The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage

The Hub Conservation Area - Montanans 4 Safe Wildlife Passage


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Within the Mt. Haggin WMA, there is a criticalelk winter range in the Fairmont area and NortonCreek area (just west of Ramsey).Moose: <strong>The</strong> Mt. Haggin WMA east of the ContinentalDivide is critical winter range, and providesyear-round habitat. Mill Creek is also veryimportant moose winter range, especially in thelower drainages, as are the Cabbage Gulch, GermanGulch, and Willow Creek areas of the Mt.Haggin WMA. Moose cross I-15 to move betweenthe Fleecer WMA and the Highlands and are alsofound around Georgetown Lake.Pronghorn migrate from winter range nearBannock Dam and the Big Hole River to summerin Mt. Haggin WMA. Additionally, a herd of approximately60 pronghorn live in the Gregsonand Fairmont Hot Springs area and move as faras the Fleecer WMA and Divide area to winter,while another herd stays in the Fleecer WMAyear-round.<strong>The</strong> Lost Creek bighorn sheep herd lives in theAnaconda area. <strong>The</strong> herd appears to be recoveringfrom a prior die-off. It moves betweenthe southern end of the Flint Creek Range, theAnaconda-Pintlers, and west to Rock Creek. <strong>The</strong>West Valley/Lost Creek/Hearst Lake corridor istheir core habitat and winter range. <strong>The</strong> herdmoves across State Road 1 to the Mill Creek areanear West Valley. <strong>The</strong>re is some interchangebetween the Lost Creek herd and the Garrisonbighorn sheep herd.Wolverines exist in the Fleecer linkage, andhave been trapped in Fishtrap Creek, SeymourCreek, and Mill Creek. Wolverine movementcould happen anywhere within the linkage.Due to persistent spring snow, the spine of themountains between Flint Creek and the BeaverheadMountains may be key environment.Grizzly: <strong>The</strong> Fleecer linkage area is very goodgrizzly bear habitat with berry crops and standsof whitebark pine for food sources. Unconfirmedgrizzly bear sightings have occurred inseveral locations throughout this linkage area.A grizzly bear was poached in 2005 in the MillCreek-Joiner Gulch drainage, and was identifiedas a five year old male Northern ContinentalDivide bear by genetic analysis. <strong>The</strong> area betweenGeorgetown and Anaconda is particularly96good [potential] habitat for a variety of wildlife,including grizzly bears, lynx and elk. <strong>The</strong>re aremany black bears in this linkage area.Wolves move throughout the Fleecer linkage.Packs have been surviving within the area longerthan two years due to large numbers of overwintering elk and large areas of protected habitatadjacent to the linkage. <strong>The</strong>re are severalconfirmed breeding packs in this area.<strong>Conservation</strong> ThreatsForest succession and climate change willaffect the quality of habitat for mountaingoats and other species. <strong>The</strong> mountainpine beetle is causing massive mortality oflodgepole pine in this area.Development: <strong>The</strong> Georgetown Lake, WiseRiver ski area, Fleecer area, Fishtrap,West Valley, and Mill Creek/ Highway274 area of this corridor are becomingincreasing developed both residentially andrecreationally, and especially on private landsadjacent to the WMA’s and in the Buxton area.Any land management actions or developmentthat affects ungulate populations are likely toaffect wolverine and wolf populations as well.Due to hunting pressure and otherenvironmental factors, moose populationsappear to be declining in this area.Fencing is an issue for pronghorn between theDivide and Fairmont Hot Springs area.Disease transmission: <strong>The</strong> existence ofmany domestic sheep in the AnacondaValley increases the risk of deadly diseasetransmission to wild sheep herds.<strong>Conservation</strong> OpportunitiesThis linkage area has great portion of landin public ownership, with large contiguousblocks of prime wildlife habitat nearby. Thus,the public commenting process in resourcemanagement plans, forest travel plans,and forest management plans should focuson considerations for wildlife connectivity.Over 10,000 acres of private land are underconsideration for a conservation purchase.Montana Fish, <strong>Wildlife</strong> and Parks have

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