucationist, Dr C. J. Joseph conducted aKANPUR ROADPrasoon Trivedi andSiddharth Singh ofclass X won the thirdprize in Reflections2009 organized by CMS Rajendra Nagar(II).Hamza Kirmani and VirajSahai of class X won the secondprize in PowerPoint presentationat the InternationalBiotechnology Olympiad, Quest2009 organized by CMS Rajendra Nagar(I)Students of the campus won manyprizes in Info Bazaar organized by AkashInstitute on 11 and 12 September atCathedral <strong>School</strong>. Kumar Shardul andViraj Sahai won the first prize in quiz,Bhavyanshu and Viraj won the third prizein Ad-Mad, juniors' group comprisingKuhu Gupta, Alluvira Kalyani, Viraj Sahaiand Siddharth Singh won the third prize inSeminar, of which the best speaker awardwas won by Siddharth Singh and theseniors' group comprising Chahak Sethi,Kumar Shardul, Sankhya Singh andBhavyanshu won the fourth prize in theseminar.workshop on 'Role and Functions of schoolPrincipals' in which he taught thePrincipals the qualities to become anexpert executive. Dr Joseph said that thePrincipals should play the role of CEO i.e.,Chief Executive Officer. Explaining hispoints Dr Joseph said that besides being aplanner and organizer, a Principal shouldalso act as a caretaker, maintainer andundertaker. Dr Joseph said that besidesacademic excellence, students should alsohave some other traits like communicationskills, interpersonal skills, socialleadership, decision making, emotionalpoise, openness and sensitivity.Founder of CMS Mr Jagdish Gandhidelivered a special lecture on '<strong>School</strong> is thelighthouse of Society'. Addressing thefamous educationists of the world he saidthat the classroom is a room with fourwalls and tomorrow inside. As teachers,we must implant the seeds of goodcharacter in the children at an early age sothat a balanced development of physical,mental and spiritual aspects takes place. Infuture, the child will become a selfmotivated agent of profound socialchange. He said that the child does notonly learn in the class but also participatesin curriculum development and decidesthe content of education. The teacher onlyacts as a friend, philosopher and guide.Well-known educationist Mr CarlyleMcFarland, HOD (English) LucknowChristian College conducted a workshopon 'Preparation of Students beyondacademics' giving important informationto educators coming from all parts ofworld. Mr Carlyle McFarland said thatacademic knowledge fails to bring out theGOMTI NAGARthEid was celebrated on the 16 of September2009 at the campus with great enthusiasm.Children looked cute dressed in white kurtapyjama. Teachers gave a warm welcome totheir students in the classes. The teachers intheir respective classes told them about thefestival. At 9.20 am, children lined upsmartly in the corridor to proceed towardsthe auditorium for a special assembly. Thestudents of K.G. section beautifullyconducted the assembly. It started with theprayer and the pledge followed by the dateand thought for the day. Each childconfidently spoke few lines about Eidcelebration. The program concluded with ahappy Eid Song. The teachers made thechildren share the sewai brought by themuslim students of their class. Duringdispersal, children went home in a cheerfulmood.STATION ROADMr Dinesh Garg, themathematics teacher of thecampus was honoured by theRotary Club of Lucknow onTeachers Day for his exemplaryservices as a mathematics teacher.Participants of Global TIE stand upfor World Unitywisdom of children completely as theyhave much more intellect. He said that thechildren with more energy should be taughtpractically. He added that naturalisticknowledge, visual-spatial, music andmany more things are available to teachchildren in a better way.In a World Unity and EducationDepartment's (WUED) presentation on'Practical Work Conducted by CMS,'Head of WUED, Mr Anirudh Singhexplained the details of variousprogrammes and events conducted byCMS to promote World Peace and WorldUnity to the educators. He said that for thepast 50 years, CMS has been impartingacademic education to children and alsoEducationists participating in Global TIEhave a talk with a CMS studentendeavouring hard to make them worldcitizens by way of organizing variousevents and through various of its uniqueconcepts like All Religion Prayer, WorldPeace Prayer, Aao Dosti Karein, WorldUnity and Peace Marches, World JudiciarySummits, Music and Sports for Peace andmany more. These activities have enabledCMS students to grow up as World citizensand are spreading the message of'Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam' in the entireworld.JOPLING ROADStudents of the campus participated invarious competitions and won prizes atththe 7 National Book Fair held from 11 to20 September. Ridam Dubey won thefirst prize in letter writing. Ankit Joshiand Aman Awasthi won the first andsecond prize respectively in ShankhVadan, Gyanendra won the second prizein mimicry, Abha Singh won the secondprize in dance, Ridam Dubey andAbhinav Mishra won the third prize inShankh Vandan and Satakshi Duebywon the third prize in letter writingKaramchari Diwas was celebrated atthe campus on 9 September to recognisethe valuable work done by the menialsstaff. Satakshi Dubey of class VIIIextended a warm welcome to all theKaramcharis on behalf of the school.Principal, Mrs Manju Nautiyal gave awayattractive gifts to each one of them andspoke about their valuable contributionsand importance of their presence in theschool. She asked the children to respectand honour their work. Mrs Jahan, theHindi teacher proposed the vote of thanks.It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.--Mahatma Gandhi

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